Ph.D. in Economics
Dovgan Ludmila, Sharina A.
National Technical University of Ukraine 'Kyiv Polytechnic Institute'



Introduction. The formation of the new economy marks the third appreciating economic revolution in history after the agrarian and industrial. In the new economy become especially important in information, communication, strategic vision and organizational culture shape the competitive advantage, and there are active organizations involved in research or scientific activity.

Globalization and increased competition contributed to changing traditional strategic paradigms. Because not only competitive, but also the company's survival in a changing world depends on its ability to constantly update special importance innovation strategy. Becoming a critically important element of overall organizational strategy, it has to link the priorities for future development to the level of its innovation potential, make a new production and quality control the main instrument for achieving the goal of the company.

In these conditions, increasing relevance to the issues of development of the mechanism design and implementation of innovative strategies based on the experience of the world's leading companies, but taking into account national peculiarities.

Analysis of basic research. Many scientists have researched issues related to the development and implementation of innovative enterprise strategy as an instrument of recovery, development of domestic economy and more. Among them: Genyk A., M. Danko, Maevskyy V., B. Paton, Fisun AO, Butnik - Seversky OB, Krasovska AG, I. Bulkin, Dombrowski OG , Shkarlet SM, Kulinich TN [3,7,8,1].

Problem statement. At the current phase of the industrial enterprises of Ukraine is critical for sustainable economic growth in the long run. To achieve this goal is possible using a strategic management, market-oriented. The skill to organize the management processes within the company and outside, so that was probably predict demand and ensure its competitive products, depends on achieving the strategic goal of enterprise and its effective development. Significant impact on this practice makes involvement in business innovation through the development and implementation of innovative strategies.

The basic material and results. Choice of strategy is key for innovation. The firm may be in crisis if not able to anticipate changing circumstances and respond to them in time. The choice of strategy is an essential part of innovation management cycle. In a market economy, the head enough to have a good product, it should closely follow the emergence of new technologies and plan their implementation in your firm to keep pace with competitors. Clear strategy is important to promote innovation [4].

Strategy - a comprehensive plan that directs the organization is to present and the future. Innovation strategy - a means of achieving the objectives of the organization that is different from other means of novelty, especially for the organization, the industry market, consumers as a whole [10].

It should be noted that any strategic steps organizations are innovative because they are somehow based on innovations in the economic, production, sales or administrative fields. Thus, the strategy envisages the development of sustainable rates of growth and its functioning in the long term and based on the use of scientific and technical achievements in technology, organization, technology, management, ie, complex innovations.

However, in order to plan appropriate strategies of innovation processes of innovation considered separately. The strategy of innovation (innovation policy) will combine the objectives of technical policy and investment and aims to introduce new technologies and products and services [6].

This innovative strategy is the foundation of modern innovation management in a constantly changing environment.

In general, the development of innovative domestic industry can be assessed in terms of innovation. Innovation is the result of intellectual work, her creative process, discovery, invention and rationalization in the form of new or different from previous projects. Innovations are characterized by the introduction of fundamentally new to the market (significantly improved) products (services) of intellectual work, which have a high technological potential, new consumer features. Innovation - not every innovation or innovation, but this, greatly improves the efficiency of system, production of the product.

Developing innovative strategies strategy entails ¬ Government, tasks (goals), assessment of opportunities and resources for their use, analysis of alternatives, preparation of specific programs, projects, budgets, assessment of strengths and weaknesses of activities of subjects including selected goals.

The sequence of steps to develop a strategy as follows:

1. Stage of development goals:

2. Stages of strategic analysis:

3. Phase selection of innovative strategies:

4. Stages of the innovation strategy:

Let`s analyze the Ukrainian innovative enterprises.

Table 1

Introduction of innovations in industrial enterprises of Ukraine


The share of firms that introduced innovations,%

The share of sales of innovative products in the volume of industrial,%

Commercialized innovative products, name

Introduced new process technology


Of these new types of technology


Including low-waste, resource.




































The data show that the share of domestic firms that introduced innovations is negligible. The share of sales of innovative products in total output during the 2005-2009 biennium does not exceed 12%. Is negative and reduce the share of firms that introduced innovations during the period analyzed in.

The growth of low-waste and resource industry provides lower production costs and, consequently, improves the competitiveness of domestic industry both in domestic and foreign markets.

Ukraine has powerful scientific potential, but the crisis led to the loss of demand for scientific production in the domestic market, due to falling overall level of investment, growth of debt and reorientation of economic activity in the real sector of the Gaza Centre for rapid return on invested capital. Today, over 90% of products manufactured in Ukraine, has not been scientific and technical support. The global market share of the national innovation of high technology products is only 0,1% [5, p. 110].

It is difficult to assess and processes implemented in industrial and technological spheres of industry. The share of obsolete equipment in some industries is 60-70%. Our engineering does not provide adequate rates of renewal of fixed assets. In industries dominated by backward technology, leading to unnecessarily high consumption of materials and energy, which is 4-5 times higher than in European countries [1, sec. 14].

Out of crisis and reorientation of the economy to sustainable development is possible only if large-scale implementation project. And strategic guidance for this task can be identified: increasing profitability of the enterprise, increase the cost of the enterprise market, increase liquidity, reduce risk activity.

Conclusions. First you say that should stimulate the development of innovative activity in the Ukraine. This option requires the formation of enterprises in economic need for innovation, creating a favorable climate for innovation and market innovation. During the study the current state of innovation as it was determined that the reason that not all of the companies who have engaged in innovative activities this strategy, as it is, so to speak - a luxury. This is due to the presence of this strategy involves the fact that the company should be in a stable and controlled conditions. But others have to adapt.

Proceeding from the perspective of this article note that achieving the strategic goal of industrial enterprises of Ukraine in today's difficult conditions of their operation contributes to the creation of innovative strategies. Innovative base strategy would allow to develop appropriate innovative potential by means of which are innovative functional strategies. Innovation should cover all enterprises in the system of strategic management. This should enhance the competitiveness of its products and sustainable development in the long run.


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