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Problems of foreign trade of Ukraine

Today, when Ukraine joined the WTO issues trade problems arise rather acutely. Government of Ukraine should try to improve market access to key markets by concluding free trade agreements with the other eleven Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) countries, the European Union (EU), the US and other key countries and overcome all the internal problems.

The issue this topic devoted to scientific work of many scientists, including Nosirev O. O.,  Chuzhykov Victor, Mariya Nizhnik, Oleksandr Tereshchenko and other.

Foreign trade can be considered a number of different things, depending on the type of trade one is talking about. Generally speaking, foreign trade means trading goods and services that are destined for a country other than their country of origin. Foreign trade can also be investing in foreign securities, though this is a less common use of the term.  Foreign trade activity are activity of Ukrainian and foreign subjects of the economic activity, constructed on mutual relations between them and taking place both in territory of  Ukraine, and behind its limits.    One of the basic legislative documents in the field of foreign trade activities is the Law of Ukraine from 16.04.91 "On foreign trade activity".

According to data of   2011, the EU's share in total foreign trade turnover is 29.6%. So is a restoration of growth trends and the deepening of bilateral relations between Ukraine and the EU. However, in bilateral trade between the countries during 2005 - 2010 remains negative balance, performance is significantly increased in 2007 - 2008 years, and recent years (2009 - 2010) gradually reduced. In 2010, exports of goods and services with the European Union's total foreign trade of Ukraine amounted to 16,182.9 million U.S., that to 3663.1 million U.S. more than in 2009[2]. What is the evidence of better planning of foreign economic activities as at the state level, and individual enterprise.

Let's look at Ukraine in global ratings (Table 1). This rating is well illustrated by all the problems of foreign trade of Ukraine.

Table 1. Ukraine in global ratings



2011-2012 Global Competitiveness Index

82 out of 142 countries

2012 Ease of Doing Business Index

152 out of 183 countries

Economic Freedom of the World

125 out of 141 countries

Freedom to Trade Internationally

69 out of 141 countries


Ukraine has made substantial progress in reducing barriers to trade during its accession to WTO, in particular by consolidation of tariff rates and unification of customs procedures. However, a number of severe impediments remain, as outlined below.

The biggest barrier to foreign trade in Ukraine is the regulatory and legal environment. Importers as well as exporters face complicated, lengthy customs procedures. There is no stability in legislation, even after Ukraine became a member of WTO. The temporary 13% surcharge imposed by the government and then canceled – was a good illustration of this statement.

On Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index, Ukraine is ranked many years in the bottom half of the group of 163 countries. Ukrainian government employees voluntarily apply licensing and registration procedures to halt or slow exporting or importing operations. That is why corruption is named as one of the most serious deteriorations of foreign trade.

Ukraine’s complex system of certifying imports imposes one of the greatest barriers to importers. The international practice according to which products certified by accredited bodies in partner states with internationally recognized accreditation procedures have to be recognized as acceptable in the importing country does not work in Ukraine. The procedures for certifying compliance with Ukrainian standards for agricultural products, food, and pharmaceuticals are particularly complex.

Difficulties in Obtaining Refunds for VAT are one of the most severe impediments to exports from Ukraine. The problem is the corruption embedded in the system that provides rebates to exporters for the value-added tax (20%) they pay on inputs. The government consistently delays payment (up to 18 months) or the tax authorities challenge the veracity of the exporters’ claims. This problem appears to be profoundly systemic, because all the CIS countries suffer from it.

Investment and Trade Foundation presented an analysis of the current legal environment for foreign trade in its paper “International Trade. Ukraine” that may be used as a guide for companies interested in trade with Ukraine. Investment and Trade Foundation recommends hiring local law firm to obtain a legal advice.[3]

By way of conclusion Ukraine was an active player in the field of regional trade liberalization by signing the FTA with CIS countries and almost completing negotiations on establishment of the extended free trade area with the EU. However, in my opinion, the biggest achievement of Ukraine in the field of foreign trade is comprehensive customs reform. It is intended to harmonize domestic customs legislation with the standards of the World Customs Organization and, hopefully, make Ukraine an import-friendly country, allowing relatively smooth movement of goods through its customs border.



1. Mariya Nizhnik, Oleksandr Tereshchenko. Foreign trade in Ukraine: Trends of 2011/ Ukrainian law firms 2012, p. 64-65

2. http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/

3. http://inve-trade.eu