
Candidate of Economic Sciences (code 08.00.10), assistant professor

Kazakhstan, Astana, Eurasian Humanitarian Institute




The developed situation in agrarian and industrial complex ofKazakhstan shows that during come time immediate changes in an agrarian policy, formation of strategy of development of agrarian and industrial complex in market conditions on the basis of real state regulation of occurring processes in this large and important sector of economy are necessary.

Slowed-down rates of reforms, mistakes in carrying out an agrarian policy caused absence of effective credit system in agriculture of Kazakhstan. Modern crisis generated not only complex problems, but also provided it chance to provide competitiveness of the production at least in domestic market. The credit since the increase in volume of production without financial resources is impossible is for this purpose necessary. And in the agriculture they aren't present. The bank credit in accordance with general practice owing to high interest rates and small term of crediting in the conditions of approaching inflation becomes again inaccessible to agricultural producers. [1]]

In recent years the state undertook attempts to pass to new credit conditions of the agricultural enterprises.

Process of crediting can be divided into some stages, each of which makes the contribution to qualitative characteristics of the credit and defines degree of its reliability and profitability for bank:

1) consideration of an application for a loan;

2) an assessment of solvency of the borrower and the risk connected with issue of the loan;

3) preparation of the credit agreement and its conclusion;

4) control over the implementation of conditions of contracts and credit repayment.

In practice of crediting some key positions by which the assessment of reliability of the potential borrower and according to risk degree on the credit is carried out are allocated: [2]]

- the identity of the borrower, his reputation, responsibility and readiness to carry out of the assumed obligations;

- financial possibilities — ability to extinguish the taken loan at the expense of the current monetary receipts or from sale of made production;

- property;

- provision;

- types and cost of the assets offered as pledge at receiving the credit.

In the analysis of solvency different sources of information are used: materials:

- received directly from the client;

- materials about the client, available in bank archive;

- reports and other materials of private and public institutions.

But careful studying of a financial condition the borrower and calculation of the factors applied in practice of the credit analysis is especially important. It is necessary for this bank to use the design procedure and estimates. The following indicators belong to number of the most important:

1. Index of financial independence

2. Index of a covering

3. Index of liquidity

3. Preportion of credit agreement

In case of the favorable conclusion about solvency of the borrower, the bank starts development of conditions of the credit agreement. This stage is called as structuring the loan. In the course of structuring the loan the bank defines the main characteristics of the loan:

1. Crediting purpose

2. Credit sum, credit term

3. Assessment of credit history

4. Providing credit

5. Credit monitoring

6. Other conditions.

The bank should check validity of the demand concerning the credit sum. It is important to define correctly from the very beginning the demanded sum of the credit for otherwise the bank will inevitably face a request for increase in the credit at approach of a crisis situation. The limiting sum of the credit pays off depending on a monthly average turn. The sum of the credit shouldn't exceed a monthly average turnover of the settlement account of the borrower for the last six months. Crediting at a rate of two monthly average turns of the borrower with obligatory establishment in the credit agreement of the schedule of monthly average repayment of the main amount of debt equal shares is allowed. Thus an indispensable condition is stable character of turnovers of the settlement account of the borrower. The monthly average turn for the last six shouldn't be below a monthly average turn for the similar period of last year no more than for 15 %.

Term of the credit provided from means of special fund of preferential crediting, is established according to the approved order of use of means of special fund of preferential crediting. Term of the commercial credit shouldn't exceed six months. If term of the required credit exceeds six months at simultaneous implementation of all requirements of bank when granting to the borrower of the credit, crediting is carried out for six months with possibility of the subsequent prolongation (no more than three months) at timely service of the credit and confirmation of balance indicators (receiving and the analysis of balances, an assessment of financial result and check on compliance to bank requirements at issuance of credit to the borrower).

At an assessment of credit history of the borrower the bank should consider the next moments: whether has the enterprise of the delayed credits of banks; according to existing credit agreements timeliness of repayment of percent and the main sum of shares, number of prolongation no more than one with the indication of the reason and the approved schedule of repayment should be observed.

Important element of business deal is what assets the borrower can put as providing the credit. Thus it is necessary to emphasize that the credit should stand out on definite purposes, for financing of concrete economic operation, instead of in exchange for providing as that. Providing — is the last line of defense for bank and the decision to allow a loan always should be based on advantages of the most financed project, instead of on appeal of providing.

All soft loans provided by bank, should be provided with pledge on one of below-mentioned groups:

1 group: Deposits in banks of the second level of RK; bills of banks of the second level of RK; liquid securities; guarantees of the first class banks.

2 group: Finished goods; the goods in a turn; raw materials; easily dismantled liquid equipment. The goods, raw materials and the equipment are accepted as a deposit only in the presence of real demand in the local commodity market on the put volume, at mortgaging cost.

3 group: Real estate (on realization terms about six months on similar objects in the region); the goods and finished goods of special demand, specialized raw materials (in the presence of the potential buyer) –

It should be noted that for mortgaging providing 2 and 3 the liquidity analysis, proceeding from the wholesale (liquid) prices which have developed in the local market and the minimum term of realization is surely carried out. At registration of contracts lending the mortgaging prices are accepted proceeding from a ratio 1:2 to the liquid prices.

3. Registration of business deal occurs by the conclusion of the credit agreement between the creditor and the borrower. In the credit agreement the main conditions of issue of the loan are defined: purpose, terms, size and credit price; mode of use of the loan account, order of repayment of the sum of a principal debt and percent on it; types and forms of check of providing; volume of information provided by the borrower; duties and responsibility of the parties, and also other conditions. All documents provided by the client, are filed in credit business. [3]]

The following important stage of process of crediting is control of an expenditure of the means provided in the loan. However it means not an excessive regulation of an order of an expense of means the borrower, and granting bigger independence to heads of the enterprises and increase of their responsibility, including material, behind an expenditure of means.

Interest of bank in economic activity of the enterprises and toughening of control can be caused only by emergence of doubts concerning prospects of return of the loan. In other cases bank control can be carried out only from the point of view of as far as return of the loan is provided with receipts of money from results of economic activity, instead of at the expense of renewal, prolongation or obtaining the new loan.

In the Republic of Kazakhstan the scheme of preferential crediting effectively works in the person of system of credit associations (further - CA). In 2010, 7 credit associations were in addition created and their total is finished to 153, coverage of rural regions made 86 %, total amount of their authorized capitals - 5 billion tenge. The structure of credit associations included more than 6 thousand agricultural formations having cultivated areas more than 3 million hectare, the general livestock of cattle – 1,2 million heads. The percent of recoverability of credit resources made 99,7 %. The volume of the gross revenue received by participants of credit associations will make about 40 billion tenge.

Since 2011 from the republican budget funds are allocated for crediting of nonagricultural types of business activity in rural areas in volume of 700 million tenges. Crediting is carried out in the following directions: processing of agricultural raw materials, production of the light and food industry, cultivation, cultivation and processing of fish products, organization of tourism, hotel business and roadside service, expansion of rural outlets and points of public catering. Thus, the credits it is planned to give out within 7 years with a compensation rate to 10 % per annum. In 2011 it is given out the credits for the sum of 708 million tenges according to 72 projects, from them 30 projects on creation of new productions are financed. In the current year in the republican budget 700 million tenges are provided. [2]]

Thus, crediting of the agrarian and industrial complexes enterprises at the present stage according to the scheme of preferential terms of crediting in the Republic of Kazakhstan is realized and remains rather effective mechanism of support of agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



The list of the used literature

1. Speech of the prime minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan I.Tasmagambetov at the meeting of board of the Ministry of Agriculture from 06.02.12.

2. «Agro-industrial complex – regions on start» I.Prokhorov//the Kazakhstanskayapravda from 19.06.11.

3. Egereva O. A. Strategy of reforming of agrarian sector in the conditions of transition to the market: The author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of the Doctor of Economics – M.:CRO, 2012 – 44p.