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of Economic Science Uakhitova G.
PhD Student of
L.Gumilev Eurasian National University
One’s personal developing pleases
his spiritual demands, appreciates his own personality, lets analyze his role
in social systems. Entertainment processes are realized in natural and
artificial situation.
Entertainment industry has
an aim to create entertainment conditions which influence on the whole process.
Demand appearance
motivates a man to act, to find entertainment. Demands developing dynamics is
accompanied with emotional background changing. Looking for an entertainment
subjects one acquires jolly senses finding it. Emotional direction of
entertainment industry developing forms new personal and social demands.
Entertainment industry is
the youngest industry of socially-cultural sphere and one of the most
profitable tourism industries.
It solves the following
optimistic mood formation;
personal cultural developing.
All these tasks have a positive influence towards a
Economics studies such kinds of an activity in a tourism
sphere. There is no a determined criteria for pointing out sphere which is
connected with people entertainment in statistics. The reason of it is a lack
of essential kinds. In traditional industry classification all productions form
an auxiliary activity. Enterprises which main activity is connected with
demands pleasure of a man related to entertainment industry. Such units are
circuses, theatres, zoo and so on.
Nowadays entertainment
industry attracts considerable material, financial and labour recourses.
Entertainment organizations are characterized by specific technologies,
management systems, an activity result, a stock organization.
Basic characteristics of
entertainment process are the following [1]:
voluntary choice of entertainment;
unlimited entertainment list;
preliminary person’s preparing to consume entertainment;
entertainment choosing in often form;
entertainment combining with other kinds of leisure;
entertainment consumption periodicity;
Basic industry functions are to create a good mood, to
develop and educate personality. Accomplishing these functions our industry
takes a part in labour person
reproduction, contributes personal capital increase. Besides, as other
industries it performs production, profit and employment function [2].
Game business is one of
the profitable entertainment industry in tourism.
Game business is an
entrepreneur business which is connected with gaming [3].
Such kind of game is an
agreement between participants or with game business organizer. Their profit
depends on a price they want to win in this game [3].
Bet is a risked agreement
between participants or with some business organizer. Their profit depends on a
prize, but they don’t take a part in the game [3].
There are 3 models of
business regulation in the world:
Full veto of gaming for countries with a high regulation level (Iran,
Israel, Indonezia).
Partial legalization of a game
market, when state allows only some kinds of games and this business can be
concentrated in special zones. (Russia, Kazakhstan)
Full legalization of game business by state control (Majority of European
We established ¹ 220-III from 12.01.2007 Law in 2007.
“Changes and editions in some laws of Kazakhstan Republic concerning game
business”. ¹ 219-III from 12.01.2007
“About game business” which determined “Law bases for game business organization
in Kazakhstan”. Such law don’t related to lottery and an activity with using of
automatic machines without a prize and sport performances (bowling, carting,
According to ¹ 219-III from 12.01.2007 law “About game
business” there are must be not less 50 certified automatic machines with 90 %
profit in Kazakhstan game organizations. There are must be not less 20 play
tables in casino. Cash desks and play places must have video systems according
to ¹ 219-III from 12.01.2007 law “About game business”. These video you should
keep about 7 days.
If you want receive a license you should:
have a building on the base of property right;
have security organs who will keep order in your organization;
have game equipment on the base of property right;
have banking reserves or sum depending on kind of an activity: bookmaker
offices – 10 mln. tenge, game automatic machines halls and casino – 25 mln.
tenge, a totalizator – 5 mln. tenge.
License dates you can see due to an electronic
register of licensor [4].
There are the following
kinds of an activity concerning game business in Kazakhstan Republic:
casino (game organization where game tables are widely used);
game automatic machine hall (game organization where only game machines
are used);
bookmaker office (game organization when you have a bet between a game
organizer and participants);
totalizator (game organization where a bet between participants is used.
This bet is appeared by game establishment organizer’s initiative).
There were 132 casino, more than 2000 game halls, 53
bookmaker offices, 1 totalizator till ¹ 219-III from 12.01.2007 “About game
business” law accepting [5].
According to ¹ 219-III from 12.01.2007 law “About game
business” an activity of all game organizations in Kazakhstan is regulated in a
strict form. There are only 2 game zones in Kazakhstan Republic. They are the
following: Almaty region, The Kapshagay coast, Akmola region, Shuchinsk. Casino
and game houses accommodation is prohibited in state organs and establishments,
cultural, health, educational buildings, bus station and airports.
The main aim of tourism potential developing of the
Kapshagay coast is a creation of game business zone, developing of special
tourism kinds, appearing of a new tourism product.
First casino “Flamingo”, “Zodiak” were opened in
Kapshagay in 2008-2009. Despite of casino and automatic machines halls must be
at the Kapshagay coast and in Akmola region determined by executive organs
these organizations are in city limits. (20 km from special zone) [5].
In 2009 year
9 game objects were opened. (438 labour places). At the moment there are 11
casino in Kapshagay: «PRINCESS»,
«Riviera», «Orion», «Altyn Alma », «Flamingo», «Prince», «Zodiac», «Plaza», «Sun
City», «Marine Club Esperanza», «Cosmos».
Today «Riviera», «Marine Club Esperanza», «Cosmos»
don’t work, other have a standart regime [5].
Game business in Kapshagay continues its
developing due to a tourism infrastructure, transport infrastructure
developing. For example, Almaty-Kapshagay highway situated in Almaty region and
Kapshagay reconstruction is almost finished. Its length is 104 km. Movement
speed of cars is 120 km/hour. About 57 km of highway will have 4 stripes, 45 km
– 6 stripes. (stripes’ wideness is 3.75 m.) 2 transport division roads of 2
levels, 4 bridges and wire are included
in this highway length.(288 meters). This road will be served by 3 road objects
– 1 road plot, 2 road points. After highway reconstruction this trace must be
paid [6].
Movement strengthening of this trace is
especially actual in connection with game business developing at the Kapshagay
Shuchinsk- Borovskaya recreation zone has
game business, a tourism and a transport infrastructure. According to Burabay
district akimat there are about 10 casino in Shuchinsk- Borovskaya recreation
zone: «Åurasia», «Åurope», «Lafaette»
etc. These casino are licensed officially by The Ministry of Tourism and Sport.
So, it pays taxes, their services answers all international standards.
According to statistic
dates one casino pays about 35-45 mln. tenge a month depending on tables
number. It is only fixed tax. In comparison with 2009 year our game payments
from game business increased by 2 times in 2010 year. According to the Ministry
of Finance this indicator was 5 billion 307 mln. tenge. In 2009 year this
indicator was 2 billion 375 mln. tenge. Tax rise is connected with an increased
casino number in Kapshagay.
We need great investments
for the creation of highly developed game industry. Due to unperfected law base
foreign investors haven’t any interest towards Kazakhstan game business. For instance:
putting 15-20 billion $ for a casino building by a foreign investor will bring
him a profit in long time. The reason of it Kazakhstan isn’t a tourism center
even in the Central Asia.
There are a lot of players who visit casino all over
the world. Countries with developed game business haven’t limits for money
putting. For instance if you win a big sum of money you will not have any claim
in Macao or Las Vegas. If somebody won 11 thousand $ but he regulated only 10
thousand $ he will be a thief in Kazakhstan Republic. According to custom laws
foreign people can put out only such sum of money that they declared. You have
a chance to buy traveler's checks, to put money in the bank, to make a
transporting but it is not useful because of a high commission level [7].
Economic benefit from game business:
Game business is very profitable: Any casino will bring a high profit to
his owner and taxes to the government budget in short time;
Wide organization of legal game establishments gives a chance to shorten
criminal profit of game business;
we have new high-payment labour places due to casino. Monaco is very
prosperous due to casino. Their income is formed by foreign people. Monaco
citizens don’t visit and play in casino.
Material and social losses of game business objects’
Gaming is bad for health. It’s a great problem for young and retired
people. Automatic machines passion causes a family financial crash. Despite of
it azart lovers consider that it isn’t right to veto such games. Game business
is more dangerous.
In casino people lost a lot of money.
Probability theory proves that a man always losses his
money. If one plays more, he losses more. There is a great deal of games where
your intelligence takes the most important role. And we also have a system of
games without any losses, “Black Jack” and others. There were professional
players who won the casino.
Loss problem takes more considerable character in
Kazakhstan Republic. (Than in Europe). If you play in the West, so you have
much money, and happy and want to loss a big sum. In the Republic of Kazakhstan people want to win and put all their
money but they have losses. Besides, an opinion concerning receiving money
without any difficulties isn’t true [8].
Leisure through entertainment is a perspective
direction in order to develop inner and external tourism. Further we see game
business developing and game tourism developing in our country. For the
realization of it it’s necessary to take into consideration an experience of
foreign people. For example: practically every European casino has a
restaurant, a hotel and a car park. Moreover we should take into account a
differentiation of players leisure concerning external travels, sightseeing,
museum visits.
Game industry attracts million of potential tourists
who like to play. Therefore tour managers need include game organizations
visits in their orders.
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