Mathematics / 2. Prospects of information systems

Iljushchenko L.P.

Information education of culture of the person of schoolboys at mathematics and computer science lessons
Municipal general educational budgetary establishment

the basic comprehensive school № 20, Russia


The information culture of the person is now one of the main components of the general culture of the person. The information culture includes information literacy, information outlook and literacy in the field of information-computer technologies [1].

The role of computers has increased in life of a modern society. It is now difficult to name its any area – whether it be manufacture, a science, technics, culture, agriculture, a life, entertainment where application of computers wouldn't bring notable results.

The increase in intellectual loading at mathematics lessons forces to think of how to support at pupils interest to a studied subject, their activity throughout all lesson. The computer can render the huge help in the decision of this question.

Computer use at training allows to create information conditions, to stimulate interest and keenness of the child.

As one of advantages of modern lessons I consider application of information-computer technologies.

The information culture consists not only in mastering by a certain complex of knowledge and abilities in the field of information-computer technologies, but also assumes knowledge and observance legal and ethical standards and rules.

It is necessary for modern person to seize communicative culture, that is abilities to create and send electronic letters to find the necessary information in the World wide web or in file archives, to participate in chats and so on. As at us at school free access to the Internet is connected, we with children at mathematics lessons learn to extract and process the information, to analyze it.

All it assumes observance of certain rules: to answer questions, not to digress of discussion and so on.

For development in modern conditions the person should acquire certain knowledge, skills for successful operating by the information, to possess the basic qualities, allowing to improve this knowledge, skills according to modern information technology, to have outlook of an information society.

Literacy in the field of information-computer technologies is reached only in the course of regular use of information technology in an everyday life. From the point of view of use of information-computer technologies the population can be divided into four groups: on those who regularly uses information-computer technologies, accordingly has an unimpeded access to the information; on those who wants them to use, but for any reasons can't; on those who for whatever reasons doesn't want them to use; on those who has no representation about modern information-computer technologies. Last three groups in most cases concern the province population. It is caused by many factors, from which the population and insufficient awareness on possibilities of modern information technology [2] are main the limited access to information-computer technologies, «information passivity».

Access restrictions can be as technical (for who doesn't have the technics necessary for work with ICT), and economic (for those who can't use new technologies because of high cost of services). Technical limitation frequently is a consequence of the economic. For a province now the most essential are, first of all, economic restrictions, for example, cost of access to a network the Internet in small provincial small town in times, and sometimes and in tens times above cost of similar services of a large megacity. If to consider information culture of the person as the tool of development and adaptation to environmental conditions and as a way of harmonization of private world of the person during development of all volume of socially significant information, it is possible to draw a conclusion that level of information culture of the average inhabitant of a province a little below level of the inhabitant of a big city, it follows from this that the person living in a province receives smaller quantity of socially significant information, the reason of it is the limited access.

«Information passivity» is inherent in people who aren't fond of innovations or deny innovations basically. Unfortunately such people, in a province it is a lot of, it, first of all people who can't estimate on advantage advantage of information-computer technologies in comparison with other sources of the information. For Russia it is necessary to raise first of all awareness on possibilities ICT, especially in a province, and to create a wide network of accessible retraining, especially teachers and teachers.

Special place in treatment of concept «the information culture» occupies information outlook. The information outlook is a frame of reference of the person on the world of the information and a place of the person in it. The information outlook includes belief, ideals, knowledge and activity principles. Information outlook it is closely connected with motivation of activity of the person which defines success of its information preparation. In case of work from information-computer technologies, the person who has begun them to use, frequently doesn't need the further motivation as it can be convinced of necessity of universal use of these technologies personally.

Poverty of the population, including information poverty, low level of access to information-computer technologies and awareness on their possibilities, shortage of teachers and teachers of computer science, free or cheap courses of retraining are principal causes of low level of penetration ICT in a province, and disturbs to increase of level of information culture of the person. The decision of these problems – a key question of today's development [3].

Skillful use of computer facilities is got today by nation-wide value, and one of the major problems of school – to arm pupils with knowledge and skills of use of modern computer facilities. Hopes all over the world are pined on a training computerization to raise efficiency of educational process, to reduce rupture between requirements which the society shows to rising generation, and that the school really gives.

Thus, we see close interrelation of information-technical progress with mankind which is absorbed within the precincts of educational institutions, including schools. Bringing up and raising thereby information culture of the person of the schoolboy.


The list of references:

1. Belic A.A.cultural science. Anthropological theories of cultures. М: Russian. Un y. М, 1999. 241 with.

2. Galperin P. Ja. Language consciousness and some questions of mutual relation of language and thinking//philosophy Questions. – 1977. - № 6. - with. 95-101.

3. Dridze T.M.text activity in structure of social communications. – М: the Science, 1984. - With. 102.