
Moscow pedagogical state university, Moscow


One of the main objectives put before school by society, preparation of comprehensively developed, active personality capable to a constructive labor of the benefit of society, for independent getting of the knowledge, armed with rational methods of knowledge is. The main thing here is formation and development of creative activity of pupils that is connected integrally with disclosure of potential possibilities and abilities of each pupil. Therefore one of main objectives of modern education consists in development and use of such methods of training which would promote development of creative pupils, would stir up their cogitative activity.

All children possess various potential abilities. The task of school consists in revealing and developing them in interesting, corresponding to age features of pupils, activity. To develop abilities is, means, to arm the child with ways of activity, to give it in hands a key, a principle of performance of work, to create conditions for identification and blossoming of his endowments [5]. And it, probably to carry out in the conditions of developing training – training, «which, provides high-grade assimilation of knowledge, forms educational activity and by that directly influences intellectual development» [6].

In average educational institutions of Europe to a problem of formation of the creative person, skills of research work at pupils pays much attention. So in state standard of England the requirement is written down: to prepare the school students who have reached 16 years, for performance, for example, such tasks on scientific research: to be able to explain the observable phenomena and to build hypotheses which then to confirm experimentally; to carry out systematic researches; to do conclusions on the basis of the carried-out researches etc. [7].

In system of our school education there were establishments of nonconventional types – lyceums, gymnasiums, etc. that led to change of requirements to preparation of pupils. So, the lyceum should provide «the most favorable conditions for development and continuous building of creative potential» pupils, promote mastering by them «skills of independent and scientific work» [3]. To reach it, it is necessary to include pupils in the activity demanding certain skills.

In didactics in structure of the content of education four components are allocated: 1) knowledge;

2) experience of reproductive activity;

3) experience of creative activity;

4) experience of the relations.

One of organization forms in training of school students of the third component of structure is the research method which demands from pupils of certain qualities.

If the teacher in the course of training sets as the purpose – development of research qualities of the personality, it should include it in research activity. Research activity in pedagogics leans on a number of principles, many of which have general scientific character, for example, a principle of unity logic and historical, a principle of conceptual unity of research. And, as it was noted earlier, here the significant role is played by the concept of developing training which starts with situation that the purposes of training caused by social requirements, are connected with formation of comprehensively developed personality. This formation is carried out in actually active involvement of trainees directed on the solution of rising before them informative and practical tasks; mastering by knowledge and ways of activity – a development tool and formations of the personality [2].

In practice as shows experiment, pupils join in research activity or on facultative classes in mathematics, or at lessons in classes with its profound studying. At mathematics lessons at the main school of this activity it is not given due consideration. Certainly, it is impossible, as it is noted in didactics, to create all its elements in the course of training at school owing to age features of pupils, but to create and develop at them certain research abilities quite really, solving mathematical problems which contain research elements.

At a certain organization educational activity can be carried out as research. Distinguishes it from scientific research:

1) the knowledge new is in educational process under control of the teacher and on an expansion course this activity can be corrected and be regulated by it;

2) all creative acts of pupils are lost previously by the teacher and carefully by it are prepared.

The teacher should be able to predict activities of pupils for the solution of this or that problem. Thus also there is a need to acquaint pupils with methods of scientific knowledge through educational activity taking into account age features and possibilities of pupils, their readiness for perception of these methods, specifics of a subject, level of readiness of the teacher. But despite these differences, original assimilation of knowledge keeps the majority of lines of research activity where, along with reproduction of the knowledge which has been saved up earlier, the huge role is played by intuition, ingenuity, ability quickly to "seize" the main contents acquired, to consider it from the different points of view, to use the same value in the different situations, different systems of concepts, reinterpreting them. All this, according to I.S.Yakimansky, pulls together educational and research activity at the heart of which the same laws of thinking lie.

Directly in a problem of research activity of pupils and formation of its elements in the course of training were engaged V.A.Gusev, I.Ya.Lerner, B.A.Vikas, Yu.I.Kolyagin, R. S. Tcherkasov, A.E.Zakharova, G. B. Ludina, etc. In works procedural lines of research activity such, as implementation of transfer of knowledge and abilities in a new situation, transformation of known ways of activity are allocated at the solution of a new problem, vision of a new problem in a familiar situation, vision of structure of object, etc. It is supposed that pupils have for this purpose a sufficient base.

However, the analysis of final examinations in mathematics for a course of comprehensive school and entrance examinations in higher education institutions of the country showed, what not all graduates possess such research abilities, as abilities to observe, compare and generalize, design ways of the decision on the basis of known, etc. Therefore the problem of formation of experience of research activity of pupils remains actual still.

In summary, I will quote Regirer E.I.: «… consider useful to develop quality researchers in each person is to nobody to the detriment, and for some it will appear exclusively fruitful … it is a question … of development, improvement and the best use of already available natural data». [4].


1.     Didactics of high school: Some problems of modern didactics / Under the editorship of M.A.Danilov and M. N. Skatkin, 1975

2.    Zagvyazinsky V.I.Uchitel as researcher. – M: Knowledge, 1980 (New in life, a science, equipment. It is gray. «Pedagogics and psychology». – No. 4).

3.     Science and school. – 1996. – No. 2.

4.    Regirer E.I. Development of abilities of the researcher, 1969.

5.    Chekaleva N. V. Modern theories and technologies of education, 1993.

6.    Yakimansky I.S.Develop training, 1979.

7.    Science for ages 5 to 16 Proposals of the Secretary of the Secretary of State for Education and science. – UK London, 1988.