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Mylenkova R.V.

ÃÂÓÇ «Óêðàèíñêàÿ àêàäåìèÿ áàíêîâñêîãî äåëà Íàöèîíàëüíîãî áàíêà Óêðàèíû»

Ukrainian Academy of Banking of National Bank of Ukraine


The pedagogical problem solving is seen in the contradiction between the social order of training competitive professionals who are capable of self-improvement, and educational process at university not aimed at developing students' self-organization mechanism.

The purpose of the paper is a theoretical background of self-education formation mechanism as a component of personal and professional development of future professionals.

The task of this paper is to identify the nature of self-education as a social and psychological mechanism determining the educational conditions of its formation and characteristics of professional training process.

The article is connected with scientific and practical problems in the way that the professional education needs improvement towards the compliance with current trends in training competitive professionals.

A review of scientific publications with definite problem was carried out within the research. It was found that various aspects of professional self-education were studied by Ukrainian and foreign scientists, including: updated analysis of the processes of vocational education which is presented in a number of works by G. Artemchuk, S. Goncharenko, A.  Hretsov, C. Kremen’, A. Markov, V. Popovich, D. Sichkarenko, V. Fokin, A. Fonariov, D. Chernilevskiy, A. Shapovalov et al.; status and philosophy of vocational education were studied by W. Vindelband, W. Kremen’, S. Krimsky, A. Peccei, S. Frank; psychological and pedagogical foundations of personality in terms of continuous professional education coverage – by I. Bech, V. Dyvak, A. Markov, V. Maslov, S. Podmazin, V. Putsov, L. Sergeeva, A. Chmil; the theory of learning in higher education systems is represented in the writings of W. Andrushchenko, A. Verbitsky, et al.

One of the key success factors of training future professionals is the formation mechanism of self-education as a mean of personal and professional development after high school graduation. The study of self-improvement theoretical aspects of requires clarification of the basic concepts of the research.

Personal-professional development, the structure of which includes self-education is a process of forming a personality focused on high professional achievements and professionalism that takes place during self-development, professional activities and professional interactions.

There are following progressive personality’s changes in the personal and professional development (according to structural and dynamic concept of K. Platonov):
1) the change in individual’s orientations (its range of interests and needs motivation to achieve, the benefits of self-realization and self-development needs, increase of creativity);
2) the accumulation of experience and training (capacity building, expanding skills, learning new algorithms for solving professional tasks);
3) the development of certain complex abilities;
4) the development of vocational and key skills specific to their activity;
5) improvement of personal and business skills;
6) the increasing of psychological preparedness for solving extraordinary professional situations;
7) the development of some general (anticipation, high level of self-control, decision making), and concrete invariants of professionalism (e.g., differential-psychological competence for professions which can be qualified as "man -  man," "person - group", the operating capacity qualified as the class "man - machine ").

Pedagogical formation mechanism of self-education requires a gradual realization of the process. Developing he effect is estimated according to changes in mental structures, processes and functions, and based on four types of psychogenesis principles: degradation – adaptation – creation – self-improvement.

The highest among these levels, self-improvement is an endless process, because the mechanisms of progressive mental changes last along a human lifetime. It should be noted that at the stages of degradation, adaptation and the formation the influence of socio-cultural conditions is dominated, and in the internal self-creative activity inner factors prevail over the external factors.

Traditionally, the structure of self-development includes components such as self-education and self-improvement. Self-education is a complex process that includes awareness of the advantages and disadvantages of self-education, training, planning their own program corrective and constant performance.

Self-improvement as a conscious and controlled process provides systematic and conscious efforts in self-knowledge, then tends to develop and improve their positive qualities. In the sphere of professional self-awareness it is important to determine the necessary changes that a person requires: 1) active position with the installation of self-improvement; 2) the ability to evaluate themselves according to the profession; 3) analytical skills, and 4) the technique of self-control, self-learning and other skills.

In general, the process of professional self-development consists of: a) self-knowledge and decision-making about the need to work and correct undesirable qualities; b) objective setting and making a program of development related to self-organization and implementation of appropriate methods and techniques of self-improvement, c) the practical implementation of the program, including self-regulation and self-correction in professional sphere.

We should also note that the main method of professional competence building is involving the student directly to professional activity (during the teaching and practical training), otherwise the program is impossible.

One of the mechanisms of self-education process is self-evaluation. Although self-evaluation involves subjectivity, it is formed by objective factors, influenced by opinions of others, especially of the reference group. But the interaction of inner and outer factors often leads to distortion of their own assessments. The reason for that in professional activity may be a certain hierarchical relationship with the other employees (status, professionalism), which makes an adequate assessment undesirable by some combination of tactical and strategic reasons. Professional self-evaluation inadequacy is statistically related to the disadvantaged individual in the system of interpersonal relationships (too high, too low self-evaluation). The basic function of the feedback makes the reflection of personality, the formation of which must directed by the efforts of teachers.

In terms of pedagogical practice characteristic of self-evaluation is its constant change according to the feedback received. Therefore, the construction of feedback provides pedagogically minded search form that not only establishes a positive attitude, but teaches the construction of real self-evaluation of students. The fact that self-estimation  is quite a stable psychological formation, which often can not afford to change in the socio-psychological training makes some difficulties, thus requires implementation of a complex long-term measures designed to transfer skills to correct the situation on modeling real professional work.

It is a professional self-evaluation which is the most influential factor in the formation of professional competence as a combination of vocational and cognitive component, skills, abilities and competences.

We note that the specialists’ competency framework of social services includes, as a rule: professional and legal competence (knowledge of labor laws, regulations, teaching materials); professiological competence (knowledge of particular professional requirements), perceptual and social-communicative competence (knowledge and system of interpersonal skills).

Professional competence of personality is based on their individual competence - "self-possession techniques and self-improvement.

 During research on the personal-professional growth of students’ personal and professional requirements for graduates according to European educational space was also analyzed. Thus, according to Doctor of Philosophy V. Heninha, one who studies the economy should be characterized by personal and professional qualities:
- the working discipline, perseverance, motivation;
- knowledge of fundamental labor and educational facilities;
- willingness to learn and well-trained memory;
- good ability to speak their native language;
- fluency in a foreign (English) language and the ability to improve this knowledge;
- deep understanding and guaranteed school course understanding (mathematics);
- knowledge of word processing and other computer programs;
- ability to criticism, even self-criticism.

Thus, among the first requirements to experts "ready to learn" in the future is put forward. But understanding and awareness of the need of forming mechanism of self-education of future professionals does not mean that the system of consistent pedagogical actions in this direction will lead to the guaranteed results. Let us briefly consider the factors which act against the performance. The greatest difficulty for teachers in the formation mechanisms of self-education as a component of personal-professional development are a time-limits of both deliberate psychological and educational impact and duration of training and practice. After all, the most significant personality changes occur due to the professionalism gained (often long) by professional experience, which allows under the condition of certain knowledge, abilities and skills to bring them to the creative component that is possible only when you reach a certain level of skill.

Taking into consideration everything written above, the purpose of educational process should propose the formation of self-algorithmic technologies that person will use outside teaching influence in the future self-education.


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