Kazakh National Pedagogical University
named after Abai
Turalbaeva A.T. PhD doctorantura
President N. Nazarbayev in his Appeal to
the people of Kazakhstan pointed out that «the education system should supply
the youth with not only certain amount of knowledge but also teach them to use
their knowledge in the process of social adaptation”. Therefore the main goal
of education system is to train and to form an educated and intellectually
developed individual who has fully mastered culture and literature, history and
traditions of his/her own country.
The Law about Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan says that
the education system must provide intellectual development of each child
depending on his/her abilities. The
problem of teaching and education of the gifted children is being discussed all
over the world.
The society experiencing structural
changes presents new requirements to educational sphere due to changes in a
state and social order for educational facilities. Amongst them the problem of
gifted children occupies one of the leading places. The problems of their
development have been the subject to the teacher’s and psychologist’s attention
for many centuries.
One can note that it is typical for gifted
children to demonstrate high velocity development of the intellectual creative
sphere, deep and non-traditional thinking, however, due to a number of reasons
not all the signs of the gifted can be shown at a certain stage.
We should
bear in mind that we can speak about three categories of gifted children:
1) those
with unusual high general level of the mental development while other
things being equal (such children more
often can be met in preschool and younger school ages);
2) those with sign of the special mental gifts, i.e.
in a certain field of the science (they are usually teen-agers);
3) those
who are not very successful in their studies due to some reasons but possessing bright cognitive activity,
originality of the psychic storehouse and outstanding mental reserve.
We offer some ways of development of
mental abilities of gifted children
such as: - At a group method of the solution of problems to exclude criticism,
to give the chance to come up with any idea without fear that he/she will
receive condemnation. To give the chance to alter, combine somehow the ideas
which have been put forward by other members of the group.
- To use receptions of identification of
him/her with any element or process of a problem situation, for example, with a
mobile part of the mechanism, the car detail, flying electronic and so on.
- To apply fantastic analogies at which
the problem can mentally be solved as in “magic fairy tale”, by ignoring of
fundamental laws of the nature. For example, it is admissible to switch off
terrestrial gravitation, a velocity of light and so on.
- It is necessary to expect essential
correlation between sense of humor and creative potential. The life experience
proves that undoubtedly there is dependence here though to show it strictly
experimentally is not easy because of the difficulties of development of
reliable tests on sense of humor.
- To practise communication with highly
intellectual people whose professions are close to you, but also with those who
are very far. It is especially significant if the exchange of thoughts with
them is rather interesting, not trivial and demands intellectual tension, then
it quite often stimulates intellectual activity and thanks to analogies it
appears useful to the solution of purely professional problems which contents
has no direct relation to conversation subject. In particular, heads of some
American firms willingly invite historians and philosophers to the staff:
specific features of their "humanitarian" thinking help the solution
of the specific technical and administrative tasks.
- Writing of reports, articles and books
quite often promotes the solution of complex problems as the process of a
statement helps ordering of the saved-up material and problem explanation for oneself.
- Quite often necessary analogy comes not
from adjacent analogy, but from a very far area, which seems to have no common
ground with a problem to be solved. Therefore the broad outlook, acquaintance
with many fields of knowledge is necessary for intellectual activity and
On the basis of the analysis of
psychological and pedagogical literature we can allocate the following as the
main directions of work with gifted children:
à) the
system of preschool educational institutions, first of all kindergartens
of an all-developing type. The centers of development of the child in which
optimum conditions for formation of abilities of preschool children, and also
training centers for children of preschool and younger school age providing
continuity of the environment and methods of development of children upon
transition to school are created;
b) the system of comprehensive schools
within which conditions for
individualization of training of gifted children are created;
c) the system of additional education
intended for satisfaction of constantly changing individual social, cultural
and educational needs of gifted children, and allowing to provide
identification, support and development of their abilities within out-of-school
d) the system of schools focused on work with gifted children (including lyceums,
gymnasiums of non-standard educational institutions of the highest category,
etc.) both urged to provide support and development of possibilities of such
children in the course of receiving the general secondary education.
of the main directions of work of modern school is creation of
conditions for optimum development of gifted children, including children,
whose endowments currently are not shown yet, and also simply capable children
concerning whom there is a serious hope of a further quantum leap in
development of their abilities.
The care about the gifted children today
is the care about developments of
science, culture and social life tomorrow. There are already ways of identification of such
children, the programs aimed at assistance in their abilities’ realization
are being developed.
In our opinion, a Russian
psychologist E.L.Melnikova's
classification of the gifted is of interest:
²²² - “wants to study”
(active at lessons, sense of duty, integrity, high educational motivation);
²² - “can study”
(excellent memory and attention,
developed thinking, competent speech,
high intelligence, good processing of information, ability to training)
² - “creates his own” (interesting
questions, unusual hypotheses and ideas, own opinions and decisions, original
products, non-standard in thinking and
in general in everything)
The success in work with the gifted is often
defined by professional and personal qualification of the teacher. The basic
components of professional qualification of the teacher include:
- general vocational pedagogical training
- subject, psychological and pedagogical
- main professionally significant personal
qualities of the teacher.
Working at modernization of approaches and
methods of the work with the gifted we have prepared a special course for teachers entitled "Education of gifted children in collaboration of a family and
a school”
The aim of the special course:
-formation of professional competence of future teachers who can work with the gifted in condition of family and school collaboration
The course objectives:
-to show future teachers the necessity of
setting partnership relations with the family of a gifted child;
-to develop future primary school
teachers’ abilities to assist gifted
children in different circumstances
using pedagogical and psychological possibilities ;
-to introduce future primary school teachers
with the peculiarities of the work with gifted children and their families
taking into account specific features of such children.
The documents of the Ministry of Education
and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan must serve as the legislative basis
of the course. Some questions of general teaching process are to be adapted
and updated to modern demands. The development of motivative and cognitive
peculiarities of the gifted child can be considered as the factor of scientific-technical and social-economic
processes of a modern society.
The Law on Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan., - Almaty: Lawyer, 2002.
2. Appeal to the People of Kazakhstan by
President N.A. Nazarbayev, Àstana, 2012.
3. N.A. Nazarbayev, Order of the President
of the Republic of Kazakhstan “About State support and development of schools
for gifted children”, ¹2002 from 24.05.1996, p.8.
L.M. Narikbayeva The teacher’s work with gifted children. Àlmaty.-2003.
5. Y.L. Melnikova “The work with the
gifted - here and now!” Primary school, Ì:2000,¹3.