Экономические науки/6. Маркетинг и менеджмент


Аспирант Полещук Н.А.

Белорусский государственный экономический университет, Минск

Overhead cost identification and allocation


The basic principle of the method of cost identification and allocation within the processes consists of transferring the overhead expenses to the product at the time of their appearance during the process of appropriate activity realization. Very important here is an idea of tracing the overhead costs firstly to resources, then from resources to activities, and finally to the cost objects. Resources stand as subjects that carry out activities – personnel, equipment, transport, facilities, etc. By-turn the cost objects consist of products and services, distribution channels and suppliers, etc. Picture 1 shows how the overhead costs by the use of activities that pooled in processes trace there value to the products.  


    Picture 1. Cost allocation within the processes



The method of cost identification and allocation within the processes defines by what means overhead expenses are traced to the subjects (products, services, etc.). So for each category of costs it is necessary to choose indicators (cost drivers) that help to define expenses.

The possibility and reasonability of this method usage was shown at one of Byelorussian varnish-and-paint public corporation “Lakokraska”. Calculations were maid in successive steps (Picture 2):


Picture 2. The sequence of method realization at public corporation “Lakokraska

3. Identification of cost and resource drivers for tracing their value to activities


2. Cost objects (products)



1. Resources and activities








At the first step lists of resources and activities were maid. Thus at the varnish-and-paint public corporation “Lakokraska” were segregated 108 resources. They are represented by personnel according to company’s organizational structure and job positions. The identification of activities was accomplished on the bases of department constitutions, job descriptions and staff interrogation. As a result the list of 233 activities within nine component cells (administration, logistics, production management, sales of products, marketing, warehousing, transportation, security, and maintenance department) was formed.

At the second step three cost objects were chosen: varnish PFK-01, enamel HV-16 grey and prime coat AP-045 beige – the output of varnish-and-paint public corporation “Lakokraska”. 

The third step consisted in identification of cost and resource drivers. First are necessary for resource value definition, the others – for its tracing to activities. As a cost drivers were chosen the area of workplace, amortization of personal equipment and working clothes, fuels and lubricants consumption during transport exploitation, etc. Time driver was chosen as a resource driver. It reflects the duration of time that resource spends on carrying out activities. For this purpose the staff of the public corporation “Lakokraska” was questioned. It estimated the time of activities fulfillment.

At the same step the activities was classified on primary (183), auxiliary (28) and control (22). This classification is a basis for next step realization. With the help of system of cyclic correlation equations costs of auxiliary and control activities were allocated between primary operations.

The fourth step included marking of processes. Thus, all 183 primary activities were grouped in 46 processes (preparing and making of purchase contracts, organization of technical preparation for production, output transportation, etc.). Process drivers were identified at the fifth step. They confront expenses of activities implementation with cost objects. In proportion to quantitative drivers (production volume, amount of contracts, flow of traffic, etc.) at the final step all the processes allocated their cost to chosen objects.

In the issue of research net cost of enamel HV-16 grey and prime coat AP-045 beige was found to be lower (on 3,3% and 4,8% pro tanto), and of varnish PFK-01 higher (on 6,7%) in comparison with prime cost determinated by traditional method. While analyzing the reserves of cutting costs of those activities that don’t add value to a product were procured. Besides the identification of activities and their pooling in processes allowed to reveal the possibilities for further organizational management framework improvement. It can be reached due to departments’ reorganization and redistribution of employees’ duties. 

The implementation of the method demands considerable preparatory work by creation of database and informational securing of cost planning. That is because of large information massifs which manufacturing enterprises have. The calculations as well as they were made at varnish-and-paint public enterprise “Lakokraska” can be carried out with the help of Microsoft Excel.

The method of cost identification and allocation within the processes can become a powerful administrative tool that allows to overcome the inefficiency of traditional approaches in cost management. It provides not only more accurate cost measurement within the products, activities and processes, but also their effective management that helps to find possibilities for cost cutting and to increase competitiveness of the enterprise.



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