PhD:  Mandykaeva.A.R.

magister  Sarsenbaeva M.Zh.

Kazakh National Pedagogical University after Abai

Pedagogy and Psychology department,  Kazakhstan


Pedagogical-Phychological aspect of teaching English in primary school


Important period in the development and formation of personality is an initial training period. It is this age most amenable to education and development of creative abilities of the child. Children of primary school age the most open and receptive and curious. For the development of creative abilities of children to create a situation of interest. Developing training aimed at making children not only memorize facts, learned the rules and definitions, but also trained in rational methods of applying knowledge in practice, transferring their knowledge and skills both in similar and in the changed conditions.

Creativity manifested in solving creative tasks, but the optimal condition, providing an intensive development of creative abilities of students, advocates the systematic, deliberate presentation of a system that meets the following requirements:

- Cognitive tasks should be based primarily on an interdisciplinary, integrative manner and contribute to the development of mental personality traits;

- Tasks should be selected taking into account the rational sequence: from reproductive to update existing knowledge, to a partially-search;

- The system of cognitive tasks should lead to the formation of the following major characteristics of creativity: fluency of thinking, flexibility of mind, originality, curiosity, ability to advance and develop hypotheses.

A creative approach to help children solve a series of tasks, namely: to develop independent thinking, imagination, it will help establish trust between child and adult, will allow children to communicate freely with each other, be critical and self-criticism, to express themselves freely.

         The transition to teaching children English in elementary school creates a very different psychological situation.

One of the most important functions of primary education should be regarded as the formation of skills training activities. It was at primary school age child masters the system of operations needed for successful learning activities in subsequent phases. It is significant that the proposed system for the assimilation was not wearing readable nature: the mind of the child should remain flexible, independent, creative, and not be bound to the strict confines of universal prescriptions. This also applies to learning English.

Formation of skills training activities are inextricably linked with two features of training: mastering the training material and the formation of skills free of transition from training to untraining activity, the ability to transition from solution to educational problems to the orientation in problem situations of reality, recognizing and addressing sustainability in its mission .

The ultimate goal of learning English is always a real life.

We teach the child to be a full member of society, actively, intelligently and creatively participate in social activities.

But this will hardly be achievable if the teaching of English not being implemented personal training function generator. It is particularly important as the time for the considered step, since it is in primary school age lays the foundation of personality, and flaws allowed here, speak later in the acute form.

Now it is appropriate to formulate yet another function of the initial English language teaching to flow logically from the concept of age of child development: a feature on the support material in a phased development of the child. Few give the student a general kit or system of knowledge, give him a social experience. This must be done in such a sequence, with the choice of this dose to the nodal, the turning points of development of children's intelligence and the general development of higher psychological functions, corresponding to a special predisposition of the child to master those or other influences, have been provided necessary and sufficient material. This requirement is most often violated in learning a second language.

         Having examined the psychological functions that we are obliged to provide for teaching of English especially in elementary school, turn to the question about the basic strategy of language teaching young children about on what motives us appropriate to rely on different stages, and about what part in this learning can and should take their child's intelligence, his thinking and consciousness.

         Learning English from a psychological point of view - is a complex process of formation in the cerebral cortex of the new speech system, which begins to coexist and interact constantly with the already worked out a system of their native language, trying to imagine its interfering effect.

In different languages all the components of the speech of an already constitute a unified program of neural connections. Achieving the same of similar results in the English language is only possible when you create conditions that will ensure the functioning of intensive speech motor stimuli in the early years of language acquisition.

At present, the psychological conditions for the formation of primary school children language skills, and abilities in a second language is theoretically grounded and identified in the study of E.I. Negnevitskoy.

         Studies have shown that the psychological basis for language acquisition in our childhood is not the memory, the more mechanical, and verbal innate function. And it is precisely this function and allows us to solve the initial and most important issue in the mastery of child speech. This function synthesizes in itself all the necessary properties for the mental processing of the speech flow. Innate speech function is endowed with special features. The first is that its activity is limited in time (approximately 9 - 11 years of a child's life, it stops working). That is why with such ease a child feels it and why it is difficult for him to learn a second language only after the speech as a function ceased operations. The second feature of the speech function: the child has an opportunity on the basis of speech function and the presence of multilingual environments, each of which is vital for him, to master multiple languages without mixing them with each other, if the people who interact with the child themselves do not.

All the researchers argue that learning English should be focused on the physiological age characteristics of children. Researchers believe proven that the special session can begin to conduct with children 3-10 years, up to three - is meaningless, after a decade - it is useless to hope for a positive result, which is possible only for a small part of students, those with communicative and linguistic abilities above average .

         It is best to start learning English in 5 -8 years, when the system is child's mother tongue is already fairly well mastered, and the new language he is conscious. It was at this age still die a little verbal behavior, it is easy for a new "convert" their thoughts, no great difficulties when in contact in English. Children are easily and firmly remember the small volume of linguistic material and reproduce it well.

It is important to remember that at this age there is a gradual change in leadership activities, the transition from gaming activities to the curriculum. The game retains its leading role. Children continue to play up to 10-12 years. Consequently, the ability to support the gaming activities can provide a natural motivation for speech in English, to do interesting and meaningful even the most elementary statements.

Game in teaching English does not contradict the educational activity, and is organically linked to it.

The game requires the child of any attention, any memory, and emotional restraint. After all, every game has rules and laws of the game the child should be careful to observe these rules, be correct to subordinate its will to game problems.

Children of primary school age are inquisitive. In perception tend to pay attention to the vivid, emotionally-colored. However, attention to their different volatility: they can focus on only a few minutes. Children do not perceive the long-term (more than 2-5 minutes) monologic explanation for an English teacher, so any explanation must be constructed in the form of a conversation.

Mnemonic activity of children still imperfect. They are dominated by involuntary memorization: good and fast to remember what is interesting and causes an emotional response. The use of gaming techniques can create conditions for any children of all language learning tools (vocabulary and speech patterns) during the captivating children's interactions with each other.

Imagination of children is developed enough and is not only reproduces but also creative. Development of thinking comes from the visual-effective to clear - figuratively, of solving problems through direct action with him to action visual representations of them.

         With regard to speech development in children, they are able to conduct simple sound analysis of the speech, know how to select individual sounds in words. It is mainly descriptive, but it is planned to develop an explanatory speech. For example, children are able to explain the rules of the game.


AI  Leontiev experimentally proved that, in general, there is no reason to see in the presence or absence of skills in the English language explanation, much less, justification, the success or failure of learning English. Any normal child can and should master the English language and freely use them in conversation. If he does not reach, therefore, we will either fail to form he required skills, or insufficiently taken into account its individual characteristics.

It is therefore necessary to elaborate on the difficulties of mastering the English language in primary school age.

The first difficulty lies in the lack of validity and relevance of student motivation of learning English. In early childhood, such motives was not necessary for functional speech and language environment trend represented a strong enough impetus for the acquisition of language. Now, when the student has their own language, with which he solves all the problems of communication, meet basic living, social, cultural and educational interests, the need for ownership of a second foreign language is not experienced by them as an urgent need.

Relevant to the English language could be the following reasons:

desire to expand the scope of communication, to broaden and deepen the scope of cognitive activity, the beauty of sound of the language itself, the interest of the people - carriers of the language and interest in his culture.

In the process of learning English, these motives can be dissected, specified, combined in each lesson, the motives should re-strengthen, consolidate and incorporate into other, higher system. The essence of the educational organization learning environment lies in the fact that in real life student was integrally introduced elements of his future life, so that today he has lived since, perhaps, will live in the future. In this case, the reasons learning English will be valid and relevant.

The second difficulty of learning English is associated with owning the students native language. At English lessons a student, first, involuntarily transforms into the native language semantic units of the second language, there is awareness of these units is not achieved with the help of the English language, but by the mother.

Secondly, in attempting to build a verbal expression in English student uses verbal structure of the native language. If the speech mechanism is a second language has not been formed, the speech mechanism replaces the native language and even replaces it.

Thus, the problem of weakening the influence of the mechanism of the mother tongue in the process of learning English. Should determine the content of linguistic phenomena, which should be compared with each other because of their sharp differences, and describe the cases of convergence mechanisms of the native and English languages to facilitate second language acquisition: uncertainty that they can speak English, shyness and fear to become a laughingstock due to errors in the speech, the fear that mistakes will be followed for adverse assessment.   English language training school-age children based on their age and psychological peculiarities, namely: fatigue, involuntary attention, subconscious level of memorization.

         In conclusion, I want to quote Vygodskii: "If we do something with joy .... we will continue to strive to do the same. If we do anything with disgust, it means that we will make every effort to stop these activities. " Therefore, when teaching English primary school children need, above all, cause they have an interest in the subject.



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