Magister of Management Kosymbayeva Sh. I.

Caspian State of the Technology and Engineering after SH.Yesenov.

 Republic of Kazakhstan. Aktau.



At present construction is – most intensive evolutionary branch of region economics. One of the main directions is – solution to the problem of the government program of housing construction. The program is financed from the several sources: the part of means with help to transfer set the republic budget to passing for region; the part of houses to construct for account of employers and investors.[1]

Third, the main part of extents of construction is - saving of people, which decided to improve conditions of life. They build houses for themselves, to participating in joint construction.

         In January-December of 2009 20 839,3 mln.tenge were directed into the housing construction, that for 41,6% fewer than in  January-December of 2008. In bulk of investments to the basic stock, the lot of amount drawn down to construction composed 7,5%.

         There are developed careers of basic construction material stone and granular material in the region.

         The most part of construction materials (cement, armature, glassworks, bitumen, coating composition and building finishes) to deliver from other cities, that significantly affects the cost of houses.

          According to the program of development housing construction on 2008 – 2010, lead role in renewal to the housing fund of republic, leaded to mortgage.

         The citizens of the Mangystau region for acquisition of lending house don’t use the system of housing saving, because the region has favorable conditions for mortgage lending.

         In accord with plane working partnership to administration of Republic of Kazakhstan, National bank of Republic of Kazakhstan and Agency of Republic of Kazakhstan on regular and supervision of finance market, and finance organizations on stabilization of economics and finance system on 2009-2010, accept and realizing, the plane of primary efforts for securing of stabilizations social-economic development of Mangystau region on 2009-2010. [2]

         At present-day the banking system of Mangystau region counts 26 filial branches of second level bank, on the region territory not any independent bank.

         The past five years to show about slow development the banking system of region, what is to promote additive effect there are few factors how:

-         increase in production in all branches of economics;

-         government aid of villager;

-         help and development of small enterprise;

-         Increase of income of people.

The influence of these factors creates an environment that promotes the sustainable functioning of the banking sector and its interaction with the real economy. The use of region’s economy of bank loans as a source of funding is confirmed by positive dynamics of lending to the second level banks.

   The past four years observe upturn creation of credit in Mangystau region, only in 2009 were several lowering creation of mortgage credit that refer influence of financial crisis.

Picture 1. Distribution mortgage loan in Mangystau region.


The picture 1 testifies to in 2009 observe slowing upturn of mortgage loan. Then in 2008 get 31321 mln. tenge, that on 2138 mln.tenge upwards of in 2007. In 2009 distribution mortgage loan reduced on 318 mln.tenge and composed 31003 mln.tenge toward entry 2010.[3]

In such a way, for slowing upturn temps intervene several slowing distribution mortgage loan in Mangystau region.

    The Mangystau region mortgage loan market development of housing mortgage curbing with next basic factors:

1) Scant responsible slump of people.

2) Low extent and   draft quality of housing construction in Republic of Kazakhstan condition insufficiency offer and high cost of flats on the housing market.

The hasty growth of price, scant extent of housing construction, strengthening of investment slump on residential real estate aid that at present many banks in big cities in practice competes only for the smattering responsible clients.

3) Low temp make and perfection laws lawmaking about capital facilities.     

4) Undeveloped substructure of housing market and housing construction.

5) Heavy deficit of long-term resources financing from region bank.

6) Psychology factors mainly where of are national featuring most of our people - unwillingness to live indebted.




 List of used literature.


1) Sultanov E. Investments in future of Mangystau region //

2)  Hamiev T. About action realize the Government program of development housing construction // Web site of Mangystau region.

3) Social- economical development of Mangystau region. Statistical yearbook under the editorship Sh.R. Shakabayeva.- Aktau, 2010. – 370 p.