Doctor of Psychological Sciences,
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor
Klejberg Yuri A.
Social-psychological determinations
of juvenile victimization of deviant personality: theoretical exposition of the
Moscow State
Regional University, Russia
Victimology is a branch of science and practice began to be spoken about
not long ago, that is the reason it is on the stage of gaining its scientific
status. There are so few publications of Russian and foreign scientists on the
problem of victimology and victimization. By the way, the appearance of
victimology is used to connecting with the name of German scientist Hance fon
Hunting (1941,1948). Hunting’s works stimulated the scientific research of
other scientists, such as M.E.Volfgang
(1958); M.Amir (1967, 1971) and others. Victimization or victimogene is
«physical, mental and social characters or features gained by a person, which
could make it predisposed to becoming a victim» (G.J.Shnejder, 1994). From the
point of social psychology of deviant behavior victimization is the
psychological feature of the personality, as far as his conduct is deviant
behavior [1, 2]. On this basis a deformed personality is formed, in this case a
situation of deviant pattern appears, the personality compensates for his «handicap»
in various forms of deviant behavior and victimity. It is especially important
for the youth period of development, when because of social incompetence in
questions of constructive relationship the personality of the youth is becoming
the victim of deviant behavior and later the juvenile deviant victimization
begins. The become objective situation of social developing of the youth
personality is characterized on the interdisciplinary level as the
system-victmogenen and it is discovered
by the following indicators: anomie (social indicator); cultureshock
(cultural indicator); stress (psychological indicator); marginalization
(social-psychological indicator); infantilism (pedagogical indicator). American
psychotherapist S.Carpman has developed a simple but very effective diagram for
the analyzing unconstructive
relationship such as the drama triangle. Its idea is the following, while
making painful relationship, people play
one of the following social roles: a persecutor, a rescuer or a victim.
While analyzing people behavior in this drama triangle, we are for sure
to say, that this behavior is depending, problematic, containing the contradict
either social or psychological in itself, it means that it is conflict. That is
the reason why the playing of these roles has deviant coloration. The first two
roles (a persecutor and a rescuer) are motivated only to satisfy the need for recognition and affirmation and
the third role (a victim) has in its foundation the only motive to satisfy the need for security, respect,
ensure peace.
When you are on this or that stage of satisfaction of your need, a
person uses many existing methods of implementation of the motive needs. It is
clear that this very motive will react differently on person behavior. This
applies equally to individuals with deviant, victimity orientation. By the way
the victimity personality is characterized by some specific
social-psychological indicators: a) reducing of the motivation level; b)
low self-esteem c) scarcity value orientations; d) high conformism and
others. The victimity personality as the phenomenon has the following main
social psychological indicators: anxiety, emotional rigidity, emotional
stickiness, emotional monotony, emotional coarsening, emotional stupidity, loss
of emotional resonance. The represented social psychological indicators of
deviant personality’s deformation characterize disturbances in the
emotional-will sphere. We may concern to the indicators pointing to the disturbances in the emotional-will sphere
the cognitive changes, distorting the basic social and psychological identity
and its «self-concept». Every man in cognitive functioning has its weaknesses
(cognitive vulnerability) that characterizes the socio-psychological strain
identity. This vulnerability applies to the personality structure. The
personality is formed by cognitive structures which constitute the basal
beliefs (positions). These schemes began to form in childhood because of
personal experience and identification with the others. People construct
concepts about themselves, the others and the idea of functioning the
surrounding world. These concepts reinforced by further experience in learning
and bringing up the personality technology
and influence the formation of other beliefs, values and attitudes.
Social-psychological personality deformation, manifested in the emotional sphere, is the result of deformations
in cognitive sphere. These deformations Allis called the irrational installation. Irrational installations by Allice
represent a severe emotional and cognitive connection with the nature of
absolute prescription. Irrational installations as an indicator of
social-psychological personality deformation determines the appearance of the
discommunication syndrome of the developing personality, which manifests itself
in deviant behavior and the acts.
The juvenile victimization of deviant personality influences the
following factors: a) the cult of
violence, established in contemporary life and vividly presented in the art
(great number of films, books and songs and so on) and developed inner world of
children and young people; b) the state of social anomie (the fall of morality
and spirituality) which is the characteristic of a crisis to society (rejection
of the previous ideals); c) implemented social policy (antifamily social
policy, national policy aimed at undermining the idea of education,
paralization of main social lever, and the example of violence, cruelty,
tyranny our power shows itself; d) dissatisfaction with the social needs; e)
absence of life prospects, at the same time some people are expecting the
higher material support; f) the bad organization of free time; g) decriminalization of drug use, legalization
of some drugs and their derivatives and so on. Our point of view with respect
to the interpretation of socio-psychological determinants of deviant victimity
determined by the following positions: a) deviance arises as a compensation
mechanism victimity personality; b) deviance is a consequence of
socio-psychological strain of personality, leading to the loss mechanism of
intra-and intersubjective
regulation of social behavior of
a person; c) deviance is programmed in violation of socialization in the family
and educational systems of personal development; d) deviance is a single set of
subconscious, psychological motility
and consciousness in order to demonstrate their opposition to social norms,
attitudes and stereotypes of both the individual and other social entities in
which it is included.
Þ.À. Äåâèàíòíîå ïîâåäåíèå â âîïðîñàõ è îòâåòàõ. – 2-å èçä. – Ì.: ÌÏÑÈ, 2008. –
Þ.À. Ñîöèàëüíàÿ ïñèõîëîãèÿ äåâèàíòíîãî ïîâåäåíèÿ. – Ì.: ÒÖ Ñôåðà, 2004. –