Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko


Differentiation of the Labour Legislation as a Problem Direction of Realisation of a Principle of Unity and Differentiation of Legal Regulation of Labour Relations


Results spent by the author of the given publication of researches [1-7] became the basis for following conclusions and generalisations. Problem for today there is a terminological aspect of a question on essence and spheres of display of differentiation of legal regulation in system of the labour law. Some researchers use, unlike others which write about «subjective», such name (definition), as «subject» differentiation. There are also other disputable approaches in this sphere. As a whole, application of any of terminological approaches existing in the doctrine during classification and the characteristic of the bases (criteria) of realisation of differentiation of legal regulation as a whole is admissible, however, here it is necessary to pay attention to some moments. Differentiation of the labour legislation are the differences established by the state in the maintenance and volume of the rights and duties of subjects of labour relations on the certain bases. Therefore more expedient, considering necessity of application uniform by the nature, essence of the general basis of classification of the phenomenon of differentiation of legal regulation, we see use, in particular, such criterion, as «subjestive-objective» differentiation. Use of such criterion, as «subject», i.e. on a circle of persons (categories of workers), the differentiation obviously assumes application of its «antipode» – «objective» differentiation. Last approach, in our opinion, considering available in practice on law application of the form of displays of differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations, is not represented successful (informative, substantial). Therefore use by researchers of «objectively-subject» criterion with a view of the analysis of directions of differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations it is seen inexpedient, it is illogical. Is subject to «updating» and the approach offered in the modern branch doctrine according to which it is offered to divide norms into «general» and «special», proceeding from a principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of work. In general such substantial correlation, really, exists, but, we think, that all the same, the designated rules of law, their these or those versions should be considered conceptually not as the «derivative» phenomenon which follows from the characteristic of the maintenance of the specified branch principle of the labour law (under such circumstances designated principle and the specified norms, as though, differ structurally, considered as separate legal phenomena, etc.) And recognising that the designated norms are necessary means of its (principle) of practical realisation that is why are structurally absorbed by the maintenance characteristic labour-legal principle of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of working conditions. Without use as the general, and special norms, to be exact – their optimum combination in activity on law application, the specified branch principle in general loses sense, the status, and it display in out of becomes impossible. It is impossible to agree completely also, at least from a position of «terminological cleanliness», and with the approach existing in a science according to which the «subjective» bases of differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations concern «sexual-age and physiological features of an organism of the worker: work of women, youth work, work of invalids». Use in this context of such name of group of the bases of differentiation as «subjective», not absolutely answers the maintenance resulted by adherents of the approach of classification group.

In a science of the labour law that circumstance is conventional, that at the heart of differentiation of legal regulation of work the objective and subjective bases lay. However, such classification does not maintain more detailed, profound critical analysis. It is thought, time has come to refuse last, and, especially, – recognitions of such classification as «conventional». More successful (first of all if we to start with logic and, accordingly, terminological positions) we see the approach according to which exists three directions of differentiation which depend from: 1) character and features of manufacture (branch, interbranch and local differentiation); 2) sexual, age and other features of workers (subject differentiation); 3) sites of the enterprises, establishments, the organisations (territorial differentiation). All these three factors also define requirement for acceptance of the special norms regulating features of labour relations of civil servants, judges, public prosecutors workers, medical workers, educators, the persons who have not reached majority, women, invalids, the workers, combining work with training, etc. Last approach to classification of the bases of differentiation of legal regulation of conditions of wage labour, irrespective of sphere of its appendix, it is represented to us logically most-terminologically verified, successful and having methodological value at the present stage of development branch labour-legal sciences. The further research of problems of realisation of branch principles of the labour law as a whole and a principle of a combination of unity and differentiation of labour relations in particular assumes correct interpretation of essence of such key concept, as «differentiation», explanation of its role and value in system of branch principles and the mechanism of their practical realisation. The analysis of spheres of application, the bases and forms of display of a phenomenon of differentiation in system of the labour law testifies to necessity of specification available in a science numerous, but not always the perfect, terminological approaches to definition of its criteria (bases). The permission of problems existing in this sphere promotes increase of level of efficiency of the mechanism of legal regulation of socially-labour relations.


1.    Лавріненко О.В. Проблеми доктринальної систематизації підстав диференціації правового регулювання трудових відносин: термінологічний аспект // Вісник Донецького національного університету. – 2009. – Вип. 1. – Т. 2. – С. 498–507.

2.    Лавріненко О.В. Феномен єдності і диференціації в системі правового регулювання соціально–трудових відносин: філософсько–правові та теоретико–методологічні аспекти // Південноукраїнський правничий часопис. – 2009. – №1. – С. 104–113.

3.    Лавріненко О.В. Принцип єдності й диференціації правового регулювання соціально–трудових відносин у системі галузевих принципів трудового права України: монографія. – Донецьк: Донецький юридичний інститут ЛДУВС ім. Е.О. Дідоренка, 2010. – 358 с.

4.    Лавріненко О.В. Місце принципу єдності й диференціації правового регулювання соціально–трудових відносин в структурі загальної системи права, його роль в процесах систематизації галузевих принципів та проблемні аспекти характеристики його співвідношення з методом трудового права [Електронний ресурс] // Форум права. – 2010. – №2. – С. 231–248. – Режим доступу:–2/10lovmtp.pdf.

5.    Лавриненко О.В. Понятие и виды дифференциации правового регулирования социально–трудовых отношений (вопросы теории) // Известия Гомельского государственного университета имени Франциска Скорины. – 2010. – №1. – С. 70–75.

6.    Лавріненко О.В. Спеціальні норми як засоби реалізації принципу єдності й диференціації правового регулювання трудових відносин (дискусійні питання теорії) // Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ ім. Е.О. Дідоренка. – 2010. – Вип. 2. – С. 189–198.

7.    Лавриненко О.В. Проблемы терминизации средств, уровни и сферы реализации принципа единства и дифференциации правового регулирования трудовых отношений [Електронний ресурс] // Форум права. – 2010. – №4. – С. 559–565. – Режим доступу:–journals/FP/2010–4/10lovrto.pdf.