Экономические науки/5. Управление трудовыми ресурсами

Nikiforova L. O., Bilokon Y. V.

Vinnitsa National Technical University, Ukraine


Issues of modern management technologies personnel

at the postal example

The Period entering the Economy Ukraine into a new phase its development characterized by expansion the spectrum of market reforms, the search of new and effective ways of achievement the competitiveness of national economic, and increase the state's role in global processes of the present day. Under these conditions the important significance gets the problem of work efficiency in enterprises, including business and postal service [1].

Postal service is an integral and important part of social-oriented market. Positive aspects of the market of postal services in the conditions of transformation process in Ukraine's economy is the emergence and development of new services based on the means of telecommunications, especially electronic communication using computer equipment.

Till this time the existing mechanism es timation of staff postal inefficient and sometimes impossible to use them. Therefore the problem of introduction modern technology in HR management mail services, defining the required level of organization, regulation and wages, impact components of the labor process to the final result. Such studies in post offices and are based on different evaluation crite- ria [2].

Of modern conditions of production postal activities the characteristic feature is that at the same workplace can be given list of services. This special feature causes the complexity of work performed in connection with which there is a problem of optimizing the qualification of employees performing manufacturing operations in the workplace [2]. This issue may be solved by tariffing of workplaces using new elements of work organization. First, tariffing of, which includes complex organizational, technical, technological and economic measures with which determines the complexity of labor in the workplace.

The model tariffing of workplace has next of algorithm has the following operations:

1. Must be defined all production operations associated with services in the workplace.

2. Using the wage and skill guides, employee training class is defined, which should perform these operations. If in wage-qualifying directory not defined any manufacturing operation, its complexity is determined by an expert.

3. Must be defined routine or actual average monthly production volume of transactions on this job.

4. With the help industry of or local standards of, producing operations per hour labor costs determined pursuant average quantities and their share in total labor costs per month.

5. Summing up the labor outlay for the same work complexity, determined volume and share of productive operations of each class, skills in general labor outlay.

6. The highest level of total labor outlay according to of qualification  will determine the salary level workplace. Apparently to this is determined proficiency level positions of the staff.

The problem of effective personnel management and the impact of psychosocial factors his work are quite relevant motivation nowadays [3]. The low level of wages prevents the flow of young cpecialists in the sphere of postal services, therefore there is a low skill level qualification and fairly high average age of employees, that together with insufficient automation of manufacturing processes, result in a fight co-reduction of productivity. Scientific progress and transition to innovation bring the change in the way of quantitative and qualitative composition of postal staff. Introduction of new, more complicated equipment, automation of manufacturing processes, the widespread use of personal computers require more skillful workers that increases the demand on the labor market for highly qualified staff. At this stage of development of postal services is characterized by its qualification of such data [4]:

- Inefficient staff - 68.14%;

- The staff of secondary special education - 23.86%;

- Personnel with higher education - 7.99%;

- Personnel with scientific degree - 0.01%.

These data indicate that more than half of postal staff do not have special education, which complicates the introduction of any technological innovation in the provision of postal services. Therefore, one of the strategic goals of innovation development of postal services is the activation of human resource management [5].

So, as we know, the most important resource, the main asset of any business is and always will be people. Therefore especially actual face the problem of  management crucial human resources and also the problem of implementation of modern technologies and effective personnel management in the postal system.


1. Orekhova S. E. Postal history of the Donetsk region in the nineteenth century XXI. [Electronic resource] - mode of access to resources: http / / www.lib.ua-ru.net/diss/cont/238587.html

2. Buryak V. G. Methodical bases and performance evaluation of staff post offices. [electronic resources] – mode of access to resources: http//www.lib.ua-ru.net/diss/cont/137022.html

3. Князева Е.А., Щуровская А. Ю. Стратегические ориентиры инновационного развития почтовой связи Украины // Наукові праці ОНАЗ ім. О. С. Попова. - №1.- 2007. С. 78-84.

4. Ситник Т.М. Розробка заходів щодо удосконалення управління поведінкою та трудовою діяльністю УДППЗ «Укрпошта».[електронний ресурс]- режим доступу до ресурсу: http//www.rusnauka.com.

5. Манакина В.А., Русаченко Е.А. Усовершенствование управления трудовыми ресурсами предприятия в условиях рынка. [електронний ресурс]- режим доступу до ресурсу: http//www.rusnauka.com.