D.O., Scientific supervisor: Burdakova E.L.
Donetsk National University of
Economics and Trade after M. Tugan-Baranovsky
Budgetary planning
first major component of internal accounting systems for management's use is
the company's system for establishing budgetary plans and setting performance
standards. The setting of performance standards requires also a system for
measuring actual results and reporting differences between actual performance
and the plans (see below Performance reporting).
The planning
process leads to the establishment of explicit plans, which then are translated
into action. The results of these actions are compared with the plans and
reported in comparative form. Management can then respond to substantial
deviations from plan, either by taking corrective action or, if outside
conditions differ from those predicted or assumed in the plans, by preparing
revised plans.
plans can be either broad, strategic outlines of the company's future or
schedules of the inputs and outputs associated with specific independent
programs, most business plans are periodic plans—that is, they refer to company
operations for a specified period of time. These periodic plans are summarized
in a series of projected financial statements, or budgets.
The two
principal budget statements are the profit plan and the cash forecast. The
profit plan is an estimated income statement for the budget period. It
summarizes the planned level of selling effort, shown as selling expense, and
the results of that effort, shown as sales revenue and the accompanying cost of
goods sold. Separate profit plans are ordinarily prepared for each major
segment of the company's operations.
details underlying the profit plan are contained in departmental sales and cost
budgets, each part identified with the executive or group responsible for
carrying out that part.
companies also prepare alternative budgets for operating volumes other than the
volume anticipated for the period. A set of such alternative budgets is known
as the flexible budget. The practice of flexible budgetting has been adopted
widely by factory management to facilitate evaluation of cost performance at
different volume levels and has also been extended to other elements of the
profit plan.
The second
major component of the annual budgetary plan, the cash forecast or cash budget,
summarizes the anticipated effects on cash of all the company's activities. It
lists the anticipated cash payments, cash receipts, and amount of cash on hand,
month by month throughout the year. In most companies, responsibility for cash
management rests mainly in the head office rather than at the divisional level.
For this reason, divisional cash forecasts tend to be less important than
divisional profit plans.
cash forecasts, on the other hand, are just as important as company profit
plans. Preliminary cash forecasts are used in deciding how much money will be
made available for the payment of dividends, for the purchase or construction
of buildings and equipment, and for other programs that do not pay for
themselves immediately. The amount of short-term borrowing or short-term
investment of temporarily idle funds is then generally geared to the
requirements summarized in the final, adjusted forecast.
elements of the budgetary plan, in addition to the profit plan and the cash
forecast, include capital expenditure budgets, personnel budgets, production
budgets, and budgeted balance sheets. They all serve the same purpose: to help
management decide upon a course of action and to serve as a point of reference
against which to measure subsequent performance.
is a management responsibility, not an accounting function. To plan is to
decide, and only the manager has the authority to choose the direction the
company is to take. Accounting personnel are nevertheless deeply involved in
the planning process. First, they administer the budgetary planning system,
establishing deadlines for the completion of each part of the process and
seeing that these deadlines are met. Second, they analyze data and help
management at various levels compare the estimated effects of different courses
of action. Third, they are responsible for collating the tentative plans and
proposals coming from the individual departments and divisions and then
reviewing them for consistency and feasibility and sometimes for desirability
as well. Finally, they must assemble the final plans management has chosen and
see that these plans are understood by the operating executives.