Òåõíè÷åñêèå íàóêè/12. Àâòîìàòèçèðîâàííûå ñèñòåìû óïðàâëåíèÿ íà ïðîèçâîäñòâå


Mohammad Dgavad Sharbatian, candidate Technical of Science,

Vladimir Svyatoslavovich Bogushevsky, Doctor Technical of Science,

Victoria Suhenko, post-graduate student

National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"



       The main problems, that are solved by control system of converters of                      350-tonnes capacity. The two-stage process of preparing input data and the procedure of solving the management problem are discussed. The structure of computer system for control system is stated.

       Keywords: oxygen-converter, control system, sample melting, model, static control.

Recently in the range of steel grades melted in the converter plants there are quality and high-quality ones with sulfur content of 0,004…0,020 % only. At that the requirements to the technology process performance are raised, and it is impossible to meet them without automatic control.

       In the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Research and Production Corporation, a control system for oxygen-converter process for 350 t-converters has been developed, which is intended for functioning in the information-and-advising mode when technical means produce and give to the operating personnel the information including control parameters of the process. The system provides for a possibility to affect on the drives of oxygen lances, blowing consumption valves and to form a task for program controlling of dosing friable materials and ferroalloys by means of giving settings into the local systems of control and regulation of lance position, consumption of oxygen, friable materials and ferroalloys. The system allows to control melt blowing by parameters of exit gases including last minutes of blowing (to 2,5 min) using information about temperature and carbon content of the melt or by temperature only without blowing interrupt (from the Quik-Tap system).

Control by "sample" melting is the base of a mathematical description of the oxygen-converter process. It provides for that under the same initial (chemical composition and temperature of cast iron, cast iron mass, mass and type of scrap, duration of converter idle time, number N of melting on lining) and final conditions (preset chemical composition and temperature of metal and slag defined by the grade of steel to be melted and blowing regime) the control parameters (blowing supply intensity, distance between the lance nozzle and killed metal level, mass and time of friable materials supply) would be the same as at the "sample" melting [1]. Melting is referred to as "sample" one when there was no disturbance in the process regime and the first turndown gives positive result.

For this purpose at the first stage the melting filtration is performed in the respect with the following criteria of data adequacy:

         Cast iron temperature, 0Ñ ……..................................................  1200 - 1400;

         Mass of scrap, t ………...............................................................      40 - 100;

         Total oxygen rate, m3 .......…...............…………..................  14000 - 20000;

         Mass of cast iron, t .....................................................................     270 - 320;

         Blowing time, min ………...............................................................    12 - 16;

         Discontinuing of blowing  .....................................................……….   absent;

         Melt tapping, min ..…………...............................................................     4 - 8;

         Total lime rate, t …………..................................…………..............   13 - 40;

         Total limestone rate, t ……………..…....................………….........      0 - 5;

         Total fluorite rate, t ……..………………….......…………..........      0 - 1,5;

         Final blowing...............................................................….........……..   absent.

Then the meltings are divided into classes in the respect with the criteria of closeness.

To reduce a number of classes the criteria of melting closeness are chosen sufficiently large, for example content of silicon and manganese in the cast iron  is 0,3 %, mass of cast iron and scrap - 5 t, cast iron temperature - 25 ÎÑ, steel temperature - 10 ÎÑ.   To refine the prediction model for meltings relating by criterion of closeness to the same class a divergence of concrete melting parameters from chosen "sample" melting in the class is taken into account and then recalculation is executed [2].

The model includes calculation of melt blending - recommended mass of cast iron and scrap on the melting (by thermal balance), static control, final melting after intermediate measuring of carbon content and bath temperature without blowing interrupt and calculation of deoxidizers.

Static control provides for the calculation of blowing volume, total mass of lime, fluorite and coolant (if need) on the melting with dopant distribution. To provide for the identical conditions of blowing the preset blowing regime is calculated which is determined by ratio of blowing supply intensity to the distance of lance nozzle to level of killed metal. Criterion of closeness for blowing supply intensity makes 50 m3/min and for lance position - 50 mm. 

Dopant distribution in friable materials is carried out depending on the initial conditions. Temperature regime at the blowing beginning is determined by amount of heat accumulated by the converter lining and used on scrap melting. At N>15 and scrap of high or middle volume weight 40 % of the total lime mass on melting determined at static calculation is given for scrap, the rest by means of equal additions is introduced at (t* + 1)- and (t* + 4)-th minutes of blowing, where  t* - time from the beginning to the first change of the lance position (finish of slag forming period), min. Limestone is introduced by means of additions of 0.5 t at            (t* + 5)-, (t* + 6)-,¼,   (t* + 4 + ïls)-th minutes. Here ïls - is number of limestone additions determined with rounding to the nearest integral number by formula:

                                      ïls = (òls - 0,5)/0,5..                                         (1)

At N >15 and scrap of low weight during blowing lime is introduced by means of three equal additions at the first, (t* + 4)-  and (t* + 6)-th minutes of blowing, limestone is introduced by equal additions of 0,5 t at each minute starting from                   (t* + 7)-th. At that if the number of limestone additions exceeds maximal value                                             

                                ïls.max = 15 - (t* + 7) - 1,                                       (2)

it is introduced by equal additions which volume is determined by the ratio

                                              òls.add.= (òls - 0,5)/ ïls.max,                                (3)

where  òls.add - mass of limestone in addition, t. 

At N£15 and scrap of any weight during blowing lime is introduced by three equal additions at the first, (t* + 6)- and (t* + 8)-th minutes, and limestone is introduced by two equal additions at the (t* + 9)- and (t* + 10)-th minutes of blowing. 

In the case when melting does not relate to some class (for example at the melting of new grade of steel) the calculation is carried out as for the last carried melting.  

In the blowing process carbon content and bath temperature are continuously calculated on the base of information about composition of exit gases, blowing rate, distance between the lance nozzle and killed metal level, mass of slag-forming and cooling materials.  Calculated values of the parameters are used to determine the moment of intermediate measuring of carbon content and bath temperature without blowing interrupt (Quik-Tap).

The final melting is calculated in two stages. At the first stage the qualitative characteristics of control actions for the final melting regime are determined in the respect with the "sample" melting which are necessity of final blowing performance, lance position (final blowing with raised lance or with lance in normal position), introduction of coolants. At the second stage of the final melting control organization the quantitative characteristics are calculated such as volume of oxygen, coolant rate.

The automatic control system comprises:

-  network concentrator;

- automated work places (AWP) - converter work stations located in the main control posts;

- AWP of converter division foreman - work station of platform.

At the converter AWP it is calculated the recommended total blowing volume, mass of lime, limestone and fluorite on the melting, preset blowing regime, determination of mass and introduction time of separate additions of friable materials, changing of blowing rate and lance position with transfer of corresponding settings into local systems including calculation on the base of results of intermediate measuring of bath parameters without blowing interrupt.

At the foreman AWP melting blending for each converter is carried out, these are - recommended mass of cast iron and scrap on the melting according to the steel grade, determination of mass and sequence of ferroalloys introduction with transfer of corresponding settings in the local system of ferroalloys supply.

The network concentrator provides for interaction of separate system AWPs, their connection with plant AWP of the charge division, express-laboratory, subsystem of information collection and local systems for control of lance position, oxygen rate, friable materials and deoxidizers supply.  



1. Â.Ñ.Áîãó­øåâñêèé, Ã.Ã..Ãðàáîâñêèé, Í.Ñ.Öåðêîâíèöêèé, Ì.Ä.Øàðáà­òèàí Óïðàâëåíèå ïðîöåññîì øëàêîîáðàçîâàíèÿ â âàííå êîíâåðòåðà // Ìåòàëë è ëèòüå Óêðàèíû, 2005. – ¹ 3, 4. – Ñ. 36 – 37.

2. Â.Ñ.Áîãóøåâñêèé, Ã.Ã.Ãðàáîâñêèé, Í.Ñ.Öåðêîâíèöêèé, Ì.Ä.Øàðáà­òèàí Êîìïüþòåðíàÿ ìîäåëü ðàñ÷åòà øèõòîâêè è ïðîäóâêè êîíâåðòåðíîé ïëàâêè // Ñòàëü, 2006. – ¹ 1. – Ñ. 18 – 21.