Abildayev S. T.,
PhD doctoral candidate
Taraz State University named after M.Kh.Dulaty,
Republic of
environment of the Zhambyl oblast as a factor
of regional competitiveness of Kazakhstan
One of features of modern Kazakhstan economy is
differentiation rates of economic development of its regions. Strengthening
competition between the oblasts of Republic acquires greater meaningfulness, as
a result not only social-economic factor’s role, but also competitive
advantages of regions increases.
Competition as one of major constituents of market
economy functioning mechanism and it is an object of intent attention of
researchers during more than 200. Many
prominent economists studied the problems of competition, as a result in science
there were three main approaches of competition research, which each of them
are considered all-sufficient.
Yet in the end of XVIII century А.Smith, and then at
the beginning of XIX century of D.Ricardo had put fundamental
positions of free competition essence, which is being the basis of modern theoretical
developments. Later in works of А.Curno, L.Valras, G.B.Cark, А.Marshall,
F.Knight and others, the term competition was interpreted within the framework
of behavioral approach as a force, characterizing cooperation of demand and
supply [1], [2]. So in economic science there were static and dynamic
approaches to the analysis of market models of competition.
At the beginning of XX century changes were brought in
theoretical ideas of competition essence under influence its transformation from
perfect model to imperfect and monopoly competition. So in works of F.Edguorto,
G.Robinson, E.Chamberlin and other largest scientists had a distribution of structural
interpretation of competition, in which an accent is displaced from the fight
of companies against each other on the analysis of market structure. A market analysis
became the basic idea of approach, where the producers of the differentiated
products operates, whose we can consider them as a monopolists. Thus each of them
has certain market authority over part of consumers [3].
The third approach to the study of competition from of
functional interpretation position has found a reflection in works of
I.Shumpeter, F.Hayek, G.М.Clark, E. Kirsner and others. At this rate competition
is investigated by them as an active process of rivalry and cooperation, which
is occurred under influence of new forms of organization production,
discoveries, knowledge, and also use of enterprise potential [4].
Among the newest approaches to the analysis of
competition theories of achieving leadership at the market are distinguished, which are worked out by
American economic school (М.Porter, G.Hamel, K.K.Prahalad, А. Kavis, A.Chandler,
B. Fortman, А. Lourens and others).
They combine experience of knowledge about competition, competitive activity
and methods of competitor’s behaviour at the market. Thus the methods of
achieving competitive advantages are distinguished in introduction of new technologies,
application of innovations and expansion of competition scale [5].
The Kazakhstan scientists also brought their
contribution to the development of national model of providing competitiveness. Among fundamental works we can distinguish labours
of such scientists, as U.Baimuratov, K.Kazhimurat, О.Sabden, K.Sagadiev, N.Nurlanova and
others. Their research affected numerous aspects, beginning from factors, terms
and criteria of competitiveness, and ending the mechanisms of increasing competitiveness
of regions and country on the whole.
Then, today what do we understand under a competition term
and what are features of regional competition? A competition (latin. concurrere
- to compete) is a rivalry between the participants of market economy for the best
terms of production, purchase and sale of commodities. Such inevitable
collision is generated by objective terms: by the complete economic apartness
of every subject of market, its complete dependence on economic state of
affairs and opposing with other pretenders for more profit. It is a law of the market;
it is a fight for an economic survival and prosperity.
Competition can be classified on a
few grounds: а) on the scales of development; b) by the nature c) and on the
methods of rivalry. On the scales of development a competition can be:
- individual,
when one participant of market aims to choose the best terms of purchase-sale
of commodities and services;
- local, if it is conducted among commodity
owners on some territories;
- sectoral, when a fight goes for
receiving more profit on one of industries of market.
- intersectoral when the rivalry of
representatives of different industries market takes place for bringing customers
on their side aiming for more profit;
- national, if the contests of national
commodity owners are inside this country;
- global, when the fight of
enterprises, economic associations and states of different countries are taken
place in the world market.
By the nature development of competition is divided
into: on free and regulative. On the methods of conduct there is a market
rivalry which is divided into: price (market positions of rivals are blown up
by means of price-cutting) and no price (victory is gained by upgrading products,
the best maintenance of customers).
Competitiveness of region – it is conditioned by economic, social, political
and by other factors of region position and its separate commodity producers on
internal and external markets, reflected through indexes (indicators), adequately
characterizing such condition and its dynamics [6].
In this connection it is important
to designate factors influencing on the level of region’s competitiveness, and
in particular to define an economic environment having dominant position in the
last row.
In of E.А. Novoselov opinion view, he
distinguishes the absolute and relative competitiveness of region’s economy.
Under the absolute competitiveness of region’s economy, it is necessary to
understand totality of its physico-geographical and social-economic descriptions
that create terms of forming of economic patterns and structures of distribution
on its territory. The relative region’s economy competitiveness is determined
in the ranged row of all regions on the same level of
administrative-territorial hierarchy of the country [7].
We will consider the economic environment of the
Zhambyl oblast of Republic of Kazakhstan and will estimate it as a factor of region’s
Foremost, it should be noted that the Zhambyl oblast formed
in 1939 and is located on the south of Republic of Kazakhstan. An oblast
occupies a 144,2 thousand kilometre².
According to estimations 2010 year about 1,2 million population, more
than 100 nationalities lives there, and
71 % of them are Kazakh [8].
According to last data of the final meeting with
Zhambyl oblast’s chair K.Bozymbayev, oblast’s economy develops with fast tempos.
By preliminary estimation, the volume of gross regional product of the Zhambyl
oblast in 2011 comprised of 532,1 milliard of tenge, that is 12 % higher than the level of 2010 year. Gros regional product per
capita is 507 thousand tenge against 438 thousand tenge in 2010 (in 2009 this
index equaled to 342 thousand tenge) (Picture 1).
Note - it is counted by an author on the basis of data of RK Agency on statistics.
Picture 1
– Gross National product
per capita of Zhambyl oblast population of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The high rate of gross regional product increase of
oblast is provided due to the development of basic industries of economy, as
production, agriculture, construction, transport and communication.
The volume of industrial production of Zhambyl’s
oblast in 2011 year increased to 30,9%, which is the highest index among the
Republic regions. Portion of industry in the structure of Gross National
product of region increased from 17% in 2009 to 20,4% in 2011, that testifies further industrialization of oblast’s economy [9].
However, it is necessary to notice that rise of
oblast’s economy is directly connected with the development of using raw
mineral-material bases of area. The Zhambul oblast, as it is generally known,
is the unique base of phosphorus material. On its territory 71,9% of reserve balance phosphorus material 68%
of fluor-spar, 8,8% gold, 0,7% uranium of
republic are concentrated. An oblast is rich in the coloured metals,
heavy spar, coal, cladding, carpentry and technical stones, construction
materials. The highest rates of production are attained in mining industry.
Major corporations of industry are - “Akbaisk” ore mining industrial complex,
"Кaratau" mining-chemical industrial complex, "Janatas» ore
mining and processing industrial complex.
“New Zhambyl” phosphoric plant and "Каzfosfat" plant which are
producing yellow phosphorus, quartz, mineral fertilizers and synthetic
cleansers renewed its work.
At the present time it is planning to create the special economic zone Chemical park "Taraz" in Zhambyl
oblast with participation of national welfare fund "Samruk-Kazyna" and "Incorporated chemical company"
and with the purpose of creation new export oriented production of chemical
goods on the basis of high-effective technologies. Creation of economic zone "Chemical park "Taraz "
supposes to create about 15 plants on the production of wide assortment of
products, some of them do not have
analogues on the soviet union countries’ territory [9].
According to statistics, the index of physical volume
in processing industry of Zhambyl oblast is made 133,3% in 2011, exceeding a 18% of plan. In mining
industry an increase was 27, 6 %. The labour productivity in manufacturing
industry grew to 46,7% and it is the third index in Republic.
If we do not consider other spheres of activity the
analysis of economic environment of the Zhambyl oblast will not be full enough.
So, leather-shoes, light industry and food industry are developed in this
oblast. The plant «Tulpar" (wool preprocessing), autorepair plant, plant
on the production of glass
"Aynek" operates. On the whole specific gravity of industry in
the gross product of oblast is 23,8%,
that exceeds agriculture industry for 3,6% (picture 2).
Picture 2 - Structure of gross product of Zhambyl oblast
Besides, climatic conditions of Zhambyl oblast allows
to grow grain, technical, forage crops, vegetables, fruit. Natural forage
lands predetermine sheep
breeding development.
Thus, competitive positions of the region, certainly,
are defined by competitiveness of the sectors making structure of its economy.
However we will dare to agree with the Russian scientist A.G.Granberg opinion,
who argued that the region should be considered not only as set of natural,
human, financial, production resources, but also as the subject of the social
and economic relations capable to self-government that allows speaking about management
of competitiveness at the level of the region [10].
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