important tasks of psychology and psychophysiology are theoretical construction
of cognitive models and instrumental research of neural activity when producing/human
perception of different speech forms particularly its cultural forms – oral verbal
utterances. Stressing this angle of problem, we issue, on the one part, from
language and speech systems differentiation, on the other part, from their
integrative relationship, that`s why we suggest the process of oral utterances
producing as multilevel in this case speech and language levels presenting in
oral utterance (compare: pre- and outside linguistic vocalizations recording at
every stage of human ontogenesis).
define the speech system as a complex of communicatively meaningful vocal
constructions (sound complexes), which present acoustic substance arranged in a
special way in spatio-temporal and intense characteristics. The frequency
dynamics of basic tone, intensity, volume of sound, duration, tempo
and timbre characteristics are related to the vocal phrase characteristics in
its abstracting from the phoneme structure (about the tendencies of vocal
signal arrangement in anthropogenesis [Malantchuk 2007], compare: [Galunov et
al. 1985]).
speech form (genre) is a basic concept for describing and analyzing speech
process. The speech form can be defined, from a vocal utterance design point of
view, as complicated prosodic, vocal complex, which is invariant in case of
speech realization in relation to typical social interaction situations; this
complex has characteristics which determine social interaction contents and are
adequately recognized by the participants. Being outside natural linguistic
contents this permits each communicator to lead interaction, orientating in
partner`s aims, intensional contents
of the speech and to correct interaction, according to his own aims.
Vocal series simultaneousness produce integral acoustic screen, which is integrated, on the one part,
with an affect (minimally represented in informative genres), but, on the other
part, with a pragmatic situation image, which properly present a speech form,
in its dynamic characteristics.
we overcome a linguo-centric approach to a speech form – speech genre (Compare:
[Sedov 1999, et al.] ) and solve speech structures and language structures
distinction problem, which was formulated by B.M. Velichkovski as «the
perception of global acoustic features describing larger speech segments than
single phonemes, syllables and words» [Velichkovski 2006:100].
said make us formulate the principle of oral neural network ensembles
dependency, which activate when an oral utterance is built up by neural network
elements – the bearers of acoustic speech forms images. Most probably, «oral
parts», so as «speech parts» are firstly activated
during natural conversation in the process of an oral speech perception, their
interaction determines pragmatic utterance meaning, that allows to plan
partners’ speech behavior.
Definition of the neural network activity view is seen in some directions –
refinement of oral speech producing/perceiving process components, dynamic
characteristics determination towards fragments of neural network activity in
these different processes, checking of gender determination neural activity in
speech processes, age-related dynamics determination.
Modeling of speech processes neural activity
correspondingly requires neural correlates to be included in neural network
structures – distinguishing their specificity when producing and receiving
speech. The most difficult situation for analysis is when partners talk
simultaneously and consequently perceive each other`s utterance simultaneously
in case of scandals or «attainment» of speech rights.
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