Ogurtzov A.P., Nikulin A.V., Nakonechnaya T.V.
Ukraine, Dniprodzerzhinsk state technical university (DSTU)
І. Introduce. The
modernization of higher technical education, which considers the change of
paradigm and entry into the Pan-European educational space, is one of the
urgent tasks of the development of contemporary society in the Ukraine. For the
successful advance in the selected direction are necessary processing textbooks
and teaching aids for training of baccalaureates and masters, including on
higher mathematics and special disciplines. Must find a use the results of the
development engineering and technologies in fifteen - twenty previous years is,
in the first place, informational - communication line technologies (ICT).
II. Raising of problem. For increasing the effectiveness it is expedient
to perform processing materials, deepening the systematization of the use of
principles of didactics and, in particular, activities approach [1]. The
application of an activity approach with training of future specialists is
expedient to base on the modelling both the process of training and most
trainee. Let us note that during processing of textbooks and teaching aids
there is the great interest in the use of an object model.
As a result the decomposition of training programs
with respect to the selected direction or the specialization of training the
transition to the matrix structure of training disciplines occurs. Each of
them, as a rule, is correlated with the specific fundamental or applied
science. Further becomes allowed transition to the object model of the course,
for example, of higher mathematics, metallurgy of steel and etc. This model includes subject, semantic,
procedural, operating and functional components [1].
Subject model shows, about what knowledge; semantic
model determines the semantic part of the knowledge; procedural model describes
order and nature of the transformation of the objects of knowledge; operating
model presents the skills, which must be formed in the process of training; functional
model determines, what functions carry out knowledge and habits. Preliminary
analysis must show that the acting normative documents in the form of
educational standards, affirmed programs of courses, complete sets of the
materials of conveyer-line and total control are representative for the composition
of object model and make it possible to build the basic components of this
model. These components must be represented in the created textbooks, the
teaching aids, corresponding systematic developments in the form of the
actively interacting subsystems.
Thus, for instance, the program of course represents
the realization of subject and semantic models. Semantic, procedural and
operating model are determined at the formation of the modular structure of
course and developed teaching aids. Operating and functional models are used
with planning and conducting practical and laboratory training. Acquired
experience shows that the new quality of components interaction appears with
the use informational - communication line technologies, in particular,
computer mathematics.
III. Results. For
using the great possibilities of an
automation of training in higher mathematics for the students of the
engineering directions training with the aid of the known mathematical systems
and tabular processor there is
developed and mastered laboratory practice “An introduction of informational - computer technologies with the
aid of MathCAD and MS Excel”. The elements of practice, furthermore, found a
use in the course of information theory and computer technology for the
students of other directions. There was published (having a signature stamp MES
of the Ukraine) training aid by higher mathematics,
which includes theoretical material, examples of the solution of tasks and exercises of standard mathematical
practice “by hand”, also, with the aid of PC, control questions, 30 variants of individual tasks and control tests for
each of six modules.
The distribution of training material is executed in
accordance with the working programs of the course of higher mathematics (on
the directions of training), coordinated with modular - rating form of the
organization of training process. Approval of modernizing with help of subject modelling and using the informational
- communication line technologies of
training disciplines courses is made in Dniprodzerzhins’k state technical university and Dnipropetrovs’k state
agrarian university [2].
ІV. Conclusions. The modernization of higher technical education is the complex problem,
which requires the stimulation of the innovation activity of VUZ (Institute of
Higher Education), instructors (higher school teachers) and the trained
students. It requires the reconsideration of the being adapted approaches,
including, also, on the basis of subject modelling. The attraction of subject modelling
and ICT in the process of transition to the modular - rating system
organization of training contributed to the creation of the new generation systematic
literature and to the organization of its use in the training process. It continues the development of test base for
conducting of rating control and examinations in the computer classes, and also
the modification of training aids taking into account acquired experience.
1. Атанов Г.А. Возрождение дидактики – залог развития
высшей школы. - Донецк: ДОУ, 2003. - 180с.
Наконечна Т.В.,
Нікулін О.В. Використання ІКТ на заняттях з вищої математики // Дидактика
математики: проблеми і дослідження: Міжнародний збірник наукових робіт. - Вип.
26. - Донецьк Фірма ТЕАН, 2006, с. 74 - 78.