Филологические науки/9. Этно-, социо- и психолингвистика

Pevneva I. V., Podgornaya E.A.

Russian state university of trade and economics Kemerovo institute (branch) Russia, The Kuzbass Institute of Economics and Law

Verbal consciousness and qualitative interpretation of verbal associations

According to psychology data the major attribute of a personality is consciousness. These two notions are very close and interdependent. The crucial aspect of a verbal personality is considered to the presence of verbal consciousness and self-consciousness. A substantial number of works have been done to research the notion of verbal consciousness in an effort to identify and describe the phenomenon.

         L. S. Vigotskij, a Russian physiologist, describes priority of a personality to activity and consciousness (including communication) and simultaneously personality is defined by activity and consciousness [1]. Another scientist A. N. Leontjev identified the idea of personality as “crystallization of life product in the form of a subject”. As a result the new level of consciousness if being formed that is the personality consciousness [2]. Thus the presence of conscious enables personality to have a choice of activity, behavior and ability to control them.

         A. G. Asmolov underlines the crucial role of consciousness in the choice of development ways and its role in further personality development. He mentions: “To be a personality involves having an active position, making choices and being responsible for decisions before yourself and the society” [3]. Physiological characteristics of a personality as well include self-identification, structuring interrelations with the utter world.

         Let’s move on to existing definitions and analysis of such notion as “verbal consciousness”. The research of this phenomenon has been very popular in the recent works in psychological direction but nevertheless hasn’t been given one particular definition and has many interpretations. The term itself refers us to the sphere where the consciousness is revealed through language means. In Russian psycholinguistics verbal consciousness is defined as a number of mental images that are expressed through the language means of various levels: words, phrases, sentences, texts.        A. N. Leontjev underlines another aspect of this phenomenon. He identifies verbal consciousness as “conscious forms, the unity of perceptional and conceptual knowledge” thus emphasizing on mental and sensual part of consciousness [2].

         The tradition of identification of two parts has roots in L. S. Vigotskij’s theory of having two levels of consciousness: the routine and reflexive one. Knowledge that is acquired in course of getting to know the material world forms the routine level; thinking and analyzing this knowledge constitute reflexive level of consciousness.

         Two other scientist, G. V. Ejger and I. A. Rapoport note that the term “verbal consciousness” is not monosemantic [4]. When used in scientific discourse it can be close in the meaning to verbal mentality. Scientist Y. A. Sorokin understands the phenomenon of consciousness as “a unity of cognitive and emotive structures with the neurophysical basis” and verbal consciousness as a “way of stabilization of verbal experience which enables to fix the flow of experience into static [5].

Many researchers speak of verbal consciousness in connection with “world image”. A. A. Zalewskaja supposes verbal consciousness to be viewed as one of the levels in the world view of a personality that is as one of the variants of possible world awaring schemes which in major part serves for communication [6].

         L. S. Rubinstein, a Russian psychology researcher understands the consciousness in major part as physiological activity consisting of self and world reflexion [7]. The unit of consciousness can be considered the reflexion of an object by a personality including two components: meaning and relation.

         Just as the major attribute of a personality is consciousness the major attribute of a verbal personality is the presence of verbal consciousness. Personality presupposes choice and action. This as well refers to verbal consciousness. Verbal personality commits action, i.e. speech acts, its choice is the model of behavior and the role. This is the process where the verbal personality is revealed.

         Thus, the verbal personality is defined as a unity of personal characteristics and abilities allowing creation and expression of speech. The latter can be varied in complexity of structures, the precision of reflexion, target of communication etc.

         The scientist Y. N. Karaulov supposes the distinction of three levels of verbal personality: verbal-semantic, thesaurus and motivational. The latter controls the associative and verbal net and allows decoding the knowledge [8]. It is important to underline that the verbal personality is not only a part of personality in psychological aspect but is a complete presentation of a personality involving psychological, social and ethical components that are expressed through the language.

         Gender personality as we suppose has all the characteristics of the verbal personality and is alike in structure. The principle distinction lies in the type of gender (male, female or androgenic). This influences on gender verbal personality where we suppose to mention the fourth level that is lingua-gender with the main unit of this level as any definite expression of a gender personality in speech practice. We’d like to emphasize that this short view of understanding the phenomenon of consciousness and its role in personality formation is substantial in research of the following relation links: personality-consciousness / verbal personality - verbal consciousness.

         The verbal consciousness can be considered to be the controlling center of speech practices and acts with the function of formation, storage and transformation of the language signs. According to G. V. Ejger there can be identified the following basic functions of the verbal consciousness: reflexive function, selective, interpretational and controlling ones [9]. Such functional approach to the considered phenomenon defines it as an instrument having a set of functions.

         In conclusion we would like to give the following overall view on verbal consciousness phenomenon. As one of the levels of routine personality consciousness, verbal consciousness can be viewed firstly as a means of formation, storage and transformation of language units and their meaning and secondly as relation of speakers to these units involving connotation. This helps to percept and acquire knowledge of the verbal world image including the personality itself.

It’s known that verbal communication, modern literature, mass media, level of education, culture of bringing up are the sources of forming verbal personal mentality, which directly influences the consciousness and behaviour of the individual. The formation of human consciousness stands in close relation with language development. W. von Humboldt called language “the intellectual instinct of the mind”  and characterized it as “the world situated between the world of outside influences and personal feelings” [10,p.303]. The hypothesis that language is a defining factor in perception and organization of the natural and social environment of the human being was formulated by R. Lacoff in the aphorism: “Language uses us as much as we use language” [11, p.5]. Actually, people use language and speech to explain themselves, reflect their state of consciousness and manifest the psychological content of their inner world.

Transformation of national, economic and social structures, political system and ideology, destruction of behavioural patterns, reorientation of mental and ethical standards entailed considerable changes in Russian verbal culture. Many researchers now notice the destruction of traditional consciousness and hold that basic values are upheld only on a showy level [12].

Contemporary psycholinguistics admits consciousness is influenced by language, which is a powerful means of generalizing mental images appearing in lingual activity. Generally verbal consciousness is regarded in correlation with human’s language skills and main directions of psychological researches: process and perception of speech, verbal communication, ontogenesis, bilingualism and intercultural communication are associated with this concept. Verbal consciousness is connected with the concept of language standards and the presence of strongly marked value component in it. To E. F. Tarasov the most adequate view of human’s verbal consciousness was made within the bounds of paradigm “activity” – “culture– “personality”. In home linguistics verbal consciousness is interpreted as the aggregate of mental images formed and expressed with language tools – words, free word combinations, set expressions, sentences, texts and associated fields [13, p.26]. On the one hand the meaning of the concept is connected with verbal expressions of consciousness content, on the other hand with the language (speech) impact on consciousness. A lot of authors researching the phenomenon emphasize its social determinancy. Particularly A. I. Phefilov observes the fact that society’s verbal consciousness is homogeneous but disintegration of traditional culture leads to the breach of verbal consciousness homogeneity (identity) as a result its different invariants appear [14].

         At present changes caused by dynamic development of mass media, electronics propagation, promoting the forming of information-oriented society, appearance of virtual communication are taking place. This situation leads to the qualitative new changes in the individuals’ conceptions of the world. Virtual communication reflects the main cognitive and mental patterns being human characteristics living in a new information epoch and participating in Internet communication. In this sense to I. V. Rogozina we may speak about integration into the individual picture of the world new kinds of reality, for example the virtual one. Referring to Moure hypothesis according to total body of information existing in the world doubles every year and a half, the researcher makes up a conclusion that two principal factors determining complexity of thinking content are complication worldwide processes and growth of information scopes incoming to a person [15].

Current communication is characterized by an increasing role of computerization and in particular the role of Internet as a means of communication that cannot but has an effect on the specific character of speech acts. In comparison with the other kinds of communication in the Internet just in chats a peculiarity of the communication channel is shown the most. Verbal communication in the Internet and especially in IRC is becoming more popular, more quantity of age and social groups are taking part in it, the processes of interpenetration and interaction occur between the electronic and traditional forms of verbal communication.

Speaking about the tendencies of the IRC language tools, it’s necessary to note that a great style-forming role play two opposite trends, connected with conditions of communication:

1.       сompression (incompleteness of the expression);

2.       redundancy (lexical and semantic repetitions).

In a graphic plan the language of IRC-communication uses the principle of reduction, principle of transcription, principle of nonsegmented writing, principle of nonverbal and paraverbal components compensation, singled out the electronic discourse of chats in a separate genre.

In a semantic-stylistic plan there is a displacement to the side of using colloquial speech and prevalence of lexicon, characteristic for youth as a social group of the most active chat-users.

A communication-pragmatic space of chats is organized as follows: communication takes place in a virtual environment in a specifically organized area, in which communicants give a chance to participate in the discussion of different subjects by the exchange of short messages. The participation in a virtual communication is more important, than the discussion issue. So chat users choose the debate channels to feel their involvement to "virtual community" more than to get specific information. A discussion issue can be any, beginning with personal relations and finishing worldwide problems, subjects can be instantly changed if communicants need to brighten the debate. Despite the exchange of information is through the creation and perception of an electronic text message, IRC-users invented certain ways by means of which printed texts of the utterances can send paralinguistic signals. All this allows to speak the IRC-language possesses both spoken and written features, has a number of "digital" qualities, which aren’t in any other communication medium. Social relations of communicants are built so it’s possible free communication between unfamiliar in real life people remote from each other geographically or socially.

Describing the function-pragmatic features, it’s necessary to note the important trait of chat as a genre of electronic discourse is an abundance of style methods, which purpose is to compensate distant contacts and add expressiveness, emotion and richness. An electronic discourse of chats has a number of peculiarities; this makes it possible to speak about uniqueness of the phenomenon: a frequent use of metatext, indication of the addressee in a message, simultaneous messages making and processing, possibility to have several discussions. The important trait of electronic chat discourse is the tendency to call out a reaction, of which repeated stimulating phrases involving participants in communication are indicative. Typical syntactical models inherent to informal language are characteristic feature of this kind of discourse. So, one can confirm that syntactical texts organizing adapts to pragmatic purposes.

The main users of this type of communication are teenagers. At present, a generation of "Internet addict" schoolchildren is growing up. No doubt, the peculiarities of «Internet language», in which many modern teenagers «live», have an effect on the way they speak and write. The choice of teenagers as the type of verbal personality under study, was also influenced by the following factors: teenagers form a substantial part of population; their lexicon is open to influence by all speech forms available in language. Studying the change of verbal mental images content at present allows for predicting the development the consciousness of those individuals, "which within the next 30 years will define the lingual, spiritual and material life of our society" [16].

The aim of this experimental research is to find out if there were changes in the verbal representation of teenagers’ images in connection with the appearance of virtual communication and in particular with the appearance of IRC communication. The object of our research is the analysis of the influence of IRC communication on teenagers’ verbal associations. Moreover, this influence was examined in relation with the sex of respondents. It’s interesting to ascertain the change of teenagers’ verbal mental images content in the global computerization of modern society. The subjects of the experiment are teenagers between the ages of 13 and 16 – students of schools in Kemerovo. The total amount of participants in the scientific research is 425 teenagers, of which 222 users of the IRC-communication (90 male and 122 female), and 223 who don’t use this kind of communication (108 male and 105 female). As is known, adolescence is the period most sensitive to external influence, which is why we’ve chosen it in the study. In the analysis of results we used the free association test to «bring out» teenagers’ consciousness, those who use IRC communication and those who don’t. To L. A. Gorodetskaya associative tests are capable to show both individual differences of respondents and sociocultural differences between the groups of people depending on the purposes of the experiment. With their help it’s possible to study how the surrounding communicative environment forms the associative system of a person and thereby breaks into his mentality [17]. (Городецкая)

As research material we chose the words of core teenager verbal consciousness in accordance with the data of the “Teenager’s Associative Dictionary” [18]. The core of verbal consciousness consists of reactions having maximum relation with different words in the associative-verbal net. The choice of the word-stimuli on the base of the core of verbal consciousness is determined by the fact that they are the most persistent and unchangeable units of consciousness. The changes can be traced by studying the associative meanings of the core words of verbal consciousness. The following 30 word-stimuli form the core of teenager’s verbal consciousness: person, life, money, well, love, friend, home, lout, bad, jerk, I, power, child, beautiful, death, big, clever, strong, people, many (much), happiness, joy, evil, bliss, time, good, day, world, family and man. Within the bounds of this article we’ll analyze verbal representations of teenagers’ images consciousness on the example of only one stimulus from the core teenager’s verbal consciousness.

Teenagers using IRC communication gave 90 male and 120 female reactions; teenagers not using IRC communication gave 105 male and 98 female reactions on the word-stimulus «person».



Teenagers - IRC users

Teenagers - non IRC users


I (я) (14); personality (личность) (6); reasonable (разумный) (4); alive (живой) (3); animal (животное) (3); life (жизнь) (3); creature (существо) (3); clever (умный) (3); guy (чел) (3); dude (чувак) (3); human (human) (2); people (люди) (2); person (человек) (2); biological species (биологический вид); god (бог); in a padded jacket (в телогрейке); superior creature (высшее существо); girl (девушка); friends (друзья); unit (единица); woman (женщина); bum (жопа); cool! (здорово!); evil (зло); intelligence (интелект); Irina Alekseevna (Ирина Алексеевна); handsome (красавец); beautiful (красивый); PERSONALITY (ЛИЧНОСТЬ); peoples (людь); macaque with a large quantity of brains (макака с большим количеством мозгов); world (мир); muzhik (мужик); man (мэн); not a stupid (не дятел); monkey (обезьяна); upright image (образ во весь рост); communication (опщение); blunder (ошибка); mistake of nature (ошибка природы); sex (пол); understanding (понимающий); rights (права); conscience (совесть); good (хороший); stupid (чато тупой); cheburek (чебурек); emotions (эмоции); I am (это я); user (юзер); I :) (я J); homo sapiens (homo sapiens); refusal (отказ) (1).

I (я) (12); life (жизнь) (8); friend (друг) (7); personality (личность) (5); reasonable (разумный) (4); people (люди) (3); creature (существо) (3); monkey (обезьяна) (2); people around you (окружающие) (2); person  (человек) (2); good (хороший) (2); Adam (Адам); biology (биология); biological individual (биологическая особь); summit of evolutions (вершина эволюций); grown-up child (взрослый ребенок); lord (властелин); high (высокий); naked man (голый мужчина); sinner (грешник); dirt (грязь); humanoid (гуманоид); shit (дерьмо); unit of the legion (единица легиона); alive (живой); animal (животное); inhabitant of the Earth (житель земли); beast (зверь); evil (зло); angry (злой); dolt (козёл); handsome (красив); blood (кровь), flesh (плоть); lie (ложь); nanny (няня); society (общество); deer in the forest (олень в лесу); organism (организм); individual (особь); spider (паук); Pechorin (Печорин); = shit (=shit); biological wall sheet with a man (плакат по биологии с человеком); monkey offspring (порождение обезьяны); programmer (программист); passer-by (прохожий); logical creature (разумное существо); family (семья); system (система); weakness (слабость); friend of dog (собаке друг); bitch (сука); body (тело); descendant of  monkey (тот кто произошёл от обезьяны); mind (ум); skilful (умел); clever (умный); jerk (урод); handsome (хорош); well (хорошо); part of the family (часть семьи); people (человеки); it sounds proudly (это звучит гордо); homo sapiens (homo sapiens); people (people); refusal (отказ) (4).


I (я) (6); personality (личность) (5); creature (существо) (5); friend (друг) (4); animal (животное) (4); life (жизнь) (4); Earth (земля) (3); reasonable (разумный) (3); kind (добрый) (2); alive (живой) (2); individual (индивид) (2); individual (индивидум) (2); people (люди) (2); one man (один) (2); joy (радость) (2); logical creature (разумное существо) (2); creation (создание) (2); good (хороший) (2); man (человек) (2); miracle of nature (чудо природы) (2); 2 hands, 2 legs and a head (2 руки, 2 ноги, голова); anatomy (анатомия); faceless lonely figure (безликая одинокая фигура); noble (благородный); future (будущее); was (был); child at heart (в душе – ребенок); Vitalya (Виталя); essence of life (главное в жизни); the child of nature (дитя природы); girlie (девочка); children (дети); good (добро); living being (живое существо); sounds proudly! (звучит гордо!); lie (ложь); any (любой); world (мир); a lot of all (много всего); walrus (морж); real (настоящий); not a thing (не вещь); not an animal (не животное); not a monkey indeed (но точно не обезьяна); bad (нехороший); need to respect (нужно уважать); communication (общение); loneliness (одиночество); classmate (одноклассник); organism (организм); mean (подлый); conception (понимание); understanding (понимающий); fellow (приятель); descended from monkey (произошел от обезьяны); just a body (просто тело); V. Putin [former president of the Russian Federation] (Путин В.В.); heart (сердце); strong (сильный); word (слово); dog (собака); companion in arms (соратник); destiny (судьба); established personality (состоявшаяся личность); wanderer (странник); a creature able to think (существо умеющее думать); body (тело); someone who knows what he wants and tries to obtain it (тот, кто знает чего хочет и добивается этого); clever creature (умненькое существо); clever (умный); successful (успешный); studies (учеба); character (характер); the whole Universe (целая вселенная); centre (центр); human’s friend (человеку друг); humane, feelings (человечный, чувства); dude (чувачок); wonder (чудо); hat (шляпа); homo sapiens (homo sapiens); people (people); refusal (отказ) (3).

I (я) (9); personality (личность) (6); creature (существо) (6); kind (добрый) (3); homo sapiens (homo sapiens) (2); life (жизнь) (2);  individual (индивид) (2); dear (любимый) (2); people (люди) (2); man (людь) (2);  communication (общение) (2); clever (умный) (2); anatomy (анатомия); biological organism (биологический организм); biological creature (биологическое существо); Vitalya (Виталя); all (все); head (голова); homo sapiens (гомо сапуенс); city (город); girl (девушка); tree (дерево); good, home (добро, дом); friend (друг); mess (дрянь); soul (душа); sole (единственный); unit of mankind (единица человечества); living object (живой объект); familiar (знакомый); Jesus (Иисус); individual (индивидум); individuality (индивидуальность); every (каждый); muscleman (качок); love (любовь); mom (мама); machine (машина); mammal (млекопитающее); brain (мозг); man (мужчина); real (настоящий); evil shouldn’t exist (не должно быть зла); independence (независимость); stranger (незнакомец); unfamiliar (незнакомый); unknown, mysterious (неизвестный, загадочный); nothing (ничего); society (общество); organism, parasite (организм; паразит); guy (парень); nature (природа); fellow (приятель); simplest drawing of the little man (простейший рисунок человечка); simple (простой); evolution (развитие); various (разные); mind (разум); logical creature (разумное существо); reasonable (разумный); child (ребёнок); birth (рождение); self-sufficiency (самодостаточность); power (сила); consciousness (сознательность); right (справедливость); freak (урод); good (хороший); particle, machine part (частица, элемент машины); I! and all my friends (я! и все мои друзья); refusal (отказ) (7).


Among the most frequent reactions on the word-stimulus «person» in all groups of the respondents is the reaction I (9.9% of the total number of reactions) though in the "Teenager’s Associative Dictionary" this reaction is ranked only twelfth. For all girls a person is personality and creature.

In the answers of those boys who frequent Internet-chats there are a lot of anglicisms and slang words: guy (чел), dude (чувак), human (human), stupid (чато тупой), man (мэн), user (юзер); we also observe the use of a smiley (I J) and writing a word in caps (PERSONALITY), which points to the significance of the reaction for the recipient. As is known, in IRC writing in caps is interpreted as raising ones voice or shouting and smileys are used to give utterances a greater expressivity and represent the emotional state of the interlocutor. In an IRC discourse smileys can function as a separate utterance. Many researches mention the playful nature of chats [19, 20], where interlocutors create their own way of communication, one of aspects of which is the usage of language game or verbal mask effects. In this connection it’s interesting to note the reaction a cheburek (чебурек), which, in our opinion, testifies of the recipient’s playful perception of the experiment.

         Those boys who are not IRC users have a greater amount of negatively tinged reactions compared with the other groups of respondents: dirt (грязь), sinner (грешник), shit (дерьмо), beast (зверь), evil (зло), dolt (козел), = shit (=shit), bitch (сука), jerk (урод) (9.5% of the total amount), which creates a most negative image of a person.

         For all teenagers a person is associated with mind, intellect (Homo sapiens), and among the more frequent reactions are those that connect a person with a creature, animal and ape.

         The peripheral associative field of teenagers who don’t use IRC-communication has reactions reflecting an idea of a person as a system: a unit of the legion (единица легиона); a system (система); a unit of mankind (единица человечества); a machine (машина); a particle, a machine part (частица, элемент машины) (such associations are not registered in the reactions of IRC-users).

         In general, the girls who use IRC use a larger number of epithets (an established personality), reactions by word-combinations and phrases (someone who knows what he wants and tries to obtain it), less refusals to react, a bigger variety of responses, which generally forms a more positively coloured image of a person.

Among individual verbal associations the girls who communicate on IRC have such reactions as: one (alone) (один); faceless lonely figure (безликая одинокая фигура); loneliness (одиночество). These associations can be indicative of their loneliness in real life and an attempt of overcoming this through IRC communication.

In the answers of all categories of respondents we can find proper names. For the teenagers who use IRC-communication the stimuli «person» is associated with specific images among surrounding people and contemporaries: Irina Alekseevna (Ирина Алексеевна), Vitalya (Виталя) and V. Putin (Путин В. В.); for teenagers who are not IRC users – with religious people: Jesus (Иисус), Adam (Адам) and with the character of M. Lermontov’s novel “The hero of these days – Pechorin (Печорин).

In general, the girls who use IRC use a larger number of epithets (an established personality), reactions by word-combinations and phrases (someone who knows what he wants and tries to obtain it), less refusals to react, a bigger variety of responses, which generally forms a more positively coloured image of a person.

An interesting fact of linguistic aspect of analysis of experimental data is using mistakes both teenagers who communicate on IRC and teenagers who are not IRC users: intelligence (интелект); communication (опщение); people (людь); persons (человеки); individual (индивидум). This confirms the research of N. A. Khristova that tolerance to mistakes in mass media influences destructively on the forming of cognitive structures of individuals and our society is close to such verbal consciousness, in which slang words, colloquial language and unnecessary borrowings become its organic part [21].

With the gender relations viewpoint, we shall note the reactions: girl (2), girlie which are not registered neither in the “Teenager’s Associative Dictionary” [18], nor in the “Slavic Associative Dictionary” [22]. Respondents tend to associate a person both with a man (muzhik (мужик), man (мэн), naked man (голый мужчина), man (мужчина), and with a woman (girl (девушка), woman (женщина), nanny (няня), girlie (девочка), mom (мама), which was not usual for the answers of recipients before.

The analysis of empirical data of free associative experiment shows that in general the teenagers who use IRC-communication gave more responses (in the group of teenagers who are IRC-users – 6330, in the opposite – 6247), had less refusals to react (in the group of teenagers who are IRC-users – 165, in the opposite – 256), more different associations that is indicative of wider bounds  of associative field. So IRC-communication favours the development of associative thinking being the active agent of teenager’s personality socialization  that in its turn influences the formation of verbal personality.


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