Law/8.Konstitutional law
Glynianska O.V., student
K. j. s., doc. Venislavskiy F.V. – scientific leader
National Law academy of Ukraine named after Yaroslav
the Wise
Problems of vaccination in Ukraine
constitution of Ukraine fastened a right for citizens on a health protection,
medicare and medical insurance (st. 49). It is necessary to notice that a right
on a health protection is the widest. It includes a right for medical help and
a right on medical insurance. An important place is occupied by the problem of
vaccination among problems which is connected with realization of right on the
health protection. This problem becomes more and more actual for Ukraine.
opinion of the majority of experts vaccination itself is indispensable and very
useful thing but only in the condition of observance of all requirements for its
realization. And Ukraine for some reasons has many problems with it.
consciously-voluntarily concordance on any medical interference - one of the
basic existent requirements which are produced to the health protection of a human
and to the legal relations between a citizen and organs of health protection in
Ukraine. It is not "forbidden for citizens of Ukraine to know", and
medical workers have obliged to inform not only about the benefit of
inoculations but also about the possibility of aftervaccination complications.
have to know, consciously and voluntarily to decide: to accept such kind of medical help or not. It is fastened in the
law of Ukraine "On protecting of population from infectious diseases"
as prophylactic inoculations.
parents of XXI century who cares about the responsibility of education of own
children have to know that an inoculation is a serious immunobiological
operation. It is impossible to conduct the inoculation of all children successfully
without negative consequences for the health of one child. There is a question:
life of one child or hundreds of
children rescued by him?
are many disputes concerning the utility of vaccination which appears every day.
One group ofspecialists categorically come forward to an inoculation, others
- against mass character of this
medical interference, the third - against the use of living vaccines in the
"prophylaxis of health" of children. At the times of the USSR there
were fourth group paediatricians and phthisiologists, and also some
epidemiologists-immunologists who made attempts to limit permissiveness in
"perfection" of nature of human, beginning from the birth, leading to
the danger of inoculation. They argued against the vaccination of new-born. And
how to decide: who of them is right?
the protracted saying over nothing of many aspects of mass scope injections to
the volume, that a vaccination grew into the everyday phenomenon. A problem of
vaccine - prophylaxises becomes more and more important with every day. Almost
all people have opinion that only inoculation rescues the world from infectious
diseases, only due to vaccines it will be "beaten and liquidated" all
or almost all viral and bacterial infections. In our maternity hospitals on the
first twenty-four hours, after birth of a child, a vaccine enters without any
research and inspection. nobody asks parents to do an inoculation or not which
is substantial violation of the
Ukrainian legislation. Thus it is known
that such total "anxiety" did not bring the result in eradication of infectious
diseases. A vaccination is possible only after diagnostics, which exposes and
sifts those, who can not be inoculated. And it is only the beginning of "total"
maintenance of our health".
are checked neither for carcinogenic (ability to cause a cancer) nor on
mutagene (ability to cause genetic mutations) effects. High-toxic matters
(Mercury, formaldehyde, phenol, aluminium) are added to the vaccines, although
nobody and never proved the harmlessness of their application for children. It’ll
be correct to reverse this state - the sufficient amount of researches proved
that these matters are poisonous, harmful for an organism and become a reason
of nasty illnesses.
to opinions of specialists, problems, related to the vaccination will go nowhere, while our legislation will
not have the legal adjusting of relations between a patient and medical
establishment. Not a single word is said about that in Law of Ukraine "On
infectious diseases" who must bear the responsibility in the case of aftervaccinational complications. It is not
marked in any document, when and where a human must check up the state of
health, before the vaccination. If nobody will be responsible for that how a human
will feel after an inoculation, a vaccination must be voluntarily, like in the
civilized countries.
opinion of immunologists, fully to renounce an inoculation - really
dangerously. But, before the vaccination, it is NECESSARY:
1) to find out the
condition of health of human, whether he does not have contra-indications to
the inoculation;
2) to check the
reaction exactly on this antigen;
3) to define the
level of antibodies to the causative agent of measles and german measles.
After getting
answers for these three questions everybody must decide: it is necessary for him
to vaccinate or not. And nobody has an authority to compel a citizen to this