I. F., Mavridi K. D., Êîlyuchkina E. A.
Crimean state medical university named after S. I. Georgievsky
Questions of prophylaxis and treatment
of parodontium diseases with physiotherapeutic technologies have one of the
first places between problems of recovery medicine. Adult population has parodontium diseases to 98 % (on data of
WHO). The highest rate of morbidity is marked in persons of the most able to
work age 35-45 years (65-92 %). That is why, increase efficienty of treatment
of chronic generalized parodontitis by the way of creation of the new
physiotherapeutic technologies preserve its actuality.
The numerous researches confirm
positive influence of laser radiation on parodontium tissues. Use of various
pharmacological preparations is effective, including Gengigel at parodontitis
treatment. Gengigel is a high-molecular biotechnologically made hyaluronic
acid: it makes conditions for quick healing and recovery of gingival, it helps
to mucosa to carry out its protective ffunctions, it notifies deficiency of
natural hyaluronic acid in tissues of a mouth cavity. That is why it was
applied by us in the clinical practice.
Method of
photophoresis allowing significantly to increase efficacy of treatment. It was
influenced by laser radiation in infra-red range on parodontium tissues with
wave length 0,87-0,91 mcm with actual power 10 mW with frequency 1,5 k cycle
per second in impulsive rate on three fields on the extent of alveolar process
of the upper maxilla on 2 minutes for each field. After this analogically the
same actions on the lower maxilla. Maximum summary time of one séance of
lasero-therapy (LT) consisted 12 minutes. The course of treatment consisted 10
procedures at the middle severity of parodontitis, at severe stage – 12
procedures, which are carried out every day.
We influenced at photophoresis of
preparation Gengigel by infra-red laser, using analogically parameters, that we
used at LT. The course of treatment was 8 procedures at middle stage, at severe
stage – 10 procedures. Amount of gingival fluid was 1,98+0,007 mg,
neutrophiles – 72,3+4,3 %, epithelial cells – 13,7+0,2 % (at
intact parodontitis amount of gingival fluid was 0,33+0,02 mg,
neutrophiles – 2,2+0,2 %, epithelial cells – 4,2+0,3 %). It was
revealed a quantity of small blood vessels of a capillary type – activization
of neogiogenesis, i. e. neoplasm of capillaries at carry out of research at
remote term, that it can be considered as a positive factor in prophylaxis of
relapse development and progressing of pathological process. It is expediently
to carry out supporting courses in 12 months at parodontitis of the middle
stage of severity and in 8-10 months – at severe stage for prolongation of
therapeutic effect and prophylaxis of pathological process progressing.