Simenko Inna Vitalievna, Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after M.Tugan-Baranovsky


Quality management at HEIs within the context of general provisions of Bologna process.


The development of market of educational services inevitably has to deal with the issues quality assurance in education.

The concept of quality within the context of educational services provided by the HEI can be defined as correlation of the process or phenomenon with subjeclively set criteria peculiar to Higher Education. It is quality that gives grounds to necessity to provide procedures and event targeted at goal stating that the level of provided educational services is to be relevant to social, economic and personal needs, simultaneously assuring demand for specialists, high rating and competitiveness of the HEI.

At the basic documents of the Bologna process, which were adopted by the Ukraine in May 2005, the issues of quality within educational domain is paid special attention (Table 1).

Table 1.

Name of the document

Date and place of adoption

Brief content

Bologna declaration.


18-19th 1999.

One of the main goal, which is considered to be basic for creation of European Zone of HE and promotion of European system of HE to the whole world is being provision of European co-operation within assuring quality of HE targeted at developing compatible criteria and methodology. Quality is being considered as the



main condition for trust, reliability, mobility, compatibility and attractiveness of the Zone of European HE (ZEHE).

Salamanka convention of European HEIs and educational organizations.


29-30th 2001.

Quality to be the touchstone European domain of HE has to implement basic academic values, i.e. to demonstrate  quality. While assessing quality it is necessary to take into account goals and objectives of HEIs as well as their curricula Quality is to be demonstrated and guarantied in order to be validated and approved by students, partners, society in Europe and all over the world.

Communique of the meeting of European HE ministers.


18-19th 2001, Prague.

Quality System of the HEI was proved to be of vital importance for assuring high quality standards of national education and providing qualification compatability in Europe. Special attention is to be paid to necessity of European co-operation and mutual trust within adoption of national systems of quality assurance.

Conference of ministers of HE.

September 19th, Berlin Germany.

The quality of HE is to become the fundament for creation of ZEHE, Ministers stressed the necessity to develop criteria and methodology for mutual utilization within the domain of quality of education. They also focused on the principle of the HEI autonomy. The primary responsibility for quality of HE is to be undertaken by the every HEI, and thus providing avenues for verification of quality of HE within national frameworks.


Thus above mentioned information proves that quality is being the basis for creation competitive system of education, providing high reputation of European education within the world educational domain.

In 1995 to implement the decision of it general conference UNESCO has developed crutial document called “Reform and development of Higher Education” [1] where the world trends and objectives of the HE at current stage were expressed. At the introduction to this document three main directions “among the basic task of HE at the fast changing world” were identified. They are the following:

-         meeting the needs of current development;

-         internationalization of education;

-         quality of education.

Quality of HE is being the cornerstone within the creation of the all European domain of the HE [2. p.2].

According to the UNESCO document there are three aspects of educational activity that greatly influence at the quality of HE.

The 1st – the quality of the personnel which is to be guaranted by the high academic qualification of academic staff and researchers of the HEIs as well as the quality of curricula, to be assured by correlation of teaching and research as well as their correspondence to public demand.

Second – the quality of students training which, under the conditions when mass HE has become a reality, may be obtained only by means of diversification of curricula, overcoming a gap between secondary and HE, increasing the role of mechanisms of vocational orientation and motivation of young people.

And finally – the quality of infrastructure and “physical educational environment” of HEIs, which covers “all networks of conditions” of their functioning, including computer networks and modern libraries. These may be provided at the account of adequate funding, being possible under conditions of real state approaches to HE to be all nation priority [1, p.36-38].

The system of quality management of specialists’ training is focused at achieving a/m criteria.

The main objectives of creating quality management system (QMS) in HE are the following: improving the teaching quality; further improvement of forms and methods of teaching; stimulating competition between separate HEIs; verification of teaching quality in newly established HEIs, HEI accreditation, which is extremely topical under the conditions of HE system diversification.

According to the report of the National Committee on research in the sphere of HE of Great Britain, five steps are envisaged for those organization who implemented (or going to implement) the concept of quality assurance:

1.     The development of special manual “Manual of achieving and assuring quality”.

2.     Marketing research of the labour market aimed at identification of demand in specialists.

3.     Creating organizational structure targeted at implementing new strategy aimed at obtaining quality.

4.     Teaching staff necessary methods and tools; development of coherent questionnaires, answer lists, interview procedures, brainstorming, development of Pareto tables etc.

5.     Organization of feedback with employers aimed at identification of wether the level of specialists’ training correspond to employers needs.

All those stages can be used at a full rate by all HEIs with the aim to improve the quality of teaching and academic management.

The following may be identified to be the criteria creating methodological basis for the whole system of quality management:

1.     Fundamental nature of knowledge.

2.     Correspondence of knowledge to be obtained by the future specialists to prospective market demand (forecast for the nex 4-5 y).

3.     Grading of the complexity level with the account of permanent increase of its complexity.

4.     Interdisciplinary approach.

5.     Correspondence to the national standards.

6.     The system of quality management at the HEI teaching economics is to be constructed accounting basic principles which are envisaged by the national policy in education.

QMS is to be aimed at the development of creativity of students, implementing innovative forms of teaching, and realization of feed back principle; increasing effectiveness of the teaching process.

Assuring quality level of specialists training under the conditions of market economy needs creation a definite structure within Academic and Methodological Committee of the HEI which function is to be organization and implementation some procedures on quality assessment of training, teaching, quality of innovation and change.

Creating subdivision for quality assurance and assessment of teaching process will enable to increase its effectiveness, by means of assuring control of the quality of new courses, teaching materials, changes dealing with both content of education and methods of teaching. Organizationally the crew of such subdivision should include administrative staff, teachers, who must be representatives from each department (faculty) while students represent every speciality and year.

To assess the quality special questionnaires are to be developed. They must assist teachers to estimate their course and to further perfect it at the different stage of innovation implementation.

The main advantage of that system is its profound orientation onto the study of educational services market needs and opinions of basic consumers of educational product (students) and employers about the content and quality of training, which they can obtain at the corresponding HEI and from targeted teacher.

On the other hand, this system can perform control function, which alongside with state standards and requirements enables to assure quality level of new HEIs.

Thus the issue of developing QMS in HE in Ukraine is on the agenda. It needs careful study, state and university support, motivating and implementing accompanied by thorough account of its outcomes and introducing new forms of self control, internal and external academic auditing.



1.     Reforms and development of Higher Education. UNESCO program document, Paris, 1995.

2.     Salamanca convention of European Association of Universities. Salamanca, march 2001.

3.     Communique of European ministers of HE. Bologna, 19.06.1999.