Педагогические науки / 5. Современные
методы преподавания
Ст.преподаватель Омарова З.К.
Костанайский государственный университет им.А. Байтурсынова
The effective use of the information
technologies in teaching foreign languages
The use of computer technology in foreign language
teaching has changed the approach to the development of training materials for
this discipline. Unlike traditional, interactive multimedia-based learning
programs can more fully realize the whole range of methodological and didactic, pedagogical and psychological principles that make learning process
more interesting and creative. Thus, the possibility to take into account the
levels of language training and to develop student’s assignments of varying
degrees of complexity within a single program provide a good basis for the
implementation of the principle of individualization and differentiated
approach to learning. This ensures compliance with the principle feasible constraints and the availability of jobs is taken into account an
individual pace of each student [1].
The use of new information technologies in teaching
foreign languages suggests an active role of the learner in the process of learning. A new
kind of cognitive activity eliminates the passive acceptance of information. It
is based on intense intellectual activity that requires maximum concentration
and attention, which resulted in the discovery of new knowledge. In turn, the
creative nature of the educational-cognitive activity contributes to the
development of cognitive independence of students, building skills to fill up
their own knowledge, to search and navigate the flow of information [3].
It should also be noted that the rendering of educational
material - the creation of learning environment with a clear presentation of
information, the use of color and sound, affecting the emotional and conceptual
scope, contributes to a better assimilation of linguistic material. Multimedia
programs at the same time stimulate a student's multiple channels of
perception, it is better supported by his attention, reduce fatigue and provide
the necessary relaxation [6]. In turn, the combination of visual image, text
and audio series offers great opportunities for integrated development of the
skills of the student's voice in a foreign language. This process becomes
interactive by allowing two-way communication and dialogue with the computer
when the student and the computer can ask each other questions, get answers,
the computer can give hints and correcting it can be to ask for help [2].
The great advantage of automated learning systems is the
ability to record, store and analyze students' responses, to provide them with
assistance if necessary, to carry out a phased and cross-cutting assessment of
knowledge, to determine the progress of their work, implement a more flexible
system of control of learning and assessment. However, the provision of
programs of different kinds of keys allows the student to exercise self-control
as well [5].
Creating high-quality training and monitoring programs -
a complicated process, requiring large expenditures of time and language
teachers, linguists and methodologists, involving active participation in the
work of experts in the field of computer technology. The result of this
creative work - multimedia software - may be used in the traditional method of
teaching foreign languages, as well as in distance learning [10].
Information technology in teaching foreign language is necessary now.
In recent years, increasingly the question is raised about
the use of new information technologies in high school. This is not the only
new hardware, but also new forms and methods of teaching, a new approach to
learning. The main purpose of teaching foreign languages is the formation and development of the communicative culture of school,
learning the practical mastery of a foreign language [10].
The task of teachers is to create conditions for a
practical language learning for every student to choose such training methods
that would allow each student to show their activity, their creativity. The
task of the teacher - to strengthen the cognitive activities of the student in
learning foreign languages. Modern educational technology such as cooperative
learning, project method, the use of new information technologies, the Internet
- resources to help implement a learner - centered approach to education,
provide individualized learning and differentiation, taking into account
children's abilities, their level of training, aptitude, etc. Familiarity with
some computer training programs has prompted me to change my attitude to
teaching a foreign language at the university[11], [8].
Variety of topics, activities, colorful, fun computer
program generated enormous interest among the students. The existing
CD-ROM-drives allow you to display information in text, audio and video.
Computer assisted instruction allows you to organize the independent actions of
each student. When teaching listening, every student gets the opportunity to
listen to foreign-language speech, speaking in the training, each student can
pronounce the phrases in a foreign language into the microphone when teaching
grammatical phenomena - each student can perform grammar exercises, ensuring
the correct answers, etc. Existing commercially computer training programs in
foreign languages do not always meet the basic requirements of programs, they are intended
mainly for private lessons, for self-study of foreign languages. And at the
same time, without an experienced teacher of this method of learning the
language is not very effective. Of course, nowadays, created computer programs
that support the already-existing courses in foreign languages, for example,
"Reward". Education for such programs is conducted in a particular
system. Many educational establishments use in the classroom, such computer
programs as the “Triple play plus in English”, “English on holidays”, “English
Gold”, "Hello, America!", "Bridge to English",
"Professor Higgins", "English for communication" and
others. Nearly every section of the textbook material can be selected one of
these programs and use a portion of it in the classroom as an aid in the
introduction of new lexical and grammatical material, pronunciation, in
teaching dialogic speech, reading and writing, as well as in testing. Students
work with computer programs is not the whole lesson, but only part of it, about
10-15 minutes [13].
This work takes time to learn the computer programs of
teaching English and German, and choose the material appropriate programs for
all ages. It is not always possible to apply these programs in the high school.
But these lessons are characterized by their diversity, the increased interest
of students to foreign language performance. Every student, even the weakest,
showing their skills, passion competition forces it to achieve better results
Some teachers are skeptical about this method: "Why
do it? There are a lot of new teaching materials, audio and video programs,
yes, and better than the teacher does not teach anybody. " Maybe they're
right. But no one talks about replacing the "living teacher on e." As
aids learning a foreign language, computer programs have their advantages. They
allow for individual attention to students who are engaged with each computer
as long as necessary. Special attention is paid to children lagging behind in
their studies. Multimedia tools allow the teacher to adjust the curriculum
based on the interests and abilities of individual students. Students can use
the multimedia elements in their home works and passing them in electronic form
on disk or via the Internet [7], [9].
The use of video
for training in teaching foreign languages is one of effective methods. Over
the past decade much has been said about the changing concepts of education,
the development of innovative teaching methods, use of new technologies in the
learning process. Currently, teachers are open to opportunities to learn the
theoretical and practical disciplines using different techniques. Many high
schools can boast of language laboratories, multimedia classrooms, video halls.
The classes are widely used audio-visual equipment, computer technology,
including Internet access, projectors of various types (overheads, digital
projectors, etc.), and interactive whiteboards [12].
However, the possibility of using video clips is much
wider. In other words, it is necessary to develop a technique using various
means, including video, in the process of teaching.
Let us consider the possibilities of feature films,
various movies, including promotional trailers, as well as video recording.
Viewing Movies in the study of foreign languages are actively used in the higher and secondary education for decades. Video
over the past few years has undergone a number of improvements and widespread.
At the disposal of teachers have DVD-players, digital cameras, multimedia
classes. On the one hand, it holds great promise and possibilities of using
video in practical classes. On the other - access to the above facilities and
limited class time teachers confront new challenges. Need to develop a technique
using fragments of feature films, and additional materials.
Creating high-quality training and monitoring programs
- a complicated process, requiring large expenditures of time and language
teachers, linguists and methodologists, involving active participation in the
work of experts in the field of computer technology. The result of this
creative work - multimedia software - may be used in the traditional method of
teaching foreign languages, as
well as in distance learning.
Summarizing the above, it can be argued that the training video courses and
multimedia reveal opportunities to be active in the process of language skills,
and abilities of students and make the learning process of mastering a foreign
language attractive to students.
The effectiveness of using video for teaching speech depends not only on
the accurate determination of its place in the education system, but also on
how efficiently organized structure video classes as coordinated training video
capabilities with the tasks of learning.
Creating high-quality training and monitoring programs - a complicated
process, requiring large expenditures of time and language teachers, linguists
and methodologists, involving active participation in the work of experts in
the field of computer technology. The result of this creative work - multimedia
software - may be used in the traditional method of teaching foreign languages,
as well as in distance learning.
We have analyzed several sources and concluded that learning English with
the help of video - this is a very effective method. He is currently
progressing and proving its right to exist. We have shown that using video
lessons very well attract the attention of students, and develop many aspects
of speech activity, but also enable the creative expression of identity. Also,
comparing the use of video in the classroom, and especially teaching it in high
school, we realized that this method is the most relevant and effective for
upper secondary education when the student has already defined knowledge base
The list of used literature
1. Обучение
лексике средствами наглядности. / Под ред. Л. В. Банкевич. – Ленинград:
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2. Братников Д. И., Павлова Э. П.: Некоторые приёмы презентации лексики
средствами телевидения. – Ленинград, 1977. – 101 стр.
3. Теория и практика применения технических средств в обучении
иностран-ных языков. / Под ред. М. В. Ляховицкого. – Киев, 1979. – 56 стр.
4. Вестник МГПУ. / Рябов В. В., №1. – М., 2008. – 75-78 стр.
5. Иностранные языки в школе. / Под ред. Н. П. Каменецкой. – М.: №2,
научно-методический журнал, 1996. – 3- 4стр.
6.Иностранные языки в школе. / Под ред. Н. П. Каменецкой. – М.: №5,
научно-методический журнал, 2008. – 53- 57стр.
7. Иностранные языки в школе. / Под ред. Н. П. Каменецкой. – М.: №4,
научно-методический журнал, 2008. – 70- 74стр.
8.Копылова В.В.: К проблеме модернизации содержания общего образования России
// Иностранные языки в школе, №5, 2002. – 21 стр.
9. Копылова В.В., Воронина Г.И. Организация обучения иностранным языкам и
профильной подготовки педагогических кадров в условиях модернизации содержания
образования // Иностранные языки в школе, №1, 2003. – 8 стр.
10. Бим И. Л.: Обучение иностранному языку. Поиск новых путей // ИЯШ. – 2002,
№1. – 31 стр.
11. Зимняя И. А.: Психологические аспекты обучения говорению на иностранном
языке. - М.: Просвещение, 2002. – 12 стр.
12. Барменкова О. И.: Видеозанятия в системе обучения иностранной
речи. // ИЯШ. 1993, № 3. - 20 – 25стр.
13. www.macmillan.ru: ИКТ на уроках английского языка с использованием WAY