Систематика и география высших  растений

Doctor of  biology  Tazabekova E.T., master of biology Amirasheva B.K., master of biology Spankulova G.A.,

Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abay,

The Republic of Kazakhstan

Seytmenbetova A.T

Kazakh scientific research institute of soil science and agro chemistry named after Ospanova, The Republic of Kazakhstan

Doctor of agriculture Eleshov R.E., candidate of biology Elikbaeb B.K

Kazakh national agrarian university, The Republic of Kazakhstan


Phytocenosis of replontozem generated on loess rocks of foothills of Zailiski Alatau

Wide development of the agriculture southeastwardly of Kazakhstan is promoted the implication under irrigation considerable territories the foothills of plains with complicated relief.

As a result of planning work and development of the water erosion considerable areas of tillage lost the upper humus layer and day surface is outcropped the parent soil-forming rock – loess and loess-like loams.

Reproduction and rising of the fecundity of the anthropogenic disturbed lands are actual problem nowadays.

A group of scientists Kazakh National agrarian university under the leadership of professor Т. Tazabekov has been studying methods of restoration of soil cover and reproduction of fecundity of disturbed lands of irrigated areas in the south-east of Kazakhstan since 1967 [1,2,3,4].

The technology of acceleration of  the reproduction of fecundity of soil-forming rocks (loess) are developed including introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers, sowing of perennial plants.

Our exploration is the logical continuation of the indicated above of the research. They are directed to the research of the process of loess rocks syngenesis foothills of Zailiski Alatau.

The test subject is loess (parent soil-forming rock of dark chestnut soil foothills of Zailiski Alatau) left  for natural overgrowing of vegetation , after the biologic melioration.

In accordance with old classification of soil in Russia explored loess and loess - like rocks relating to immature soils or soil-forming rocks. According to the new classifications they are related to the group of quasisems and to the subgroup of replantozem. Quasisems are presented humic formation similar with the soil that is soil like formation. Replantosems are segregated in the range of the groups’ quasisems. (term of I.A. Krupenikova, B.P.Podimov) and present created formation purposefully (lands, reclaiming, essentially for agricultural usage ) which are characterized position of the humic layer on the preliminary prepared (usually planned) surface of disturbed material including made group [5].

Field observations of the process syngenesis of loess are carried out in the condition of model experiment are filled test standard of S.A.Zaharov in department of Talgar after named "Agro university" of Kazakh National agrarian university. We have chosen variants of experiment: 1) the loess, since (1971), 2) the straw (20 ton /hectare), 3) the straw (60 ton /hectare), 4) the biohumus (9 ton /hectare), 5) the biohumus (27 ton /hectare), 6) the manure (19, 7 ton / hectare) for the research.

 Definition and accounting of species of phytocenosis, phonological observations composition are in classical method of field and stationary geobotanical exploration accepted in modern ecology.

Phytocenosis of replantozem are characterized by the 31 species of plants, which related to 13 family: Poaceae Barnhart, Fabaceae Lindl., Asteraceae Dumort, Plantaginaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaсеае J. St. Hill., Brassicaceae Burnett, Rosaceae, Guttiferae Juss., Lamiaceae Lindl., Cuscutaceae, Umbelliferae Juss, Boraginaceae Juss.

Analysis of replantozem phytocenosis indicatives of the variety composed of gramineous plants association. So in the family Poaceae Barnhart are found the most characteristic for chernozem, dark chestnut soil of steppe and dry steppe zone the next species of plants: Agropyron repens (L.) P.B., Bromus secalinus L., Avena fatua L., Dactylis glomerata L.,  Poa bulbosa L. In the family of Fabaceae Lindl we have the next species: meadow clover, Trifolium pratense L., Lathyrus tuberosus L., Medicago sativa L., and Melilotus officinalis (L.) Ders.

In the family of Asteraceae Dumort are widely presented Cichorium intybus L. different species of Artemisia serotina Bge., Artemisia absinthium L., Artemisia absinthium L. and others (picture 1).

As you see in the graphic presentation of the structural composition of the phytocenosis from all found families major number belong to the Asteraceae Dumort.  11 species of plants are referred to that is 36 % of general number. In the second place is the family of Poaceae Barnhart, in which presented 5 species (17%), in the third place is Fabaceae Lindl., including 4 species (14%). The rest family of Plantaginaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaсеае J. St. Hill., Brassicaceae Burnett., Rosaceae, Guttiferae Juss., Lamiaceae Lindl., Cuscutaceae, Umbelliferae Juss., Boraginaceae Juss are characterized species of minor numbers and have in its composition of more one or two species of plants (3-6%).


Picture 2 – structural composition of phytosenosis replontosem

of Zailiski Alatau  in the syngenesis process (%)

Experimental information characterize all composition of the phytosenosis replontosem of Zailiski Alatau in the syngenesis process in the whole station expressed in the picture 1.

 In the current of condition tense ecological situation takes the first place of biological meliorations of the humic lands. Widespread from them are sowing of perennial plants, applying organically (the manure, the straw) and perspective bioorganically   (biohumic) fertilizers which are ecological safe in contrast to mineral fertilizers (N, P, K) and characterized more permanent effect. It is connected that they are increasingly influences to potential (humic, absorbing capacity, gross reserve of nutrient) than effective fecundity of the soil.

Thereupon to our mind definite theoretical experimental information in syngenesis of vegetation  in the condition natural transformation of the replontozem in zone soil. In the condition of our research the result of biological melioration of loess to vegetarian we have discovered some differences in species richness of phytosenosis. It characterizes general number of species in association. General number of species of the plants in phytosenosis of the replontozem in variants of the experiment changes slightly and differs in the range between 16 to 24 species. Out of 31 species of plants composing phytosenosis of the replontozem least number of the species (16) are found out in variants with biohumic 9 ton per hectare that indicates of it’s as compared with other variants approximation to climax state. In variants where biological effect of melioration of loess are studied and formed tendency to the increase of the special variety (between 20-24 species of the plants). In whole in the variants of the experiment the falling of the phytosenosis descend between 3-8 species of the plants Euphorbia helioscopia L., Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic., Taraxacum officinale Wigg., Hypericum perforatum L.,Matricaria inodora L. and others.

Along with this, stabilization of the species richness in variant with biohumus  

(9 ton/hectare) is the comparison with the phytosenosis of zone foothills of dark chestnut soil.

In contrast phytosenosis of the replontozem in natural phytosenosis to dominate feather grass fescue association of plants.  From of all found species the largest number belong to the family Poaceae Barnhart 6 species or 32% of general number in the composition phytosenosis at the foothills of dark chestnut soil. In the second place is the plants are referred to it that is 21%. The third place of the family Scrophulariaceae Juss. In percentage wise their number consists of 11 from general number. The rest of the family Fabaceae Lindl., Rosaceae, Guttiferae Juss.,  Lamiaceae Lindl., Boraginaceae Juss., and Paraveraceae Juss., have in its composition of 1 species (6 %) (picture2).








picture 2 – structural composition of phytosenosis foothills

of dark chestnut soil of Zailiski Alatau

It is known, that each species of plant has ecological niche corresponding to its demand with respect to environment. Comparing analysis phytosenosis of the replontozem and dark chestnut soil show some affinity and difference in species composition of associations and in accordance to family. So, in the last composition next families of plants Plantaginaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaсеае J. St. Hill., Brassicaceae Burnett., Cuscutaceae are absent. In the first place Poaceae Barnhart predominates then Asteraceae Dumort. The percentage wise of species constituent their families in comparison phytosenosis of the replontozem equal to 32 against 17 and 21 against 31 that is characteristic to phytosenosis of the replontozem of dark chestnut soil.

So, in the syngenesis replontozem process the composition of phytosenosis pass the evolution stage zone of the vegetarian as consistent with soil zone and subzone (brown desert→ light chestnut→ chestnut → dark chestnut soils):

 Poa bulbosa L., Agropyron repens (L.) P.B., Silaus besseri DC., Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) Medic., Melilotus officinalis (L.) Ders., Convolvulus arvensis L., Trifolium pratense L.

Current fact witnesses about evolutional character of transformation of loess rocks to soil in dark chestnut range.


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