Kamaliev M.A., Shumbalov N.M.,
Abenova A.T.
The Kazakh national medicine
University named S.Asfendijarov
Republic Kazakhstan, Almaty
The major criterion of the
health caused by a consequence of influence of harmful production factors,
disease is. Disease of workers of the industrial enterprises makes a prominent
aspect of a condition of their health. In this connection, we determine
hospitalized disease of the workers working on Aktyubinsk factory of ferroalloys industrial target on the average
for three years (2004-2006).
Hospitalized disease the
important place in statistics of public health services is allocated{removed}.
With a view of optimization of
the hospital help by the worker huge value has the profound studying of
"hospitalized disease», allowing to determine volume of the stationary
help, to estimate quality of activity of hospitals, to define needs in the
stationary help.
On parameters of hospitalized
disease it is impossible to estimate to the full prevalence of this or that
kind of a pathology, however they allow to judge character of the heaviest
pathology, volume of medical aid, duration of treatment.
Studied hospitalized disease
of workers and employees of the Aktyubinsk factory of the ferroalloys which
have received the stationary help in Open Company "Eurasia Medicine Centre ".
For the three-year period of
supervision on the average densities of hospitalized patients to number working
ôåððîõðîìîâîãî manufactures
has made 30,1%, of them of 73% of the man, 27% of the woman.
Comparison of results in a
section of various age groups has shown, that with increase in age the interest
of hospitalization grows.
If in age group till 20 years
the percent of hospitalization has made 0,9%, in 40-49 years - 35%.
The greatest percent
hospitalized has made workers of the basic and non-productive departments
(37,2% and 47,5% accordingly), the least - among workers of other shops and çàâîäîóïðàâëåíèè (6,3%
and 9% accordingly).
The level of hospitalization
in ôåððîõðîìîâîì manufacture
on the average for three years has made 300,9 cases on 1000 working, among men
this parameter has made 297,8, and among women - 317,5.
The attention a high level of
hospitalization among workers of factory’s administration (431,8) pays to
itself. The least level it is marked among workers auxiliary (261,8) and other
shops (195,9).
The level and structure of
hospitalized disease on the average for three years on working conditions has
shown, that basically, in auxiliary and in other shops ôåððîõðîìîâîãî manufactures
by the reasons of hospitalization were the following of 5 priority classes:
illnesses of system of blood circulation, bodies of digestion, bodies of
breath, illness of bone-articulate system and illness
of urino-genital system. And levels of hospitalized disease was much higher at
workers of producing departments in comparison with other compared shops.
Apparently, it is connected to feature of influence industrial âðåäíîñòåé on
weight of pathological process.
Summarizing above-stated, it
is possible to conclude, that hospitalized disease working much above. The
level and structure of disease basically are determined by features of working
conditions of manufacture. The share of priority classes of diseases in
structure of hospitalized disease has made 85,2%.