I. Y. Sokolova
Sokolova Irina Yurjevna
Degree: candidate of
pedagogy, university reader
Post: chief of
scientific-methodical department
Mailing address:
Business telephone + 7(8652) 352755
Home telephone + 7(8652) 323248
Analyzing at present time the problem
of abilities, it must be admitted that the main result of its actuality is in
increased interest to the personal individuality.
Our society demands children to
master their knowledge and methods of
activity, created by mankind, not to be a blind performer of things achieved by previous generations. It wants
them to be real creators, creative participants of social and cultural life.
That is why it is necessary to form child’s versatile abilities in pre-school
In modern psychology (in Tailor’s
concept) we can find good example of approach to the gifted children. There are
no new attempts to define new aspects of gift, but this concept draws attention
to the ways of its expression. It may
manifest itself in productive thinking, and taking decisions, prognosis,
communicating, planning, interrelation, etc. According to the concept of
many-sided gifts, all of them may be given to one man. Depending on their
different proportions they form unique outline of person. Learning must
consider all gifts given to a child not missing or depreciating any of talents.
Problem of versatile
gifts is reflected in numerous researches of A.L. Gotsdinner,
V.L. Drankov, P.I. Chuprikov,
etc. From their point of view abilities are form of active self-regulations:
person (individual) adapts his/her generic characteristics to environmental
influence, demands and individual style of activity. Under long
interaction of inner generic
characteristics and adaptation process stable functional psycho- physical
system is formed. Combining with intellectual,
emotional, coordinate and regulating process and repeating over and over again, they form abilities. Transfer of built up
algorithm or creation of new one for another activity is up to the mechanism of
versatile abilities.
According to the type of thinking, personal
orientation and the way of activity we divide them into 3 groups: intellectual,
artistic and practical. Versatile abilities may be monomodal
which appear in bounds of one sort of activity, and polymodal
which appear in different sorts of activity. They usually connect neither with
the way of thinking nor with using of material, but they are equal in modality.
Essence of versatile
abilities is not only in fact that individual
may have more powerful general talent, but these abilities can have
different levels or specialties. Visually types of versatile abilities can be
presented in the scheme:
V.L. Drankov defines psychological qualities underlying versatile abilities in the following way:
approach and permanent creative search;
of bright, stable conception, developed ability to this conception;
senses of material;
possession, which stimulates enormous efficiency.
So, versatile abilities
appear in following:
1. Every side of abilities can become
dominating. At this case algorithm of activity reforms.
2. Individual can successfully use different
combination of abilities and realize different types of activities.
3. A person with versatile abilities can cope
with an activity which has no generic bonds with former modality and activity.
Thus, psychological
mechanism of versatile abilities is based on transfer of consolidating skills
and practice to the new activity.
Pre-school age is
characterized by synthesis of imagination, thinking and speech, which raise child ability to visual graphics. Child
begins to develop inner speech as a mean of thinking. During the process of
upbringing, based on speech, learning of moral norms and rules of social life
takes place. Than all these norms and rules begin to run child’s behavior,
turning all acting in morally regulated dids.
Taking into consideration
psycho-physiological abilities of child individual talent, child vital
interest, aspiration for self-expression, we must admit that child’s abilities
are many-sided (versatile) and are realized by integrate activity. Freedom of
choice, self-creativeness, invention are given to children.
Integrate lessons may be
binary (given by 2 specialists) and polybinary (given
by moor then 2 specialists). The essence of such lessons may be contained in
one block of subjects (for instance, among esthetic-artistic block – theatre,
music, arts, etc.) or may connect different blocks
of subjects (ecology, valeology,
history, theatre, music, mathematics, etc.). It means that such lessons combine
different types of activity, realized by various methods.
Process of teaching at
integrate binary and polybinary lessons is based with
regard for new didactic principles
(principle of various models of cognitive activity; playing cognition;
synthesis of intellect; temporary insanity and activity; dialogue, etc.)
providing humanism and humanitarism of pedagogical process. Realization of these principles in
pedagogical work comes true through untraditional active forms and methods of
teaching which make learning more effective. Great attention is paid to such
active forms of teaching as:
(contests, relay-races, quiz, intellectual duels, etc.);
contacts (TV programs, TV panorama, reporting, dialogue, “alive” newspaper,
oral magazine, etc.);
imitation (circus, excursion, office, museum, traveling agency, etc.);
with historical elements (benefit programs, historical person, portrait, etc.);
improvisation (theatrical etude, concerts, exhibitions, etc.);
of research activity (kids laboratory, experimental play-grounds, etc.);
training lessons on transcendental pedagogy
(synthesis of science, arts, cultures with psychotherapy, psychotherapeutic
practice), providing creative development of person.
Teachers impel children
to the active cognitive creative activity using following methods: problematic
composition, heuristic conversation, cognitive
games (creative and prakseological games, travelling
games, electronic quiz); video-method, technical means of teaching. Technology
of integrate lessons assumes variety of subject-developing surroundings, making
conditions for child progress, abilities, gifts and interest.
One-topic tasks of
different complication are offered to children. They can choose any sort of
creative activity as they like. For instance, to express their mood or
impression by means of musical instruments, song, dance or different methods of
art activity such as blotgraphy, thread-writing,
applique work. At the end of the lesson
as “What have you known about yourself?”
or “What has been changed? ” are put to children.
Thus, such sort of lesson
makes optimal conditions for active cognitive activity of schoolchild, his/her
creative self-regulation. In its turn
integrate activity helps to demonstrate such psychological qualities underlining
versatile abilities as creative methods of approach and constant creative research, presence of bright stable
ideas, developed ability to conception, persistence, possession which stimulate
capacity for work and purposefulness of a person.
An individual can
successfully use various sets of abilities and do different works of high
quality. Child with versatile abilities can cope with work which has no generic
connections with previous modality and activity.
Of course, difference
between types of abilities can not be considered without due regard for
motivation, self-appraisal of other individual abilities and peculiarities of
child environment.
A person with versatile
abilities in grown-up life quickly adapts to constantly changing social
conditions. It allows person to feel him/herself more confidently in
surrounding society.