Vadym Muzhychok
present time set the tasks to our home science – to investigate thoroughly and
interpret regularities and outlooks of developments of the physical culture in
the time of the rebuilding of our independent country and on this ground to
work out scientific project of reforming of the national system of the physical
education. To determine all possible directions and to reform this system one
must apply to the far and near past of the establishment and development of the
physical education.
analyzed pedagogical essence of different forms of the organization of physical
education of pupils and found out that the presence of all the components of
the educational process in each of them is not obligatory. To his mind the
educational process can be presented in class hours and the improvement of the
physical qualities at out-of-school classes where the choice of the study
material will be determined by the tasks of the development of the functional
abilities of each student. This circumstance testifies about the meaning of
each form of lessons in the pedagogical process in the physical education and
demands accuracy, coordination and collateral subordination when solving the
tasks of the physical education. Extraction of any form from the organized
structure of the process of the physical education significantly reduces its effectiveness
and, as a result, makes it impossible to reach the desired result [5].
is obvious that the principle of taking into consideration of the age and
individual pupils’ peculiarities with clear division of work load according to
sex distinction in the organization of the physical education in the Western
Ukraine (1919-1939). On the basis of the theoretical and methodological
literature the principle of concentricity in selecting exercises and duration
of their fulfilling is observed. We can find also principles of systematic
character and sequence. Steadfast sticking of these principles shows that the
physical education, and first of all physical and sport work in the schooling
of the Western Ukraine, were influenced by progressive pedagogical ideas and
scientific achievements of psychologists, anatomists, physiologist and hygienists
of Russia, Europe and all around the world.
of the source basis of the investigation allows to differentiate characteristic
features of a lesson, which were immanent to it in the period under
investigation and distinguished it from the other forms of the organization of
the physical education of schoolchildren on the West-Ukrainian land. For
example, one of the founders of the Ukrainian national methodology of the
physical education, a teacher of the physical training in the Kolomyia
gymnasium, P.Franko defined in details in his article “Physical education in
public schools of the first degree” the tasks of the physical education and
condition under which they should be carried out. Let us single out some of
them: to prevent negative influence of a sedentary way of life on the
development of the body; to bring up healthy harmoniously developed youth, to
teach it to cope with the laziness of the sole and body; to form essentially
important moving habits and skills; to cultivate courage, strong will,
endurance, discipline and collective responsibility. We find interesting the
following tasks: to evolve love to the motherland, using traditions of the
Ukrainian people both nationwide and local. The structure of a lesson in the
physical training (development of body, gymnastics) in the educational
institutions of the West-Ukrainian lads met the requirements of that time.
Content of the physical training lessons is a synthesis of a certain collection
of physical exercises and hygienic skills, learning how to make up a rational schedule,
to harden, to breathe correctly, to form a healthy lifestyle of the
specialists of the theory and methodology of the physical education of pupils
(S.Tsvek, K.Chermyt, B.Shyian and others) emphasize that a lesson is a
beginning of the complex system of the physical education which presupposes
lessons during the school day, extra-curriculum physical culture and sport and
health activity [4]. The main function of extra-curriculum forms is creation of
favorable conditions for cultivating a habit of systematical exercises and, as
a result, to encourage introducing of the physical culture into the mode of
life of the people. The adopted exercises and knowledge acquired at the lessons
are consolidated and developed at the extra-curriculum lessons [5].
effectiveness of the system of the physical education of schoolchildren greatly
depends on the successfulness of all its forms. All events should be
coordinated with the content of the lessons and contribute to mastering of the
study material expected by the syllabus. All the forms are united by the common purpose
and tasks, favour in solving of both general tasks and their specific ones.
With the aim of the optimal solving of all the tasks one must practice
different forms of the lessons by the way of introducing health-improving
measurements in everyday schedule, widely involve pupils into the work of the
sport sections and groups, popularization of the additional classes, mass sport-artistic
festivals and days of health, competitions, creating all necessary conditions
for it.
is why, understanding the necessity of meeting children’s and young people’s
needs of movement, formation of healthy lifestyle, role of the physical education
in the aspect of the comprehensive education of young generations, special
attention was paid by the teachers of that period to the forms of the physical
education during the day.
analyzing organizations of the physical culture and recreational movement in
the time between two wars, admitted that there emerged a new scientific stream
in the 1920-s, which regulated the connection between the outside work
conditions and physiological peculiarities of people’s movements. At the same
time, psychologists also emphasized positive influence of short time gymnastic
exercises, active breaks on the level of tiredness. Under their influence there
began introducing of the processing gymnastics during breaks at the large
enterprises and insertion the teacher of the physical training into the staff
timetable [3, p.292]. Of course, educators also were aware of the innovative technologies and were the first to
introduce new forms of the physical education of pupils.
It is difficult to classify all forms of physical
culture work and sport activities of that time with the pupils of schools with
the modern system. But taking into consideration the conditions of conducting,
leading and the membership we can relate playing moving and sport games in the
second part of a day in the schools of the Bukovina to “the health hours”.
Firstly, these hours were defined by the curriculum, and secondly, were included
into the timetable by a particular educational institution and finally enlarged
the scope of the physical load. Taking into account period under investigation
we must remember that physical cultural and sport work with the Ukrainian youth
except for school in Bukovina, Transcarpathia, Galicia was carried out by a
family and national cultural-educational and physical-cultural sport
communities. The main factors of the extra-curriculum physical education are
physical-cultural and health-improving, sport-mass, enlightening.
end of the 19th-beginning of the 20th century was
characterized by the rapid development of the industrial societies in many
countries of the world , which caused further struggle for the target markets, spheres
of influence, protection of the colonies and
need for modernization of the physical education of the youth. The attempts
were made to organize such extra-curriculum physical training movement which
could provide military preparation and comprehensive development of the youth
in the period between finishing of the studying and beginning of the military
physical-cultural and sport communities of Bukovina took an active part in the
organization of the physical-cultural and sport work with school youth of the
period under investigation. Physical-cultural and health-improving work with
the Ukrainian youth implicated organization of educational-training and representative
classes, conducting of the ski walking and ice-skating, participation in mass
competitions, arrangement of tourists trips and sport-artistic festivals.
Enlightening work of the communities consisted in presentation of sport
activities, systematic sport propaganda and healthy lifestyle in the local
newspapers, posters, struggle against drunkenness and insanitariness. Sport
communities created framework of the sport facilities in the area: stadiums,
sport grounds and gymnasiums.
a subsystem of the general system of the physical culture of the society,
physical education of children and youth in the Western Ukraine (1919-1939) was
organized with the purpose of preparation of the young generation to the future
activity. Pedagogical process of the physical education was carried out through
different forms of lessons, during which the pupils mastered the subject of the
physical culture, making it an accomplishment, forming and enriching one’s
personal physical culture. The structure of the lessons in physical culture
presupposed their general pedagogical directness and specific content which
provides the solving of the physical education.
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