T.R. Amanbayev* and S.J. Antony**

*Southern Kazakh State University, Shymkent, Kazakhstan, E-mail: tulegen_amanbaev@mail.ru  

**Institute of Particle Science and Engineering, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK, E-mail: S.J.Antony@leeds.ac.uk  



     For enrichment of material by method of flotation the alone fact of docking the hydrophobic particles on air bubbles is insufficiently. The resulting system must rise to the surface of liquid resulting the interaction with the hydrodynamic flows in the chamber of machines. On this process influences the collisions and capture of other moving particles. Occur in which the process of lifting of the "bubble-particles" complexes to the liquid surface is one of the important stages of flotation, which is modeled in the present work.

    Consider the motion of a single bubble in a fluid with mineralization of it’s surface (filled by particles). We  assume that the shape of the bubble and particles are spherical. Further the lower indices l, b and p of the parameters represent respectively liquid, bubble and particle. The parameters of flotation complex are noted without lower index.

     The equations of the motion. The mass balance’s equation of flotation complex has the form


where  - mass of flotation complex; t - time, j - intensity of capture of particles. Let us write the equation of flotation complex’s motion for one-dimensional case (along X-axis against the vector of acceleration of gravity). Then we have


,     ,    

  ,                      (3)

,    ,     ,    ,   ,    ,      .   

Here  - the velocity of  flotation complex;  - the characteristic velocity of the attaching particles on the surface of the bubble, which in the first approximation can be equal to the velocity of the particle  (=); ,,,, - forces of resistance, gravitation, Archimedes, Basse and joined mass respectively; ,, - volume, mass and diameter of  bubble; ,, - volume, mass and number of particles, collected by surface of bubble; , - particle mass and diameter; V, d – flotation complex volume and it’s characteristic size; ,, - liquid velocity, density and viscosity;  - gas density into bubble;  - gravitational acceleration. Note that the expression for non-stationary forces in the form of Eq. (3) is strictly justified only for small Reynolds numbers in the Boussinesq’s approximation. As the characteristic size of flotation complex  can take it effective diameter (from volume) . The existence of particles on the surface of the bubble further increases the resistance of the bubble by liquid. In this case, accounting for this additional forces is done in an approximate form by using in the interaction force the effective diameter (for example, by volume of flotation complex) instead of bubble diameter. The resistance coefficient  can be used known expressions from the literature [1-3]. Further, the equation that determines the position of flotation complex can be written as


      For the system of equations (1)-(4) we can assign the following initial conditions . If the mass of the bubble is constant (), equation (1) is transformed into the equation for . Next, let us consider the case of stagnant fluid () with particles by a constant sedimentation velocity for which,  


In this case  .

      The stationary velocity of bubble. As lifting of bubble its speed will strive to stationary value. When the bubble is rising in Stokes regime (Re<1, ) for its stationary velocity we have (in case of constant diameter)

In particular, Stokes regime is realized for air bubbles with diameter  μm, rising in water.

      If the value of Reynolds number of a bubble is not small (Re ≥ 1), the Stokes law is not applicable, and hence for the computation of a stationary velocity  of bubble, we can use the formula proposed in [4] as

,     ,    

These formulas were used for the numerical analysis presented later.

    The change of bubble diameter. Bubble diameter depends on many factors (pressure and temperature of fluid and bubbles, Laplace’s pressure at the surface of the gas-liquid, etc). We suppose that the mass and temperature of the bubble are constants (), and the pressure inside the bubble in any time is balanced by the pressure in the fluid and Laplace’s pressure resulting by the effect of surface tension. Then for the bubble diameter in stagnant fluid when the pressure in the fluid is determined only by hydrostatically pressure we have



where õ – coordinate of bubble centre;  - hydrostatically pressure of liquid, respective to level õ;  - outside pressure; H – height of liquid column;  - liquid pressure and bubble diameter at the initial position õ=0. From here we can get the dependence of bubble diameter from its coordinates , where  À  is real root of cubic equation . Here

,   ,    ,    ,    

If the bubble is not very small, so that the Laplace’s pressure resulting from the effect of surface tension can be neglected, then the bubble diameter is defined by formula

.                                             (5)

     The influence of surface mineralization on the intensity of the interaction between bubble and particles. As the rising bubble surface gradually mineralization occurs, i.e. attached by particles. Note some features of interaction of particles with bubble in flotation. When particles attach on bubbles, particles occupy a portion of its surface, reducing the probability of collisions of other particles with free field of bubbles surface. Numerous experiments on flotation suggests that particles collide with the upper hemisphere of rising bubble, and then by liquid flows, relatively quickly carried away to its bottom hemisphere and slightly affect to collisions of other particles with a free surface of bubble. Therefore, the extent of bubbles mineralization, defined by particles concentration in suspension begins to slow speed of flotation when the particles fills more than half of the surface bubble [1]. Taking into account these circumstances, here we propose a scheme approximating taking into account the impact of degree of filling of bubble’s surface by particles on intensity of capture disperse phase by bubble. Under these assumptions, filling bubble surface is characterized by height h of spherical segment, and lateral surface which is covered by particles (Figure 1). If  then the effective area of collision of particles with bubble is  and if , then, given the assumption that the particles are fixed only on the free surface of the bubble, for effective section have . Thus, the expression for the intensity of the collision of particles with bubble by effects of the bubble surface mineralization can be written as

,    ;     (6)

Here ,  are effectiveness of collisions of particles with bubble by catching and by gravitational effect [1,2]

,    ,  ,    ,       (7)

,      ,      


where  is stationary (sedimentary) velocity of particles in liquid. For transition area 1<Re<80 the laws of motion of the liquid flow around bubble in analytical form is difficult to get and therefore, we must use approximate and numerical methods. Using asymptotic approaches and interpolation of experimental data in [2],  suggested as



       Note that the above formulas for intensity of particle collisions with bubble are just for low values of the Stokes parameter when the particles inertia forces can be neglected.

      To determine the value of h used in Eq. (6), we assume that bubble surface is covered by monolayer in form of dense packaging. Two specific cases are studied here: when centers of particles form quadratic (less dense) and triangular (the most dense) lattice, supposing that the real location are intermediate between the appointing extreme situations. Volumetric proportion occupied by particles  and the proportion of free area between particles  for the extreme situations are defined as [3]

,     ,   ,    

Any periodic locations of particles centers characterized by parameters  and , and for particles concentrations  from considerations of similarity follows , . Moreover for quadratic location of particles centers , and for triangular we have . Then for any intermediate locations of particles taking into account of closeness of limit values  and , also  and  may be used the approximation with average coefficient b and average concentration  in dense packaging [5]

,    ,        (9)

Next, we write the obvious approximate formula , where ,  are free (from particles) and complete surface of bubble, ,  are part of the surface occupied by the particles and the average free surface between them respectively. The value  is approximately equal to sum of middle cross-sections of particles, and for value  may be used the approximation Eq. (9): . Then for the height of spherical segment of bubble occupied by particles we obtain

,     ,              (10)

      Analysis of the results. For example, consider the process of rising air bubbles in the water under normal conditions (Ò=293º Ê, =0.1 ÌPà). Values of the defining parameters: height of column with water H=2 m, diameter of particles in suspension 12 μm, real density and mass concentration of particles  êg/m3 and êg/m3 (volumetric proportion of disperse phases in suspension ). The initial diameter of bubble was changed in range 125 - 1000 μm. As the characteristic values were accepted: stationary speed of lifting , height of liquid layer H, time H/, initial mass of bubble . The dimensionless form the system of differential equations (1), (2) and (4) with closing ratios (3), (5)-(10) was integrated by numerical method. Evaluation showed that the taking into account of Basse’s force does not significantly deviate from the calculated velocity obtained without unstable Basse’s forces. In addition, bubble rather quickly acquires a fixed velocity, so during of such a short time the bubble can't grab any number of particles. These circumstances allows to neglect the unstable Basse’s force, and thus the integration of the system of equations (1)-(4) is considerably simplified.

     Figure 2 shows the degree of filling of bubble surface by particles depending on the dimensionless time. Curves 1-4 corresponds to different initial diameter of the bubble , 250, 500 and 1000 μm. It can be observed that for the bubbles with diameter less than 250 µm their surface succeeds to be almost completely clouded by particles before final rising. For example, for the bubbles with diameter  μm this happens long before the final rising, which is not very effective in terms of optimally using the height of liquid columns. For this it is best is to use the bubbles with a diameter of about 250 µm, because their surface almost completely mineralized near to the moment of its final rising.


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  2. Yoon R.H., Luttrell G.H. The effect of bubble size on fine particle flotation. Miner. Process. Extr. Metal. Rev. 1989. No. 5. p.101. 
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  4. King R.P. Modeling and simulation of mineral processing systems. Butterworth-Heinemann: London, 2001.
  5. Goldshtik Ì.À. Prosessy perenosa v zernistom sloye. Novosibirsk: ITF, 1984.