G. Ismailova, candidate of philological sciences, Assistant Professor,

A. Akkaliyeva

Foreign Philology Chair, Shakarim Semey State University


Analysis of the linguistic structure of terminological system


Nowadays, there is a need to regularize new terms.  The elaboration of certain specific kinds of dictionaries, reference-books that would address such pressing problems as the systematization and standardization of financial and credit terms are considered the main forms of linguistic standardization.  Banks, financial, credit and  tax institutions in the Republic of Kazakhstan have become a new challenge developing phenomenon. Now there is a period of intensive development of various terminological systems. Term creation in the field of English, German, Russian and Kazakh languages has become the imperative of time. It determines the necessity of the chosen research topic.

Term is a word which corresponds to a certain special concept. Scientific terms express strictly scientific notions of a specific scientific field. The combination of firmly fixed in science terms makes its terminology, a terminology system. D.S. Lotte separated disordered, non-systematized terminology from a truly scientific terminology. The terminology system is a complex, dynamic, stable system, elements of which are selected by the certain rules lexical units of language.

Their structure is isomorphic to the structure of logical relationships between the concepts of special knowledge or activity, and the function is to serve as a model of knowledge or activity. Nature of the term is not inherent in the plain meaning or concept, but a special, narrow meaning or concept. The structure of the term includes components corresponding to any of the lexical unit, but qualitatively different from that one. Meanings of the words transformed into terms underwent some quantitative changes and replaced to special, scientific, professional. At the same time between the old non-terminological and new terminological meanings remains a definite connection. For instance, the semantics of a common verb sollen has become the source for its various specific transformations; moreover the range of quantitative changes is quite wide:

Das Soll

1. Kleine, oft kreisrunde  (mit Wasser gefullte) Bodensenke (im Bereich von Grund-u.Endmoranen);

2. (Kaufmannspr.) Dasjenige, was auf der Ausgabenseite (einer Firma) steht; Schulden;

3. linke Seite eines Kontos im Szstem derdropelten Buchfuhrung;

4. (Wirtsch.) Geforderte Arbeitsleistung;

5. (Wirtsch.) in der Production) festgelegte, geplante Menge, Plansoll, Norm

The term has a special nature of referential: its contents may be disclosed only through the definition. In the study of financial and credit terms of unrelated languages we stick to the definition that  term is a word or phrase that has specific meaning expressing and forming a professional concept and applied in the process of learning and mastering the scientific and vocational-technical objects and relations between them.

It is very important to identify all the ways, methods and peculiarities of different terms systems in the terminology of developing languages. For example, if the national language doesn’t posses its own scientific terminology or its development is slow, the language refers to the more advanced terminology of another language. It can be explained by the specific features of the linguistic expression of the terms, the consistency of its formation and the systemic links in the terminological system. Terminology originates from common literary vocabulary and can not be isolated from the laws and processes of its development and functioning.

There is a great need to streamline the existing term systems and to develop new techniques for terms building. The terminology should be unified because it facilitates the solution of the problem of standardization in the field of terminology as the main way to streamline terms.

Terminological system is the specific object of linguistic research. Categories and notions of terminological systems are presented in two types of its mental realizations: the objectified or procedure dynamic and activity form, substantivized and verbal forms:  Finanzen, finance, финансы, қаржы; kredit, credit, кредит, несие;  Finanzierung, financing, финансирование, қаржыландыру; finanzieren, to finance, финансировать, қаржыландыру 

Subject-material meaning of the language unit is reflected in the definition in the dictionaries. The main feature of any language nominations is that they are mediated by thinking. The very notions of objects, phenomena of the world, that is, generalized knowledge of them are nominated, but not the subjects themselves. Each nation has its own notions and language nominations for this or that concepts. In each language the notions have their own form, type various in content. It depends on the type of language structure and the level of knowledge of the of reality obtained by people

 The fiscal system is a certain conceptual space, which is dismembered structurally by every language. It means that it internally consists of interconnected separate areas, parts. Each of these parts, as all the conceptual space of financial and credit system are represented in two types of linguistic signs which are considered as the means of the generalized nomination in the form of verbal and substantive nominations. The latter are represented in the form of a verb or substantive lexemes and steady phrases. With the help of the typology of the language nominations which are structurally, semantically and functionally heterogeneous the financial credit conceptual space in each of the four languages are systematized and organized. One of the conceptual spheres of this space is represented in the form of processes, actions, operations. Human language conveys these concepts in such a category of its units as a verb.

Verbal nomination is a kind of lexical category in the definition of which the different conceptual features, multiple views of the process, condition, movement of world objects and human actions are fixed. Most verbs of financial and credit systems are formed from substantively expressed subjective categories and concepts of financial and credit system, i.e. they are denominative verb formations. There are observed differences in the structure of denominated verbs, which lie in the semantics of the first component. In some cases they are general subject concepts in other ones they are special terms. In German, the main means of denominative verbs formation is Infinitive ending -en

In Russian, this type is represented by the verbs derived from the corresponding nouns with Infinitive endings: –ать, -овать, -ивать, -ировать: депонировать, ассигновать, аккумулировать.

In the Kazakh language the system of expressing the Infinitive, the original form of a verb is well developed. The regular model is «nominal stem + noun suffixes -лау, -леу, -дау, -деу, -тау, -теу», e.g.,  ассигнациалау, оптимизациалау, депоненттеу, тарификациялау, акцептеу.

It was noted that when language can not for some reasons create a verb-term, terminology verbal phrase will come into force, e.g.: «выдавать» is not a term but «выдавать кредит» is a terminological verbal phrase.

Borrowing is a constant replenishment source of lexical resources of any language. It is a natural process characterizing every language development. In terminology of the financial and credit system of 4 languages in the form of a  simple derivative verb there are many loan translation terms, borrowed from Italian, English, French e.g.: remboursieren, devisieren from French, discontieren, saldieren from Italian.

In German, English and Kazakh languages there are as many borrowed or loan verb terms in the form of denominative verbs as nouns. In Kazakh the preference is given not to the verb but verbal phrase, e.g.: инвестиция жасау.

A distinctive feature of the verbal inflexion of the Kazakh language in the field of finance and credit is the absence of the prefixed word-building elements. Prefixed verbs in the Kazakh language are mostly borrowing or loan translation words: реинвестициялау, демонетизациялау.                  

The use of compound verbs in the financial and credit system is a special case. The fact is that according to our records, a few verb-terms of such derivative structure are found only in German and Russian, e.g.: взаиморассчитывать, самофинансировать, самоокупиться. The verbs of this structural type are not found in the Kazakh language.

         Terminology as a special field of language has its own laws and regularities. One of them is that borrowing is welcomed, as it saves time and ensures the adequacy of the expression of special ideas. Therefore, it seems quite natural that the internationalization of terms are widely spread in terminological systems, e.g.: инвестировать, трассировать, спонсировать, accepted by most of countries without any translation. Following the well-known Kazakhstani researchers, we consider the introduction of the borrowings as an enrichment of the language.

We found out that the financial and credit system of terminology for each of the four languages has its own characteristics at each level of its comparative study: the language nomination, derivation, imagery or the aspect of traditional and borrowed words, lacoons, correlation of lexical and phraseological nomination and derivation. So, a number of irregularities and asymmetries are observed in the verbal and substantive area of the considered terminological system, both within each of the four languages and between languages.


List of reference literature:

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2. Гвоздарев Ю.А. Основы русского фразобразования. Ростов-на Дону,

3. Лотте Д.С. Основы построения научно-технической терминологии

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