Педагогические науки /5. Современные методы преподавания.
Kлочкова Т.І.
національний аграрний університет, Україна
Organization of independent work of students.
Nowadays all the universities
offer a remarkable opportunity for students to engage in an independent work. Out
of class is an important foundation for the professional skills of future
specialists in many fields, as a more complete independence, deep learning and
creative expertise.
As you know, independent work is a form of organization of personal
study of students learning the material in the classroom and extracurricular time.
The goal of IWS is to
promote independence as important personal
characteristics and professional skills of a young man, the essence of
which lies in the ability to organize,
plan, monitor and regulate their activities without assistance and control of the teacher. The objectives of IWS may
be learning specific
knowledge, skills, consolidation and systematization of
acquired knowledge, their
application to solve practical
problems and implementation
of creative work, identify gaps in the
system knowledge of the subject.
Traditionally independent work is
considered as a purposeful, free activity of students in the most convenient
time from their point of view. Independent work of students is necessary not
only for education, but also for getting professional skills and experience in creative and research activity to solve different problems. One
of the basic elements of these problems is a competence-based
approach to getting quality education.
Independent work gives
students the opportunity to work without
haste, without fear of negative
evaluation from their group-mates or a teacher, and as well as to choose the optimal pace of work and the
conditions of its implementation.
Requirement to the organization of independent
The organization of
independent work of students on academic subject should be carried out with
observance of a number of requirements, in particular:
justification of the necessity of tasks in general and specific tasks
in particular, that requires the identification and promotion
of positive motives of the activities of students;
total visibility of tasks. All students should know the content of the
task, have the opportunity to compare the completed tasks in one and in
different groups, to analyze the accuracy and usefulness of
the work done, the conformity of grades assigned (adequate assessment).
provision of detailed methodical
recommendations on the implementation of the work (in which
order to work, what to begin with, how to
check your knowledge);
giving students the opportunity to perform creative work,
conform to semi-professional level of learning, not limiting
them by carrying out standard tasks;
implementation of
the individual approach of
independent work. Individual tasks can be performed at the request of all
students or some
of them (who are gifted, talented, demanding,
with great practical
experience, study and work
abroad, etc.).
individualization of independent work contributes to
the self-realization of a student, revealing to him those facets of the
individual, which help professional development;
rationing of tasks for independent work, based on the determination of the cost of time
and complexity of their different types. It provides the optimal order of the
educational and cognitive activity of students - from simple to complex forms
of work.
possibility of keeping record and evaluation
of assignments and their quality, which requires standardization of
requirements for the skills of future specialists and development of a
complex of professionally-oriented tasks. For this purpose we offer the types
of tasks, which include getting materialized result (the product). At the time
of their execution personality of the student is also formed;
maintaining a constant feedback with students in the
course of independent work that
is a factor of effectiveness of the educational environment.
Thus, independent study students requires clear organization, planning, system
and control (the volume of tasks, types
of tasks, methodical recommendations on their implementation, analysis of the
anticipated difficulties, recording, checking and assessing of work
performed) that which contributes to the improvement of the quality of the educational
The success of this work
depends largely on the desire, aspiration, interest in work, need for the
activity, i.e. on the existence of positive motives. When performing
independent work, students' orientation, mental set are of great importance as
well as a certain level of knowledge base, which will be
layered by some new knowledge.
In order to implement
independent work in the process of studying subjects, students perform a set of
tasks of various types of appropriate levels of complexity.
When students are left to be
independent in their studies it’s important that they take the initiative
required to be successful. Some students find this difficult to do, but there
are a few simple tasks they can perform on a daily basis to ensure their
Estimation of independent
The estimation of independent
work of students, which is foreseen during the study of the theme, which is
submitted on practical lesson, is carried out during the current control
mastering of theme on the proper auditorium lesson. The estimation of
independent work of students concerning to mastering of themes which are not
carried out on the auditorium lessons is controlled during the final module
Methodological recommendations
on the organization of independent work of students on academic subject:
taking into consideration the objectives of the subject (topic), specify
the requirements for knowledge and skills, which are necessary to be formed in the
students in the process of implementation of self-educational and cognitive
according to the requirements of the organization of IWS, develop a
system of tasks of various levels of complexity on a pre-defined level of
mastering of knowledge;
forming the system of tasks for the IWS, be aware of the need to update
the motives of educational activity of students and the transformation of the
nature of the motives from cognitive and educational to the professional;
consider the possibility of the fulfillment of tasks in classroom and
extracurricular time, predicting and explaining the terms of their performance by
provide students with the specific situation, in which the fulfillment of
the tasks proposed for independent work is required. Contextual nature of such
approach gives the possibility to use the morphological analysis of the problem
and find non-standard solutions;
suggest the students the technological chain of the required tasks, that
will allow to rationally distribute the time, actions and ways of learning of students;
provide fulfillment of independent work by collection of relevant informational
material (literature, methodical recommendations, workshops, handouts, net plan,
etc.). Samples
of the executed works, provided to the students, would generate their competition
and encourage them to perform their work better than others.
Беляева А. Управление
самостоятельной работой студентов / Высшее образование в России, №6, 2003.
Наумченко И.Л.
Самостоятельный учебный труд студентов. - Саратов: Изд-во СГСЭУ, 1984.
Фуряева Т.В.
Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов. - Красноярск,