Zavgorodnyaya T. K.


Positions of the Bolonskogo process obligate institutes of higher to prepare professionals, which not only are able constantly independently to renew the knowledges, but also test a necessity herein. In accordance with an on-line tutorial on an individual plan more than 50 % educational loading is taken for the independent study, that requires from students to have the high level of formed of generaleducational abilities and skills and domain by the basic methods of research work. In a word, in the conditions of modern society which becomes more globalizirovannim, it is needed to prepare specialists which are capable and ready constantly and independently to renew the knowledges. For this reason before teachers a task gets up: it is not simple to carry to the listeners the certain volume of actual material, which they (at the best!) will memorize passively, and then reproduce, but to teach a student independently to seize by new knowledges, to obtain a new information, to educate at him a necessity in her not only for the receipt of necessary estimation, and for employment in the conditions of competition market, successful karernogo growth, and is simultaneous - for self-perfection and self-affirmation.

Meantime on the way of tacking to the Bolonskomu process exists much unsolved problems. Most difficulty consists that it is impossible to attain the primary purposes of the Bolonskogo process in the folded organization of educational work not only in an institute of higher, but also at middle school. Above all things, this use of the klassno-urochnoy system. At one time it was an undoubted step ahead, and the Yana Amosa Komenskogo merits in that behalf are indisputable. However few centuries passed. A world changed resolutely. It is enough only to remind about possibilities of the controlled from distance teaching, uses of the Internet, about repugnance of the given system with freedom of choice of disciplines, that it was quite clear: the klassno-urochnaya system cracks on all stitches, to reanimate her it is quite senseless. Modern pedagogics requires cooperation active and equal in rights in the educational process of student and teacher, student and teacher. It is possible even to say that in a dialogic pair -student-teacher - conducting, determining the location (what we often hold back about) belongs to no teacher quite, that was considered quite recently an axiom, and student. Possibly, some teachers are difficult to be reconciled with thought, that we are responsible not only before a dean or manager by a department, but foremost before students, that exactly they, carrying out the right to freedom of choice, choose us, our themes, our lectures etc it is coming Us to form persuasion at them, what only will be able to provide continuous education during all their life by him deserving existence in so quickly changing world.

Difficulty of forthcoming alteration consists in the necessity of transition in an uchebno-vospitatelnom process from collective to the forms and methods of work individual, personifitsirovannim. In addition, one of primary purposes of the Bolonskogo process - this introduction of the system of account of labour intensive of educational activity in credits, which supposes freedom of choice by the student of disciplines for the study. And it requires the high level of domain by students by the methods of scientific research. And to teach to it it is necessary yet from the higher forms of secondary school, is special in the process of the type teaching. However the type teaching at Ukrainian school does not function so far (his introduction will happen in a few years in connection with transition on the 12-years-old term of teaching). Thus, the idea of continuous education during all life becomes a strukturoobrazuyushim factor, which determines the purpose of teaching, methods, receptions of work in an institute of higher, new organization of all educational process. Naturally, it was desirable, that necessary preliminary preparation and proper stimuli were stopped up yet at middle school. But it is needed to look to the true in eyes - presently it looks as another good wish. Reality is such, that on a student bench in most cases youths and girls, for which notion the «freedom of choice» and, naturally, realized responsibility for this choice are not produced in a due degree, turn out. In this situation the responsibility of the institute of higher teachers, called to attach the students to difficult and, at the sameoperation active and equal in rights in the educational process of student and teacher, student and teacher. It is possible even to say that in a dialogic pair -student-teacher - conducting, determining the location (what we often hold back about) belongs to no teacher quite, that was considered quite recently an axiom, and student. Possibly, some teachers are difficult to be reconciled with thought, that we are responsible not only before a dean or manager by a department, but foremost before students, that exactly they, carrying out the right to freedom of choice, choose us, our themes, our lectures etc it is coming Us to form persuasion at them, what only will be able to provide continuous education during all their life by him deserving existence in so quickly changing world.

Difficulty of forthcoming alteration consists in the necessity of transition in an uchebno-vospitatelnom process from collective to the forms and methods of work individual, personifitsirovannim. In addition, one of primary purposes of the Bolonskogo process - this introduction of the system of account of labour intensive of educational activity in credits, which supposes freedom of choice by the student of disciplines for the study. And it requires the high level of domain by students by the methods of scientific research. And to teach to it it is necessary yet from the higher forms of secondary school, is special in the process of the type teaching. However the type teaching at Ukrainian school does not function so far (his introduction will happen in a few years in connection with transition on the 12-years-old term of teaching). Thus, the idea of continuous education during all life becomes a strukturoobrazuyushim factor, which determines the purpose of teaching, methods, receptions of work in an institute of higher, new organization of all educational process. Naturally, it was desirable, that necessary preliminary preparation and proper stimuli were stopped up yet at middle school. But it is needed to look to the true in eyes - presently it looks as another good wish. Reality is such, that on a student bench in most cases youths and girls, for which notion the «freedom of choice» and, naturally, realized responsibility for this choice are not produced in a due degree, turn out. In this situation the responsibility of the institute of higher teachers, called to attach the students to difficult and, at the same time, enthralling including in the mysterious world of scientific searches, tests and errors, is especially multiplied, to independence not only in the advanced study, but also in the everyday life. In a word, an educational process must is built on the inclusion of student successive and purposeful in research activity, since the first course.

Carrying out it is possible only at that condition, that a teacher gets possibility individually to work with every student, advising him, everyday interested in the results of his activity educational and research. While in practice it appears practically impossible, because in the Ukrainian institutes (seems, and in other countries, not giving yet up the collectivism moods incident to soviet ideology) of higher, time on individual intercourse with students is not foreseen. Certainly, in curricula by the special column the amount of the clock taken to independent work of students is reported, but who must manage this work, in what form and in what time, remains unknown.

Today a necessity increases by cardinal appearance to intensify research work of students. By the important form of association of study with scientific innovative processes, to individualization of professional preparation there is practice. Especially it touches assistant practice which is the important constituent of general process of preparation of professionals in a city council. The table of contents of this practice foresees not only preparation of magistranta to providing of generalpedagogical activity, to the role of counsel of student group, teacher of one of the special educational disciplines, but also to active scientific activity (both it, and to ability to plug students in this activity).

So that to prepare in an institute of higher not only a specialist, but also to form a citizen, his world view, awareness by him the necessity of continuous education in the context of problems of modern society global and regional needs decisive alteration of all institute of higher departmental teaching, strengthening of its research component.


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