Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko


Law Principles – «the Subjective Product of Scientific Consciousness Received by the Analysis of the Current Legislation» or «the General, Initial and Defining Ideas Making a Basis of Occurrence, Development and Functioning of the Law»?


Results spent by the author of the given publication of researches [1-7] became the basis for following conclusions and generalisations. Logic discrepancy, substantial incompleteness, ambiguity of interpretation and tautology in the characteristic of essence of such category as «principles», and also (as consequence – perception) its maintenances it is possible to reveal terminologically complicated giving in numerous existing author’s interpretations. For example, when «principles» are interpreted, as «defining positions, conclusions of the general character, a rule and an establishment which follow from objective laws… expansion and realisation, and also from specificity of a democratic reorganisation…», and in this case adherents concern their kinds the «general-theoretical» principles which are «regulating» methodological requirements socially-humanities and carrying out a role of «method-approach» to the analysis of a phenomenon, and also «specific rules-norms, methodological regulators which concentrate in itself essence of the corresponding concept, beat off internal laws… process», or, say, when «principle» is understood as this or that «way» and simultaneously whole set of other «principles» called «to add system internally peculiar… motive power which stimulates to system self-development», or when «principle» is interpreted as «by reflexion and generalisation of the essential parties… problems...» And simultaneously as «the initial ideas, reflecting and generalising the essential parties of knowledge and practical activities… movements on a way of creation of a civilised society», etc. Similar doctrinal approaches, in our opinion, lead to washing out of borders, incorrect interpretation of an essence of a category «principle», and also essentially complicate its branch (in the law) perception, filling as fairly it is underlined in a science, «a fog scientific similarity». The scientific term not simply word, and expression of essence of the given phenomenon. Thanks to special terms possibility in the short and economical form is reached to give the developed definitions and characteristics of the scientific facts, concepts, processes, the phenomena.

The problem of principles of the law directly is connected with understanding of the maintenance and essence of the law. In this sense its decision has initial and key value for treatment practically all other legal phenomena. In the concept of socialist positivism dominating in recent time the law is considered generally only in its historical reality and an objective reality and never – according to independent sense of the concept and existence. According to this, as a matter of fact, especially applied treatment of the law under law principles it is accepted was to understand the certain beginnings of the is standard-legal regulation which is carried out by legal norms, containing in the positive law created by the state. It is natural, that at such approach both the positive law, and its principles appeared in position of the passing and changeable phenomenon, called to reflect an objective historical reality. Accordingly, for law principles in the given legal doctrine the certain general ideas allocated by means of abstracting activity of legal thinking from this of the positive law actually stood out. In this sense that in our country by tradition called law principles, actually represented only exclusively subjective product of scientific consciousness received by the analysis of the current legislation. Actually principles to recognise law it is necessary not simply general, and the initial and defining ideas making a basis of occurrence, development and functioning of the law. From this point of view law principles should be considered not only in aspect positive, but also the natural law. From here follows, that as the conceptual base of the decision of a problem of principles of the law the recognition of unity and interosculation natural and a positive law acts. On such conceptual basis law principles cannot be considered as especially subjective any more and is abstract-general thought under the form which maintenance is received by means of reflexion of a certain historical and passing legal reality, they should be defined as primary and at the same time «final identity» ideas of the law and law life. Thus, at the present stage of development of jurisprudence «the law principle» is considered simultaneously as the basic and supervising idea which contains immemorial and together from themes final identity of concept of the law and its reality, i.e. the law in itself and the law in its available life. Such conclusion, in our opinion, as a whole corresponds to the known philosophical thesis – as initially existing the law represents that inherent in each person «experience of the natural law», i.e. The natural sense of justice, which value was neatly characterised in due time by the known thinker I.A. Ilyin: « lives in a shower and when still there is no positive law, when there is no even neither «the law», nor «custom» when any «the authority» has not expressed yet about «the law», true behaviour. Naive, semiconscious, direct belief what not all external acts of people are equally admissible and «are true», that there are absolutely «intolerable» acts and there are «fair» outcomes and decisions, is the belief which yet is not knowing about distinction «the law» and «morals», lays in the basis of everyone «the law» and «custom» and genetically precedes everyone activity on law working out».


1.   Лавріненко О.В. Щодо ролі й значення принципу соціальної справедливості та морально–етичних стандартів у царині правового регулювання найманої праці / О.В. Лавріненко // Kluczowe aspekty naukowej dzialanosci – 2009: materiäly V Мiedzynarodowej naukowi–praktycznej konferenсji, (Przemysl, 07–15 stycznia 2009 roku). – Przemysl: Sp. z o.o. «Nauka і studia», 2009. – Volume 9. – Str. 43–47.

2.   Лавріненко О.В. Застосування теорії «розмежування принципів права» в дослідженні сутності та диференціації засад правового регулювання трудових відносин / О.В. Лавріненко, В.М. Богуславський // Наукові праці Маріупольського інституту МАУП: збірник наукових праць. – Маріуполь: МФ ТОВ «Друкарня «Новий світ»», 2009. – Вип. 2. – С. 29–41.

3.   Лавриненко О.В. Проблемы дефинирования, характеристики содержания и систематизации отраслевых принципов трудового права и принципов правового регулирования служебно–трудовых отношений работников органов внутренних дел: философско–правовой и теоретико–методологический анализ современной научной доктрины / О.В. Лавриненко // Российский ежегодник трудового права. – 2008. – №4. – С. 534–568.

4.   Лавриненко О.В. Философско–правовые аспекты применения критического подхода в исследовании правовых явлений (на примере анализа современных научных разработок принципов трудового права) / О.В. Лавриненко // Современный научный вестник / гл. ред. Н.Х. Корецкий. – Белгород: Руснаучкнига, 2009. – №14. – С. 46–61.

5.   Лавріненко О.В. Загальноправові, галузеві та внутрігалузеві (інституційні) принципи правового регулювання соціально–трудових відносин: дискусійні підходи тлумачення їхньої сутності та характеру співвідношення / О.В. Лавріненко // Розвиток наукових досліджень ’2009: матеріали Y Міжнародної науково–практичної конференції, (м. Полтава, 23–25 листопада 2009 р.). – Полтава: Вид–во «ІнтерГрафіка», 2009. – Т. 3. – С. 115–121.

6.   Лавриненко О.В. Развитие учения о принципах права как предпосылка реализации парадигмы «борьбы за право» / О.В. Лавриненко // Розвиток наукових досліджень ’2010: матеріали YI Міжнародної науково–практичної конференції, (м. Полтава, 22–24 листопада 2010 р.). – Полтава: Вид–во «ІнтерГрафіка», 2010. – Т. 3. – С. 45–46.

7.   Лавріненко О.В. Принцип трудового права – «ідея», «правило», «припис», «вимога» чи «положення»? / О.В. Лавріненко // Kluczowe aspekty naukowej dzialalnosci – 2011: materiäly VII Мiedzynarodowej naukowi–praktycznej konferenсji, (Przemysl, 07–15 stycznia 2011 roku). – Przemysl: Sp. z o.o. «Nauka і studia», 2011. – Volume 10. – Str. 46–48.