Economuc sciences/14.Economic Theory
Graduate student
Yukhnovskyi I.V.
Taras Shevchenko National Univercity of Kyiv, Ukraine
The reproduction of innovation-investment
potential in models of public reproduction
of public reproduction were investigated by famous economists: F. Kene, K.
Marx, J.M. Keynes, V. Leontyev, V. Bazylevych and others.
Today public reproduction means: «…
permanent and continuous resumption of the result of public production – a product, and labor force, means of production
natural resources, information, forms and methods of work organization» [1, 348].
reproductive approach, which was represented in Kene’s Table, reveals a
constant cycle of interaction of three classes of society in the process of
changing the form of the product during its motion through the stages of «production-distribution-exchange-consumption»
and transformation of the reproductive cycle according to the chain
resources-products-resources. F. Kene firstly divided the capital into two
groups: a fixed capital in form the «initial
advances» - cattle, houses, means of work,
and variable capital in the form of «annual
advances» - salary of workers, seeds and
other annual expenses.
A researcher
in his model described the costs of compensation of fixed capital, which in
fact is its wear. Thus, by revealing the compensation of fixed capital depreciation,
which was produced in industry and used in agriculture, the scientist explained
the need of periodic expenditures for capital replenishment, that are
investments. Besides that, depreciation - is a source of investment funds. So,
the the Kenes’ model shows a reproduction of innovation-investment potential at
the level of economic sectors in the form of investment that refers to the depreciation
of fixed capital.
K. Marx
said that any process of production, implementation of innovation or
investment, regardless of public form must be continuous, that must
periodically undergo same stages. He considered a public reproduction as: «...
the process of public production, considered as a permanent connection and a
continuous flow of its recovery ...» [2, 579]. It should be
noted that K. Marx considered the simple and extended reproduction, depending
on the purpose of public production.
it should be noted that the reproduction schemes of K. Mars have some
assumptions (restrictions):
- the degree exploitation of workers is constant and is m / v = 1;
- limited interpretation of the influence of scientific and technological
progress in the process of reproduction;
- interpretation of the tendency to decrease of value added by capital
- not taking into account all sectors and factors of production.
Let’s investigate
the place and reprofuction of IIP in system of extended reproduction.
general scheme of extended reproduction is like:
Let's investigate
the IIP reproduction in the process of public reproduction without the implementation
of scientific and technical progress. Let the extended reproduction system has
the form:
basic condition of extended reproduction is:
after I cycle of public reproduction, the system has a form:
at the end of next year (assuming of abcence of S-T progress implementation) we’ll
total capital that was directed to compensation and accumulation at the I-t and
II-d divisions equals: 4400 + 1100 + 1600 + 533 = 7633, and the total product
was: 6600 + 2666 = 9266. Accordingly, a gain of capital for the period was: 400
+ 100 + 100 + 33 = 633, while a gain of total product was: 9266 - 8500 = 766. So,
investment multiplier will be: m = 766 / 633 = 1,21.
examine an expanded reproduction under conditions of scientific and
technological progress results implementation.
So, look
at the system (2). Under these conditions let’s look an income distribution for
expenditures at products. Revenues Iv and half of Im will be spent for commodities
in the I-t division in amount of IIc. The rest of the 500m of I-t division will
go to replenish fixed and variable capital. However, let’s suppose that as a
result of technical progress a ratio of c: v will change to 89: 21. Therefore,
under these conditions, a replenishment of fixed capital will be 450 units, and
variable capital – 50 units. Where c: v = 4450c: 4050v = 89: 21. Thus, as Iv
was increased by 50 units respectively, they will be spent on food consumption
of the II-d division and will affect an increase of IIc. Thus, if the STP
implementation affected only of the I-t division, the organic structure of
capital will not change in the II-d division and equals 3: 1. Therefore, if IIc
equals 1550c, hen IIv will be 517v, and capitalist consumption fund will be:
500 - 17 - 50 = 433. Then, after the 1 cycle of reproduction, a system has the
form of consumption:
under conditions of influence of STP at the level of labour exploitation, an
added value will increase in relation to total capital. So if
total capital that was directed to compensation and accumulation at the I-t and
II-d divisions was: 4450 + 1050 + 1550 + 517 = 7567, and the total product was:
6700 + 2584 = 9284. Accordingly, a gain of capital for this period was: 450 +
50 + 50 + 17 = 567 and a gain of total producrt were: 9284 - 8500 = 784. So an
investment multiplier will be: m = 784 / 567 = 1.38.
So, a
conclusion of analysis is:
1) A IIP reproduction takes
place during a process of capital accumulation and production, ie during
implementation of STP achievements.
2) Models of extended
reproduction leads to extension of production, but without STP total product
was 9266, and under conditions of STP - 9284.
3) Under conditions of
STP achievements implementation a capital return is higher than under
conditions of STP absence. Because of
STP caused a value of investment multiplier equaled 1,38, but without STP – 1,21.
In other words, under our conditions, the influence of an investment potential
reproduction at the growth of output is reflected in the increase of output by
21%, and the influence of an innovation potential reproduction is reflected by the
increase of output as the difference between growth under conditions of STP and
without STP, ie 38% - 21% = 19%. Thus, with our conditions, an extention of
production was mostly caused by capital accumulation rather than by STP achievements
4) An increase of level of exploitation of workers at the I-t division became
a result of STP achievements implementation. Therefore, if the 1-t period charachterised
m : v = 100%, at the 2-d period this ratio had changed to m : v = 1200 : 1050 =
Influential contribution for reproduction theory
development was made by J.M. Keynes and his followers – neokeynsan’s. The
model of the accelerator / multiplier proves a growth of induction investments
at certain increase of yield. Thus, the accelerator calculates:
formula explains the principle of acceleration, according to it any increase /
decrease of yield (or demand) causes / leads to a much larger increase /
decrease of inductive investments. This principle was developed by Aftalon and
J.M. Clark at 1919 year, and also became a basis of economic growth of R. Harrod,
J. Hicks and P. Samyuelson. The reason of difference between tempo of dynamics
of investmentd and yield is duration of production period of the equipment. Since
between an increase of demand or yield and production of new additional
equipment for covering of this demand there is an unsatisfied extra demand that
requires satisfaction. Therefore, in order to meet an extra demand investments are
overstimulated. In this model a reproductuion of IIP is in the process of
allocation and use of investment funds and an increase of investment
attractiveness. In fact, this model automatically creates guarantees for capital
absorption, because an extension of production and output is supported by extra
effective demand. Also, it is worthy to look at an influence of investment
multiplier at public reproduction and reproduction of IIP. Because of, due to
investment multiplier investment expenditures and public expenditures cause not
only extention of production and investments of only some economic sector (for
satisfaction of increased demand), but also it cause some additional extention
of production and investments in connected sectors, whose production is needed
to extant production of first sector and etc.
is a model interindustry balances “Input-Output” of V. Leontiev:
In this
model, the coefficients of direct costs represent a relation between an amount
of production and costs of products. Accordingly, in this model a reproduction
of IIP occurs at: consumption of products of some industries for production in certain
sector, which actually means capital consumption in natural form; an
implementation of achievements of STP, which reduces coefficients of direct
costs and consequently causes an increase of the final production and extension
of production.
the analysis shows that IIP reproduction causes significant influence at public
Economic Theory: Political economy. Manual / [After ed. By V.D. Bazylevych]. –– Ê.: Znannia, 2001. – 581 p.
Ê. Capital / Karl Marx // C. 1, C. 21 «Simple reproduction» : [On-line resource]. – access mode: