Mgr Patrycja Kokot-Stępień


Technical University of Czestochowa

Faculty of Management

Department of Finance, Banking and Management Accountancy





The economic enterprise environment includes phenomena’s and economic processes which appear as a result of conscious and aimed economic activities of physical persons, economic subjects and also authorities. Its structure represents resources and their utilisation in national and international scale. Processes that accompany resources usage because of technological changes and multiple styles of economical cooperation and internationalisation are increasingly complicated. Economic activity that is perused by enterprises reaches high level in areas which give hope for development while it’s decreases in other areas which aren’t very prospective[1].

         Economic environment is shaped through a large range of subjects those results in legal regulations which influences on investment decision making. Prospecting and complex analysis of economic information is a prerequisite for determining enterprise’s investment opportunities. By identifying the strengths and risks for investment project, businesses can build alternative investment options.  Omission of critical information or misinterpretation can cause incorrect or delayed investment decisions[2].

         Multiple factors of economic environment cause changes in demand resulting in concurrence amongst economic subjects. Significant factor influencing on economic subject’s investing activity is purchasing power of consumers to buy products offered by enterprises.  Purchasing power depends on financial status of the individual consumer and enterprise to buy interesting products. The higher financial status of consumers they are able to buy more divers range of products and at higher quality[3] that demands additional production lines built based on the investment project of the enterprise.

         The economic environment of enterprise is assigned via economic condition.  It is possible to use many indicators to assess it. The most important from investing project perspective are as below.

Picture. 1 Main factors of economical environment important for enterprise’s investment activities

Source: elaborated on the basis of: K. Marcinek: Ryzyko projektów inwestycyjnych. Wydawnictwo AE w Katowicach, Katowice 2001, p. 62-64.


Growth rate has direct influence on size and character of strength and risks. Economic growth cause increase of expenses around investment and consumption and it has dynamic impact on scale of demand for products. This in turn creates opportunity to develop economic subjects and leads to weaken concurrence within industry. Recession in economy results in negative impact to projects. Hence it is important to analyze trends in these matters while planning on investment strategies[4]. It is necessary to identify trends in economy, within the country or the region where the project would be completed or investment would be economically linked to.

While assessing the developing trends in economy, one should factor for changes that happens cyclically including its frequency and intensity. Depending on the enterprise specifics, economic boom can have stronger or weaker influence on the enterprise situation and effectiveness of some projects can change the influence of the boom phase. Implication of economic globalization are stronger relations between boom in global and local markets giving new opportunities for enterprise growth in a large scale and in some cases enables not only growth but also survival[5]. Knowledge  at least main economic indicators referring to world and country economy which are especially interesting for particular enterprises and observation changes of these indicators is used during decision making in diverse areas of economic subject’s functioning.

Irresponsible actions of investing enterprise activity impacts the level of society’s savings. Their growth resulting in decrease of expenses on current consumption impacts sales of produced articles. All these factors can result in preventing traders from investing again. Production, employment and salary levels would come down[6].

The functioning and development of a company are significantly influenced by its connections with financial institutions. Monetary and credit policy becomes a very important factor motivating a company and creating conditions for the development of innovation and investment activity. The rules of this policy concern money supply and conditions of credit providing. Establishing basic interest rate which influences the credit policy of banks as well as the level of investment activity is vital[7]. The interest rate is the cost of the capital used in financing an investment project. The level of the interest rate is reflected in financial efficiency of such a project. Low interest rate means the lower cost of capital which causes taking credits which results in increasing investments. On the other hand high interest rate limits company investment activity because the capital becomes hardy available[8].

The inflation rate which is an important source of risk for companies has a significant influence on the interest rate. It might result in difficulties in estimating the value of outlays for implementing an investment project as well as in forecasting profits from its realization[9].  Problems with estimating actual profitability of investment projects appear. In the presence of inflation it has been noticed that the tendency for long-term investments decreases, the tendency for speculative investments increases and harder to forecast capital circulation additionally increases economic risk[10].

Government fiscal policy also influences the investment activity of companies by stimulating or curbing the general level of economic activity[11]. Moreover unsuitable fiscal policy causing exaggerated inflation influences directly the success of a particular project because it distorts the level of estimated investment outlays making them inefficient in respect of financial issues[12].

A company should consider tax policy instruments while establishing the strategy of investing. Taxes influence directly the financial efficiency of an investment. They are included in the revenues of an undertaking, especially income tax which lowers company revenues generated by the undertaking. The knowledge and usage of possibilities included in tax policy concern mainly tax reliefs or temporary income tax exemption or exemptions in other financial charges which influence the financial success of a project. Their lack or inability of using them not only lowers the financial efficiency of an investment but it might be the reason to abandon the investment as well. The change of tax policy rules during the investment realization is also an important threat for the project success[13].

         Gaining the capital on profitable conditions has a vital meaning for the success of a particular undertaking. Therefore a suitably developed bank system, which conditions efficient functioning of companies to great extent, is necessary. It also provides the realization of financial obligations between domestic and foreign business entities and creates the conditions and mechanisms to transfer and transform investment resources[14]. Moreover a better access to resources which might be invested may provide the company with the capital market. The high development level of long-term debts, shares issued by business entities, investment, trust and pension funds markets influence positively the investment activity of companies. Government policy regarding production and foreign trade concerning particularly the analysed effects of a planned project as well as the existence of pro-investment institutional infrastructure enabling co-financing projects in particular fields[15].



1.     Borowiecki R. (red.) Efektywność przedsięwzięć rozwojowych. AE, TNOiK, Kraków-Warszawa 1995

2.     Borowiecki R. (red.): Zarządzanie wiedzą a procesy restrukturyzacji i rozwój przedsiębiorstwa. AE-TNOiK, Warszawa-Kraków 2000

3.     Caban W. (red) Ekonomia. PWE, Warszawa 2001

4.     Gierszewska G., Romanowska M.: Analiza strategiczna przedsiębiorstwa PWE, Warszawa 2002

5.     Henzel H. i in.: Vademecum inwestora: przygotowanie i wykonawstwo inwestycji rzeczowych. Górnicza Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa, Katowice, 1996

6.     Hill Ch. W., Jones G.R.: Strategic Management Theory. An Integrated Approach. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston 1989

7.     Kardaz J. Wójcik-Augustyniak M. (red.): Zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem. Difin, Warszawa 2008

8.     Marcinek K.: Finansowa ocena przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych przedsiębiorstw. AE Katowice 2002

9.     Marcinek K.: Przedsiębiorstwo jako podmiot inwestujący [w:] Czynniki inwestowania w przedsiębiorstwie. AE Katowice 1995

10. Marcinek K.: Ryzyko projektów inwestycyjnych. Wydawnictwo AE w Katowicach, Katowice 2001

11. Nasiłowski M.: System rynkowy. Podstawy mikro- i makroekonomii. Wydawnictwo Key Text. Warszawa 2002

12. Rokita J.: Zarządzanie strategiczne. Tworzenie i utrzymywanie przewagi konkurencyjnej. PWE, Warszawa 2005

13. Urbanowska-Sojkin E., Banaszyk P., Witczak H.: Zarządzanie strategiczne przedsiębiorstwem. PWE, Warszawa 2007

14. Żurek J. (red.) Przedsiębiorstwo. Zasady działania, funkcjonowanie, rozwój. Fundacja Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2007


[1] E. Urbanowska-Sojkin, P. Banaszyk, H. Witczak: Zarządzanie strategiczne przedsiębiorstwem. PWE, Warszawa 2007, p. 108-110.

[2] K. Marcinek: Ryzyko projektów inwestycyjnych. Wydawnictwo AE w Katowicach, Katowice 2001, p. 62.

[3] J. Rokita: Zarządzanie strategiczne. Tworzenie i utrzymywanie przewagi konkurencyjnej. PWE, Warszawa 2005, p.

[4] See. Ch. W. Hill, G.R. Jones: Strategic Management Theory. An Integrated Approach. Houghton Mifflin Co.,
Boston 1989, p. 61 i następne;  G. Gierszewska, M. Romanowska: Analiza strategiczna przedsiębiorstwa PWE, Warszawa 2002, p. 37.

[5] J. Czarnota: Problem rozwoju przedsiębiorstwa w warunkach konkurencji [w:] Zarządzanie wiedzą a procesy restrukturyzacji i rozwój przedsiębiorstwa. Praca zbiorowa pod red. R. Borowieckiego. AE-TNOiK, Warszawa-Kraków 2000, p. 398.

[6] M. Nasiłowski: System rynkowy. Podstawy mikro- i makroekonomii. Wydawnictwo Key Text. Warszawa 2002,
p. 202-203.

[7] J. Żurek (red.) Przedsiębiorstwo. Zasady działania, funkcjonowanie, rozwój. Fundacja Rozwoju Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego, Gdańsk 2007, p. 63.

[8] K. Marcinek: Ryzyko…op. cit., s. 63; G. Gierszewska, M. Romanowska: Analiza…op. cit., p. 40-41.

[9] Profits from the  project will be perhaps lower than expected because of the operational and production costs increase. The costs will grow because of the increase of particular elements of the costs.

[10] K. Marcinek. Finansowa ocena przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych przedsiębiorstw. AE Katowice 2002, p. 22-24;
R. Borowiecki (red.) Efektywność przedsięwzięć rozwojowych. AE, TNOiK, Kraków-Warszawa 1995, p. 74; W. Caban (red) Ekonomia. PWE, Warszawa 2001, p. 368.

[11] More on t his issue see inter alia: H. Henzel i in.: Vademecum inwestora: przygotowanie i wykonawstwo inwestycji rzeczowych. Górnicza Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa, Katowice, 1996, p. 18.

[12] See: K. Marcinek: Przedsiębiorstwo jako podmiot inwestujący [w:] Czynniki inwestowania w przedsiębiorstwie. AE Katowice 1995 (raport z badań statutowych), p. 8-9.

[13] K. Marcinek: Przedsiębiorstwo…op. cit., p. 7-8; .K. Marcinek: Ryzyko…op. cit., p. 63-64.

[14] J. Kardaz, M. Wójcik-Augustyniak (red.): Zarządzanie przedsiębiorstwem. Difin, Warszawa 2008, p. 46.

[15] K. Marcinek: Ryzyko…op. cit., p. 64-65.