of Moscow State Pedagogical University
Ulyanovsk Russia
In the XIX century Ernst Haeckel, a German
zoologist, introduced into scientific use the term "ecology," which
is from Greek - the science of the house (in wide meaning of the word). Nowadays,
ecology has become the separate complex science that studies the relationships
among living organisms and their communities with each other and with the
environment, i.e. the study of relationships of living systems, which include humanbeings
Personal culture is
defined as the degree of personal mastery of past and present culture of the
society and its active reproduction in personal behavior, communication and doings
[4]. Ecological culture is a part of it.
According to Sosunova
I.A., ecological culture is a system of historically developing over biological
program of human activities, covering all areas of material and immaterial
life, designed to regulate relations between society and nature on the
principle of co-evolution [2]. Thus, ecology and culture are inextricably
linked: the quality of human interaction with its environment is always a
reflection of the level of its culture.
Stogova D.A.
considers that external behavioral
ecological culture reveals through the following elements: cultural attitudes to the animal world (requires
understanding of the necessity of the existence of all animal species, the
failure of division of animals on the "harmful and" useful ",
respect for all living beings, intelligent use of the variety of wildlife in life
and activities), cultural attitudes to the plant world (understanding that all
plants are living organisms with their needs and qualities, careful attitude
and reasonable use of the floral variety in life and work), cultural attitudes
to non-living elements of nature - air, water, minerals, soil (awareness of
vulnerability and fragility of these components, respect for them, their
reasonable use); culture of everyday household activities (safe use of
household chemicals, proper waste management, reasonable use of water and
energy) culture of industrial production (the use of technology of closed loops in enterprises, the newest
means of cleaning up and toxic industrial waste disposal, work on the principle
of priority of environmental safety), professional culture (organization of
professional activities which takes into consideration to possible negative
impact on nature, prevention or minimizing damaging effects); culture of direct
contact with nature in recreational areas in cities (awareness and compliance
with behavioral rules in nature, respect for both the natural objects and visiting
these places rules.) [5, p. 28]. Elements of
the ecological culture are related to its components: cognitive (includes
knowledge about nature), emotional and evaluative (emotional perception of the
environment, recognition of the multi-dimensional value of nature), moral -
legal (includes mastery of the moral and legal norms that contributes to the
activity in nature), activity related (mastery of a variety of methods of
environmental protection on the base of environmental laws) [5, p.31]. In this
case, all components are closely linked and each is indispensable in the
formation of a coherent ecological culture.
condition is an indication of interaction between society and nature. It is its
quality that is commonly accepted as "ecological culture of society."
It is also important that ecological culture is international in essence, is a part
of national culture. It includes national and ethnical attitude to nature,
culture of national relations, ethnic culture and regional culture of work.
These elements are connected tight to the local nature, historical, geographical
and traditional settings [1]. Any person, being a member of society, on the one
hand, is influenced by culture; on the other hand, he/she actively creates it.
Each of us creates and uses the surrounding nature in accordance to the type of
our environmental culture [6, p.4]. We obtain a closed two-element system,
where each element depends on and determines the level of the other. The
current ecological situation in the world is directly proportional to the level
of ecological culture of human beings. The sooner people will start to analyze
their actions and adjust the goals according to amounts of natural resources,
the faster you can go to a higher level of relationship between man and nature.
Cultural norms are formed throughout life, through training, education and
purposeful human activity.
Ecological culture
of society depends on the culture of a person; therefore, it is necessary to
achieve a high level of ecological culture of each individual, which will
create conditions for the optimization of the relationship between man and
nature, and reach sustainable co-evolutionary development.
1. Андреев, М.Д. Экологическая культура как основа
гармонизации отношений между обществом и природой [Электрон. ресурс] /М.Д. Андреев // Успехи современного
естествознания. – 2009. – № 7 – С. 143-145 – Режим доступа:URL:
2. Сосунова, И.А.
Экологическая культура –
теория и практика [Электронный ресурс] / /И.А. Сосунова
//Экологически устойчивое развитие. Рациональное использование природных
ресурсов. Материалы международного научно-практического семинара. – Режим
3. Социально-экологический словарь (русско-французский)
[Электронный ресурс] /Отв. редактор И.Н. Ремизов – М.: Былина, 2002.- 224с. –
Режим доступа:
4. Социальная философия [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим
5. Стогова, Д.А. Формирование экологической культуры младших школьников на
основе межпредметных связей: дис. … к. пед. наук [Текст] / Д.А.
Стогова. – Брянск, 2001. – 216 с.
6. Формирование
экологической культуры учителя: Метод. реком. [Текст] / Сост. О.М.Дорошко. –
Гродно: ГрГУ, 2002. – 71 с.