Chidunchi I.Yu., Seysembayeva A.E.

Postgraduates of PSU named after S. Toraigyrov, Pavlodar,

Master of English Philology, tutor  of PSU named after S. Toraigyrov, Uaikhanova M. A.



The Priirtyshsky basin of salty lakes includes a large number of polytypic hypergalinic reservoirs. Artemy lakes are characterized by the general regularities, however, in them considerable distinctions of productive indicators are observed, which demand carrying out advanced scientific studies. At present data on artemy lakes of Pavlodar region in scientific literature are limited to results of reconnoitring inspections of reservoirs, short data of the separate parties of biology of the crawfish.

The purpose – on the basis of field researches and experimental works to study ecology questions of artemies of salty lakes of Pavlodar region. The obtained data will be a basis of methodical recommendations in the rational use of artemy lakes.

We defined sites of salty lakes on the territory of Pavlodar region, flora and fauna of reservoirs were studied, and also the  artemy population biodiversity and seasonal monitoring of density of populations.

The modern fund of artemy reservoirs of Pavlodar region totals 37 lakes with total area of a water mirror of 712.1 Ecosystems of these lakes function in the conditions of transgressive-regressive cycles. In regressive phases 69.2 % of the lakes, not provided with  continuous soil nutrition, periodically dry up. Artemy hydroecotopes have a big variety on ionic structure (chloride, carbonate, sulphatic) and mineralization degree (45-318 g/l).

Artemies living in salty lakes of Pavlodar region, belong to the class of Artemia sinica, this species  was recognized as the endangered. In various in water content years in lakes from 1 to 4 artemy generations were born for the vegetative period. There are some maxima of number of eggs and the uneven-age individuals of the crawfish related to the emergence of new generations. The greatest biomass of the crawfish is observed in July-September when the sexually mature part of the population represents a uniform breeding complex. In the regression period eggs born by  young females, have the lowered quality that is negatively reflected in reproductive potential of the population.

The carried-out researches showed that duration of maturing of artemy females, defined substantially in the environment temperature, makes from 22 to 27 days. The increase in water temperature on 6-8°С reduces time of approach of sexual maturity for 5-6 days. In lakes of  Pavlodar region absolute fertility artemies fluctuates from 23 to 184 eggs. In borders of species galotolerance the decrease in absolute fertility with the increase in water salinity is observed.

Competent authorities already began work in the field of rational environmental management of these water objects. Artemy lakes are transferred to private nature managers who provide protection and observance of standards of the legislation. Unfortunately, these measures don't solve the problem, and only aggravate it.

Due to the frequently-became cases of poaching we consider necessary to make amendments to the legislative base: to toughen penalties and to take other measures of punishment, to avoid disappearance of the valuable hydrobiont.

The developed tendency in studying of artemy lakes, and also in their rational use demands participation of all sectors of society: authorities, ICO, locals, businessmen and, certainly, scientific community. Because artemy lakes are low-studied, but valuable according to the their maintenance of hydrobionts, both in the RK territory, and in neighboring states, we consider that the recommendations developed by us in their rational use is an optimum model of management of artemy lakes.

The list of the used literature:


1. Yu.G. Aleev, S.A. Hvorov Buoyancy as a function of animal forms of hydrobionts//Hydrobiol. jour., 1985 — V. 21. Edit 6. — P. 24-28.

2. O.A. Alekin Hydrochemistry bases. — L. 1970. 444 p.

3. K.A. Altufyeva, Ye.A. Oglezneva Fodder value of Artemia salina//Fishery. - 1984. - No. 1. – P. 35-36.

4. Yu.P. Altukhov Genetic processes in populations. — M. 1983. — 279 p.

5. V.P. Anikin Some biological supervisions over crustacea from Artemia genus//Not. of Imper. Tomsk un-ty., 1898. V. 14. — P. 100-200.

6. L.Ye. Anokhina Regularities of change of fish fertility on the example of the spring-autumn-spawning sprat. — M, 1969. — 295 p.

7. L.V. Anferova Artemy salina crawfish, the carrier of the natural compounds synthesizing organic substances in medical dirts of the lake Karachi//Dirts and their medical application. — Kiev, 1969. — P. 43-44.