Ryaboshtan O.F., Milenin A.M., PhD

Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture


Constructing surfaces and contours of gas turbine blades by means of differential equations with partial derivatives


As a result, the solution of differential equations with partial derivatives can be associated with constructing the surfaces of gas turbine blades with a lot of differential geometry of the initial conditions. This raises several problems, ranging from the ability to solve a particular equation, and ending with the need to obtain a specific type of surface with the desired properties. Among the large variety of equations to choose the right, giving the desired number of lines, of which then turns the surface of the gas turbine blades, which satisfies the requirements.

Consider the differential equation:


The function  is called a solution of differential equations with partial derivatives, if she and her partial derivatives

,                                                          (2)

satisfy the above equation (1).

In the future, the condition that x and y are the independent variables are considered in a bounded region A, and F and z are continuous and the desired number of times and continuously differentiable.

Equation (1) can be obtained from any two-parameter set of functions by differentiation with respect to x and y parameters of the exception, and the resulting system of equations.

It is known that the solution of equation (1) will always be a two-parameter set of functions, the differential equation which, in turn, is (1).

Always assume that

,                                                         (3)

where  and  - the partial derivatives of F in (1) by u and v, respectively. Condition (3) ensures that no critical points on the integral surface.

Equation (1) for fixed x, y, z gives the relationship between the parametric coordinates u and the normal to the surface, starting at the point x, y, z.

Two-parameter set of solutions (integral surfaces)


called a complete integral, if in this region rank


is equal to two, which guarantees the independence of the parameters a and b from each other.

Of the total integral by differentiation and exclusion can be the whole set of solutions of (1), depending on an arbitrary function. Each individual decision may be obtained by setting an arbitrary function , followed by differentiation with respect to a received level of  and the  (building envelope). The function b(a), we will determine the satisfaction of the conditions of the original data.

In addition to complete and general integrals distinguish special integrals which express the envelope of a two-parameter set (4) and determined from the system

, ,                                         (6)

Note that the singular integral can be obtained from the differential equation (1), making the system


Geometric image expressed by a particular integral is the integral of the envelope of the set of surfaces defined by the general integrals obtained from the total.

The primary method by which we construct the surface of gas turbine blades, will be to obtain the complete integral of which is allocated as a result of the general satisfaction of specified conditions.

The equation of the first order of smoothness, regardless of the type (linear, nonlinear ...) as a result of the decision makes one immune function, which, generally speaking, can satisfy the initial conditions in a given curve, or the incidence of contact to a given surface.