Z.K.Buribaeva, Jugaj V.N.

Republic Kazakhstan

The Kazakh national medical University named S.D.Asfendijarov, Almaty,

Aktyubinsk medicine college. Àêòîáå


The standard circuit of reforming of public health services of many countries includes definition of problem areas for the certain period, specification of the purposes and tasks of planned programs, and also definition of mechanisms of their realization from which the decision of personnel aspects is essential. Imperfection of personnel selection is expressed in impossibility to adjust movement of the staff and preservation of personnel resources, to influence selection both duly and qualitative preparation of the personnel. Experts mark, that in modern conditions there was a necessity for use of new organizational and administrative approaches for the decision of personnel problems of public health services [Chen A.N., 2002].

Therefore during reform of domestic system of public health services the special attention is given administrative aspects of rendering of medical aid to the population. Administrative functions are differentiated depending on type of system of public health services and a stage of its development. In less scale plan administrative functions will differ depending on type of the medical organization, personnel structure, features of the served population. So, in the research which has been carried out in Kyrghyzstan, the most actual administrative functions in primary health care’s organizations in decreasing order them priority have been allocated and ways of their improvement at an educational level [Ajdaraliev A.A., 2002].

It is marked, that last years professional management in medicine organizations has changed and has extended owing to structural and financial changes, introduction of mechanisms of quality assurance, etc. [Kulzhanov M.K., 2002]. Special value for change of administrative aspects in public health services has accepted in 2004. The concept of medical and pharmaceutical education of Republic Kazakhstan which assumes occurrence of new specialities, a deepening of bases of preparation of specialists and their approach the world standards.

To nursing practice, as well as all system of public health services, complexity, versatility, multilateral character, a variety of forms of its organization and a wide spectrum of decided tasks are inherent. It is necessary to note, that in nursing practice organizational features continue to prevail characteristic for the Soviet system of public health services: centralization of management; imperfect planning from a principle of the maximal satisfaction of the population’s need in medical aid without taking into account regional features and orientation on extensive parameters, absence of comparability of parameters of expenses with the received results of activity [Zhuzzhanov O.T., Ibraev S.E., 1998; Kulzhanov M.K., Zhuzzhanov O.T., 1995; Izmuhambetov T.A., 1994].

It is scientifically proved, that systems of preparation of the administrative staff of public health services should be based on the complex approach, including constant perfection of programs in view of varying requirements of an administrative infrastructure of public health services. Development of educational programs in the field of preparation of managers of public health services should be carried out from positions of the scientific approach that assumes quantitative and quality standard, the analysis of needs of practical public health services in the administrative staff, an estimation of curriculums, the account of the international experience and forecasting on average-and long-term prospect [Ajdaraliev A.A., 2002; Chen A.N., 2002].

In connection with above-stated the special urgency is represented with studying opportunities of use of methodology of strategic management in nursing practice that assumes a substantiation and definition of the basic directions of development of this system, definition of precise system of the organization of plans of realization of programs, definition of motivating mechanisms for realization of programs, and also definition of development’s stages and criteria of achievement’s estimation of the purpose [Filatov V.B., 1991]. It is necessary to note, that for the decision of tasks of nursing management the profound studying and ordering of all organizational technologies in nursing practice [Shchepin O.P., 1993]. Perfection of any system, and in our work this nursing practice, should be based on revision and ordering of making processes, including change of motivation of the personnel [Tulebaev K.A., 1999].

We plan scientific work on development of methodical approaches to perfection of a control system by the nursing personnel on the basis of studying and structurization of organizational technology of management by nursing practice by the example of the Aktyubinsk area.

Now we lead the analysis of the basic tendencies of nurses’ functioning (uses and placements of personnel) in public health services of the Aktyubinsk area, the medical-social status of the medical personnel of nurses’ average link of a supervising and performing link with allocation of the factors influencing their professional work (educational, social-psychological, social and economic, social-professional, etc.) is determined.