A teacher of new formation in the
system of continuous pedagogical education
Zhetpisbaeva B, candidate of pedagogical science
Kazakh National Pedagogical
University named after Abay
is known as the oldest, wisest,
and humane from all professions in the land, he might be
either "engineer of human souls", «architect of nature",
"doctor growing pains" or "coach of the intellect and memory ..."
all times teacher was given a special place in society as
a generator of the fundamental ideas of universal education. For
many years the land had been wars, conflicts and disasters,
but the teacher still has not lost its basic function - to
train and educate. Education is an integral part in the life of any
society. We face in the education, training
and education. But we must not forget about
our teachers, who give us the knowledge to our
children, so they must be full-fledged professionals in
today's market.
of the specialists of the new formation, we can say that the
teacher should always be at the forefront, to
seek novelty, introduced in the educational
process innovation and, of course, to keep pacing with
scientific and technical progress.
connection with the foregoing, in the Republic of Kazakhstan a
special training program has been developed for teachers of the new
formation, the future of competitive professionals.
concept of continuous pedagogical education teacher of the new
formation (concept) is a strategic document that defines the
purpose, objectives and main directions of development of teacher
education in the Republic of Kazakhstan. This document has been
prepared in accordance with the regulatory framework in
force in the education of RK. Teacher education is a
priority part of the whole education system, since it determines
the efficiency of its operation as a whole and of
each link separately.
purpose of pedagogical education at different stages
of development is to promote the competence of the teacher; his
ability to solve professional problems caused by abnormal development of the
education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the present stage, the
introduction of 12-year-old model of education.
problems, urgent in pedagogical education in the Republic, necessity to improve
the quality of teacher training need to reform it in line with the trend of
world education in the context of sustainable development.
about the training of specialists,
it may be mentioned that an integral part of vocational education is to prepare
the next generation of teachers (teacher of the new formation - the innovator).
There are many systems of teacher
training, for example, a system of continuing teacher education.
system of continuous teacher
education should be multi-layered, multi-stage aimed at providing vertical and
horizontal alternative, it is fundamental and universal. Training in continuing pedagogical education will address
focused on the specific needs of educational institutions of all types and
subjects of the education market, while maintaining the freedom to choose
individual learning paths, gain practical orientation training.
are some of the principles of continuous pedagogical education:
- The principle of continuity and succession of phases
and stages of teacher education;
- Flexibility and variability of content and
technology of the educational process in the system of continuing teacher
- Compensatory - filling the gaps in basic education;
- Developing character education - meeting the
spiritual needs of the individual, the needs of its creative growth;
- The principle of universality - Inclusion of all
generations and all social groups in different structures and levels of
The system of continuous pedagogical education of the
Republic of Kazakhstan is based on the continuity of all its units and
represents the unity of five stages.
Stage 1 - pre-university vocational guidance in the
teaching profession, taking into account the introduction in Kazakhstan, 12 -
year study and suggesting a number of specialized classes teaching
Stage 2 - training in colleges of education, possible
only after 12 - years of education.
Stage 3 (base) – higher pedagogical education.
Stage 4 - post-graduate education: Master's profile (one-, two-year) and
doctorate (3-4 years).
5 stage - a system of training and retraining.
the conditions of formation of the education market, each teacher should have
the right and opportunity to build a strategy for professional competence and
creative growth. As on date, the labor market and society as a whole need to be
professionals, competitive and creative-oriented teachers.
of the education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which took place during
the last decade, carried out in order to integrate it into the world
educational space and the further development of the entire education system in
the country.
1. The concept of continuous pedagogical
education teacher of the new formation of the Republic of
Kazakhstan. - Almaty, 2005.
"On Education". - Almaty, 2007
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