Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko


«Main Principles of Legal Regulation of Work», «Main Principles of the Labour Law», «Legal Principles of the Organisation of Work» or «Principles of the Labour Law»?


Results spent by the author of the given publication of researches [1-6] became the basis for following conclusions and generalisations. Law principles is a concept rather many-sided and multiple-valued. The certificate to it is, in particular, the approach applied in a science when the last are considered in «genetic», «gnoseological», «ontologic» and «functional» aspects. Accordingly, law principles in genetic aspect are characterised by the mixed socially-legal nature; in gnoseological – as special legal concepts adequately express essence of the law according to the reached level of its knowledge; in functional aspect – law principles act, on the one hand, as the initial beginnings of legal regulation providing a coordination and a system effectiveness of legal norms, and with another – direct regulators of behaviour of participants of public relations at it presence of blanks and discrepancy. On the basis of such methodological approach the following is resulted in the characteristic of «principles» in the doctrine «the general definition» law principles: fixed in its various sources or the conventional basic ideas expressed in steady legal practice adequately reflecting level of knowledge general social and specific laws of the law and employees for creation of internally co-ordinated and effective system of legal norms, and also for direct regulation of public relations at it presence of blanks and discrepancy. However there are also other approaches: for example, when 1) the law principle is understood as the cores, starting positions (the is standard-supervising beginnings, ideas), characterising its maintenance and realisation on which the system of rules of law is under construction; 2) along with definition of principles of the law as the substantive provisions determining the maintenance of the law, «objective character» such principles which is deduced not from a legal matter, and from objectively existing laws of social development is especially allocated. As a result, the initial is standard-supervising beginnings express not only essence of the law and law of its development, but to some extent – various elements and the parties of legal system (sense of justice and legal culture, legal practice), and also various spheres of a public life which they mediate; 3) principles are not ideas, and components of specific refraction of idea, expression of idea, the norms containing most general provisions, therefore principles in the law, as well as in any area of the rules regulating activity (or behaviour), it is not simple ideas, but also the requirements shown to activity (or to behaviour). With separate authors it is allocated three basic approaches to concept definition «law principles»: 1) law principles – basic ideas, the beginnings expressing essence of the law and following from «general ideas» justice and freedom; 2) legal principles are the substantive provisions embodied in the law (the supervising beginnings, ideas), the law defining the maintenance and caused finally objective public laws and 3) legal principles an essence specific legal expression of objectively existing economic and political laws of social development. Thus, in jurisprudence there is no also a uniform understanding of sense of concept «law principles», and also corresponding derivative of it. In one cases to the given specified term different significance is attached, in others – the uniform concept is expressed by means of use of various terms as, for example, «law principles» or «legal principles», etc. In particular, in jurisprudence are used concepts «law principles», «the general principles of the law», «the conventional principles», «main principles of the law», thus to them is given various, at times opposite interpretation. Indicative (in aspect to «terminological diffusion») positions known «are represented to the Marxist-Leninist general theory of the state and the law» where it was specified, that legal principles represent the requirements shown to system of the law of certain type of the state, systems of the law formed before occurrence. Without their formation creation of new system of the law which conducts to transformation of legal principles into law principles would be impossible. In the modern doctrine of the labour law the situation remains not less «inconsistent»: we will tell, separate authors, considering law principles through a classification prism, carries to the last principles of legal regulation, activity on working out and application of norms of the law. Among these principles predominating value is taken away to «principles of legal regulation». At the same time, there are researchers who notice, that «main principles of legal regulation of work» and «main principles of the labour law», and also «legal principles of the organisation of work» – all these formulations are identical, it is the same category of the labour law presented in three formulations. Last scientific approach is not divided by us. In our opinion, first, offered by adherents of the approach a combination of such characteristics as «cores» and «principles», in our opinion, is a tautology that is why it is erroneous, incorrect. Secondly, the most comprehensible and proved we see application in the doctrine and the legislation of such uniform and universal, patrimonial term (concept), as «principles of the labour law». Other concepts («main principles of legal regulation of work» and «legal principles of the organisation of work»), in our opinion, are terms which reflect only defined – narrower – not branch sphere (scale) of application (realisation) of legal principles. In the third, it appears, that adherents of the analyzed approach, not to the full observe known rules definitions of concepts: first of all, mean a dimension rule (demands, that volume of concept which is defined, answered volume of concept which defines, i.e. these concepts should be identical); the new concept should not be tautological; the concept should be accurate and unequivocal.




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2.   Лавриненко О.В. Проблемы дефинирования, характеристики содержания и систематизации отраслевых принципов трудового права и принципов правового регулирования служебно–трудовых отношений работников органов внутренних дел: философско–правовой и теоретико–методологический анализ современной научной доктрины / О.В. Лавриненко // Российский ежегодник трудового права. – 2008. – №4. – С. 534–568.

3.   Лавріненко О.В. Доктрина принципів трудового права України: необхідність перегляду теоретичних основ / О.В. Лавріненко // Наукові дослідження – теорія та експеримент 2010: матеріали YI Міжнародної науково–практичної конференції, (м. Полтава, 17–19 травня 2010 р.). – Полтава: ІнтерГрафіка, 2010. – Т. 3. – С. 64–68.

4.   Лавриненко О.В. Понятийный аппарат учения о принципах трудового права: проблемные аспекты определения понятия и характеристики признаков отраслевых принципов / О.В. Лавриненко // Aktualni vymozenosti vedy – 2010: mat-ly VI Мezinärodni vedeck.–prakt. konf., (Praha, 27.06.2010 – 05.07.2010 r.). – Praha: Education and Science, 2010. – Dil 8. – S. 28–31.

5.   Лавріненко О.В. Галузеві принципи права: міждисциплінарний аналіз системи їхніх ознак / О.В. Лавріненко // Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка. – 2010. – Вип. 3. – С. 54–63.

6.    Лавріненко О.В. Проблемні новелізаційні підходи до систематизації принципів трудового права України / О.В. Лавріненко // Проблеми правознавства та правоохоронної діяльності. – 2010. – №4. – С. 221-235.