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Shegolskaya M.N., Zenina I.B.

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after

M. Tugan-Baranovsky


Ukrainian BTL market.

     Nowadays, the Ukrainian market BTL endures boom of the development. First of all it is connected with slow, but true shift of attitudes to the given kind of marketing communications. If earlier BTL perceived as a makeweight to direct publicity, today in Ukraine it consider as a self-sufficient and effective method of achievement of concrete marketing problems.

     The Ukrainian companies began to understand importance of direct contact to the consumer. For some BTL becomes almost unique method of dialogue with an audience: very rigid restrictions on direct publicity in Ukraine are entered on alcoholic, tobacco production, medical products. The total amount of an Ukrainian language a PR- and the BTL-market, according to the Vseukrainsky advertising coalition, in 2008 has constituted 1456 million given, and in 2009 decrease for 7 percent is predicted. The quantity of BTL-agencies, including the Ukrainian branches of the international holdings, increases every year. The competitiveness among them becomes more rigid. In the large companies, there are even BTL-departments and the field forces are formed.

    Market BTL hasn’t reduced already to ordinary shares in points of the sales, traditional formats are popular and effective till now: semplingi/testingi, games and even simple presentations. Among national shares the boom on so-called collectibles –when the certain quantity of labels/stoppers/pickings change on the guaranteed prize. Moreover, if earlier the large part of prizes was posted, now such shares are conducted through the centers of an exchange/delivery of prizes which are more convenient and in addition visualize the share. In spite of a variety mechanics, the old mechanics of draw too actively works, especially for young commodity classes and at active announcement through national mass-media and with a strong creative.

The Ukrainian BTL-market differs heterogeneity. With no regard to the fact, that what country scales, in comparison with Russia, are insignificant, the majority the promo-mechanic in various regions have unequal degree of popularity. Many mechanics are often used in one regions of Ukraine and not applied at all in others. There are what are popular everywhere or are not popular almost in one region. Restrictions on use the promo-mechanic impose set of factors: geography, seasonal prevalence, degree of development of commercial networks, activity of local manufacturers, degree of development of distribution, and also local mentality and the developed cultural traditions.

      Also obvious heterogeneity an application of various formats in different branches/categories of the goods is observed. So, old branches — beer, confectionery, alcoholic, tobacco — actively use BTL here already almost 10 years, therefore their approaches are more advanced – communications methods become more and more refined and diverse, budgets grow. Young branches only enter on way BTL and do to what veterans attended 10 years ago.

      More and more interest of the company show to trade-marketing methods, grow a long-term programs popularity of retail loyalty. Gathers forces partner marketing when campaigns are done in common by several brands in equal shares. Still in a germ stage is CRM and Ambient Media (use of non-standard carriers). The first direction requires scale risk assets, and the main thing – strategic understanding of problems that while a rarity. Many advertisers simply have not grown to the second item (the expensive or it is too courageous). Development of national retail trade systems should affect also a variety of shares mechanics in points of sales which with impatience expect not only buyers, but also agencies.

    As an example, Ukrainian ÂTL market can serve road show (advertising in movement) and Ambient media.

The special attention is deserved by the program realized for company " Kievstar " (the largest operator of a mobile communication in Ukraine), consisting of two campaigns: “the Motor-scooter of show Ace and Base” which has been realized in the summer in Crimea, and “the Winter vacation from "Kievstar" who has passed in the winter in Carpathians.

     As it is clear from the name, for “the Motor-scooter of show Ace and Base” has been chosen by transport fashionable among youth a motor scooter. As the advertising carrier for FMCG-mark it was used in the Ukrainian market for the first time. The choice in its advantage was quite reasonable: the scooter – a mobility synonym, and Ace and Base – mark of the prepaid mobile communication, therefore transport already in itself directly associated at an audience with the trade mark; plus as already it has been told earlier, the scooter – the most fashionable thing among youth. Scooters have been well prepared for action: professional artists painted in style of street culture also have transformed them into bright carriers. The separate attention has been given the form scooterås: it should not only bear in herself the information on mark, but also ensure safe and their comfortable work.

     Second example the program realized for company " Kievstar "  was three-week roud-show “the Winter vacation from "Kievstar" who passed in Carpathians became continuation to" mobile activity ”to company "Kievstar ". Here logical transport for winter mountain district – a snowmobile has been chosen even more unusual to promo-activity. In a role of promoters was professional sportsmen-instructors on skiing and a snowboard have acted. They moved on snowmobiles on mountain resorts, and in places of stops conducted free lessons on driving for all comers. The only stipulation: the pupil should be the user "Kievstar".

     As an other example, 2 projects realized for company " Kievstar" can become an example of use of non-standard carriers also. It is the project “Graffiti Ace and Base" and "New Year's spheres of "Kievstar". The element of street culture – graffiti — in the Ukrainian practice has been applied for the first time to trade mark advancement.

     In the end, it is necessary to notice, that an examples of the described shares organized by agency Talan Proximity, illustrate the general proposed tendency of Ukrainian BTL market: a place of habitual mechanics start to take new, more progressive and more difficult that meets new requirements of an emerging market.