Psychology and
PhD in Sociology, assistant professor A. I. P'yanov
The North-Caucasian state technical university, Russia
In the foreign
literature of the base concept, drawing the attention of social psychologists
is «happiness». Making a start from a question, the people living in this or
that community are how much happy, psychologists pass to construct «subjective
well-being» [1]. Measurement of it concept leans against personal estimations
the person of its own life on a number cognitive (for example, satisfaction
marriage) and emotive (for example, good mood) or simply demands components to
agree or disagree with the statement that «in its ordinary life all proceeds
safely» [2, p. 7].
The majority of
sociologists and social psychologists pay the basic attention to three
components of subjective well-being. It not only determinants of a positive
condition – presence of pleasant emotions, such as pleasure, satisfaction and
attachment, and determinants of a negative condition – presence or absence of
unpleasant emotions, such as fear, a rage and despondency; and also personal judgments
about satisfaction something [3, p. 276]. It is allocated also social a
well-being component – an estimation of own life in a context of position in a
In the
Russian-speaking literature it is accepted to use neutral concept «social state
of health» [4].
With some assumptions,
after E. Golovaho and N. Panina, such researchers as N. Zhukova [5] accept
concepts of social state of health and subjective well-being as synonyms that allow
not only to spend mutual addition of problems and to build research parallels,
but also to borrow strategy of operationalization.
In the industry of
studying of public opinion and mass polls social a well-being component it
appears one of central concepts. For example, the operational scheme used by
Fund «Public opinion» more of ten years, leans against direct inclusion of the base
concepts in two biographical questions. In the first the place, or position,
the person in a society through its fitness to today's life is defined. For
example, tell, please, it was possible or it was not possible to you to find
the place in today's life? As a result there is a distinction of adapting and
not adapting respondents. The second question: as you think, you (your family) can or cannot raise in the nearest
year-two the standard of living, live better, more richly, than today? – auxiliary.
Here there is a time prospect, connection the concept of adaptation and
expectations from the future. On the basis of crossing of questions the
typology is created, in which estimations of today's well-being are supplemented
with parameter of social optimism or pessimism.
This scheme of
social state of health also became object of our research. We interrogate 30
respondents, to everyone two questions on social state of health were set, and
therefore we have 60 observation units. Each unit is a cumulative answer to a
biographical question. This answer, except adequate remarks, contains also
specifying questions, signals of misunderstanding or inappropriate statements
for the given context.
During poll the
exchange of remarks was fixed on a film, and then the audio record was
deciphered. As a basis for coding the free associative method constructed on
assignment to some piece of the text of free concepts, formulated by the
researcher is chosen during reading and audio record listening. Concepts were
not defined in advance, and coded ad hoc (new value – conformity check to
already existing codes – introduction of a new code is revealed). Actually
procedure is drawing up of the list of constructive components which are shown
during real communications «a question – the answer» with use described above question's
Let's make a
reservation that tested questions differ under characteristics of communicative
adequacy a little. The question on, whether was possible to the respondent to
find a place in life, it has appeared the leader – in half of answers to it of
any displacement is not fixed. And here the situation with a question on
well-being – a presumable standard of living in the future – is slightly worse:
a share of answers without displacement – 43 %. It is the third on level of the
arisen difficulties.
Questions differ
and on character of the found out difficulties and displacement. The question
on, whether was possible to the respondent to find a place in life, contains
two types of displacement: as a rule, it is refusal of the answer or change of
the point of view on a course of preparation of the answer.
In a question on
possibility to reach áîëüøåãî well-being the
considerable share of refusals of the answer (40 % from number of all
displacement), but also – an active exchange of remarks and any statements not
provided by a question (30 %) also is fixed.
Thus, both
questions concern a category rather safe – in that, as to displacing effects of
the answer. Nevertheless problem signs all the same are present. Doubts in the
answer, great volume of the discourse which has been not connected with performance
of the question's task, change of the opinion during answer preparation – all
it naturally leads to the basic problem: to refusal of the answer.
Today the
overwhelming majority of respondents tell already about some «the general state
of health», adhering more likely to is formal-time frameworks and without
distinguishing life before global changes. «Time of changes» has passed, and
now «the place in today's life» means a place in life as that so, other
categories with which helps in subjective perception the initial concept speaks
and defined, leave a shade of former semantic dominants.
Despite almost
identical frequency of mentions of age and about a family, in a semantic field
of the answer these components behave differently. If the mention of age is coordinated
practically to all other components and is in this respect identical to
mentions of work and financial position people speak about a family exclusively
together with work, financial position and age. The family theme divides
answers to two êëàñòåðà. In the first the person àññîöèèðóåò itself with the nearest group («WE» – the
answer) also acts more likely as its representative. In the second – the
individual point of view («I'm» – the answer), as a rule, supported with a
mention of personal desires, the social status, formation and a state role in
private life expresses. «WE» – answers underline the importance for the
respondent of a family, personal orientation to its interests.
Comparing the
results received by us with researches of other authors, we will short stop on
five major features of operational definition of social state of health. By us
will be considered (whenever possible – critically):
1) the time
structure of definition still dominating in sociological and marketing polls,
spent to Russia;
2) the general
questions in a modality «if to speak as a whole...», based on «direct model»
Bridgeman – Lundberg [6];
3) financial
position as the ideal model of subjective well-being realized in the majority
of the Russian researches.
4) the list of
components, or êîíñòðóêòîâ, subjects of the
further specification and to comparison to a set of indicators;
5) directly process
of operationalization – a formulation of biographical questions as elements of
an is constructive-indicative matrix.
Last two points are
devoted procedures which are necessary for carrying out for carrying out îïåðàöèîíàëèçàöèè.
The overwhelming
majority of the Russian sociological research centers (the Levada-centre, the
All-Russia Centre of Studying of Public opinion, Fund «Public opinion» and
others) apply operational definitions which can be classified on three domains:
1) an estimation of
financial position of a family at the moment of research;
2) an estimation of
a standard of living of a family in one-two year;
3) adaptedness
level to changes occurring in the country [7, p. 73].
By the present
moment the questions made in the early nineties on social state of health have
ceased to reflect dynamics of intermediate term changes in perception the
respondent of the place in a society. Most likely, time of changes has passed,
and the transformed society becomes more and more stable. Measurement of
representations of people about the future status in enough short prospects has
certain validity only in a context of public transformations, significant from
the point of view of the individual [8, p. 11].
In our research
respondents give life estimations in general, instead of current events or any
intermediate term changes. Long time researchers could not find toolkit for
distinction in polls of the situational mood depending on current events, and
stable experiences reflecting subjective well-being [9, p. 28–29].
With some
assumptions and E. Diener and E. Suh reservations have shown that value
judgment of well-being depends on situational, psychological factors [10, p.
205], in estimations of events of ordinary life at people the big inertness is
observed. «Today» is transformed in consciousness of the respondent to «today's
life», and the personal biography – from a position of present representations
about good and bad, about successes and failures is exposed to an estimation.
Probably, leveling of momentary experiences or moods in answers is promoted
also by a context of the standardized interview. As a rule, in conversation
with the stranger we are not inclined to devote it in the current problems and
With reference to
tested questions a time marker «the today» included in the first of questions,
does not correct a communicative situation, and only misleads the researcher at
a stage of interpretation of a question. Besides, at formulations there is also
a number of logic no agreements. If adaptation is estimated under extremely
abstract scheme, allowing the respondent to interpret somehow concept of «place»
«optimism» or «pessimism» are reduced to material well-being. Further, the
adaptation estimation concerns personally the respondent, and assumptions of
the future can be already transferred on a family. If it is planned to remove cognitive
difficulties at those respondents who identify itself with a family, it
followed do and in the first question.
Despite wide
application in the Russian and foreign researches of the general questions on
social well-being [11, p. 30], it is impossible to recognize this practice
satisfactory. Behind an estimation «as a whole» the place in life or degree of
satisfaction it the most different bases and domains of an ordinary reality
disappear. In scientifically funded researches, as a rule, there are no the
single questions devoted to an integrated estimation of subjective well-being;
the general questions are always accompanied by several private, allowing at
least assuming, what will be possible errors of measurement. For example, in N.
Glenn and C. Weaver's devoted to influence of an educational level on
subjective well-being the research, along with the general question on
satisfaction life analyzed questions on happiness, about subjective health,
about satisfaction by the nearest environment, home life, friends, health, free
time presence [12, p. 27].
In our research it
has been allocated eight components of the cumulative answer: work, financial
position, age, family, personal desires, the social status, formation, the
state. Participating in interview, the respondent does not consider all
possible significant components, and adheres any to one, at the best – several.
If he always chose the most significant for itself a theme or circumstance, it
would be possible not to worry about quality of measurement. However within the
limits of the standardized procedure at us is not present either theoretical
substantiations, or empirical ways to check up, whether there is it so. As a
result, on the one hand, the estimation of the respondent can change depending
on the component satirized at the moment of interview. On the other hand,
comparison of estimations between different groups of respondents becomes
problematic as there can be the regular displacement connected with
communicative, êîãíèòèâíûìè or expressional
conditions of interview [13, p. 68–70]. For example, style of the interviewers
working in the different polling companies can influence distinction in
estimations between different regions.
The main problem of
interpretation of answers to general questions on social well-being consists in
impossibility to observe how these answers are formed. We are compelled to take
on trust conformity of verbal answers at all people participating in poll, to
their inwardness [14, p. 45]. In other words – to recognize absence of
contextual effects, the ironical answers, different semantic interpretations of
identical variants of the answer. Thus the researcher cannot explain the reason
of formation of answers to difficult, complex questions, cannot interpret the
primary structure of distinctions arising at the respondent during the answer. He
is compelled to attribute to distributions own, sometimes absurd
interpretations, leaning only against the assumptions far from a real
communicative situation of interview.
Being based on
materials of the research conducted by us, it is possible to assert that there
is no dominating component to which, at known assumptions, we could reduce
answers of respondents to the general question on satisfaction life. Use the
concept in a semantic design of the second question («to live better, more
richly») it is possible to estimate «financial position» as a methodical error
of the polling tool. The majorities of the western researchers are guided by
results of polls and distinguish social state of health and financial position
value judgment.
In the Russian
polls and scientific researches the opposite position, according to which main
backbone indicator of social state of health – as estimation interrogated the
financial position dominates. Arguments in advantage of such reduction appear
theoretically weak. For example, Russian investigator A. Gotlib so proves the
position: «The choice of value judgment by people of the financial position as
a sign forming type was carried out by us for basic reasons. In our opinion,
the perception of the financial position, its estimation incorporating and
degree of satisfaction of own claims, and representations about social norm,
acts as certain result, not which point fixing a measure of success of the
individual on a way of its adaptation to the changing social environment» [15, p.
53]. In this case as a substantiation of absolutely certain methodical decision
convincing speech and the argument ad hominem, instead of the reference to
experiments or workings out of other researchers ‘acts. It is thought that the
situation when a theoretical substantiation spent of operationalization neglect
is not unique.
The components of
social state of health allocated with us by means of free coding will be
coordinated with results of other methodical researches. So, E. Campbell,
studying representations of Americans about good life, has received the
following set of the spheres divided into ranks in decreasing order: economic
stability, good relations in a family, strong and durable character, the loyal
friends, outwardly attractive environment [16, p. 6]. Other researchers, for
example, F. Andrews and S. Withey, spending of operationalization subjective
well-being, considered five components: the house, work, a family, free time
and the state [17, p. 234]. The set of independent research programs is devoted
private components of social state of health. Are separately studied:
- material
well-being, its value judgment, influence of unequal distribution of incomes of
the population on estimations of subjective well-being;
- satisfaction
relations in a family;
- feeling of an
accessory to some community, sensation of own demand;
- forming the
personal purposes, ambition of individual plans, confidence of own forces;
- professionalism
and satisfaction a post, a present workplace;
- religiousness,
the relation to other faiths;
- a state of
health, the subjective relation to a pain.
As the components
which have met in our research, are anyhow discussed and in other empirical
works, it tells «social state of health» (the told concerns a validity of the
given theoretical design) about adequacy of the concept. Causes a question only a component «the
personal purposes». Despite its absolute conformity to concept well-beings, are
the big doubts in possibility of adequate measurement of personal, individual
motives in the standardized poll.
Spending a thematic
marking of the remarks which have appeared during conversations on questions,
we have received only the list of constructions, making elements initial the
concept well-being. However, if to follow P. Lazarsfeld's model, it only the
initial stage of operationalization. It has allocated three stages of the
specification. On the first the initial image or concept is divided into
components, or dimensions which represent more exact and detailed descriptions
and form set of the concepts describing theoretical êîíñòðóêò [18, p. 241]. At the second stage to each
component theoretical êîíñòðóêòà some set of
empirical indicators is put in conformity. P. Lazarsfeld underlines that
indicators correspond with êîíöåïòàìè not rigidly, and
is likelihood: «Each indicator has only approximate relation to that we
actually want to know» [18, p. 241–242]. Depending on the theoretical scheme of
research indicators can repeat or be replaced at different concepts. On the
third step indicators will be transformed to biographical questions which are
supposed to be set to the respondent.
After P. Lazarsfeld
in the methodical literature usually stop on four concepts representing
procedure of operationalization: the concept, the construction (result of the
specification the concept – a set of sizes), the indicator and a variable (or
operational definition).
So, selection of
indicators – separate, not less a challenge. It is very difficult to measure
value judgment listed of constructions
as estimation represents not trivial, and the main thing – the procedure hidden
from the researcher [19, p. 116]. F.
Andrews and S. Withey for measurement of subjective well-being is offered by
following indicators: a recognition, an inclusiveness, self-sufficiency,
safety, calmness, beauty, independence, fun and a standard of living [17, p.
234]. If to address to mentioned above five constructions of F. Andrews and S.
Withey (the house, work, a family, free time and the government), together they
will make the whole battery of biographical questions. For example, the
construction «house» and the indicator «beauty» allows to formulate crossing
about such question: «the house in which you live is how much beautiful and
attractive to you?» [17, p. 13]. However the similar multidimensional approach
to operationalization of subjective well-being meets in single instances. The
greatest distribution among researchers was received by the satisfaction
indicator [20, p. 31] which allows formulating various biographical questions.
K. Rask with
colleagues offers the alternative scheme of drawing up of biographical
questions. As basic indicators in it acts:
- in emotive a
component – a) degree of pleasure/disappointment and b) a problem or bad state
of affairs;
- in cognitive
making – c) knowledge and d) real behaviour.
In the first
indicator degree of satisfaction of ordinary requirements is measured, for
example, self-respect maintenance, attention to positive events, optimistic
installations on life and etc. the Second indicator, a bad condition, reveals
concern current problems and a difficult situation, for example, with
colleagues, parents, money. The third and fourth components reflect activity or
passivity of a vital position: ability of the respondent to result concrete
examples of the actions, knowledge it of current events in which it can take
part, and etc. [21, p. 131]. However and at such approach is problematic to
avoid excessive lengthening of the questionnaire. Balance maintenance between
accuracy of received gauging and toolkit volume – the most complicated problem
to solve which within the limits of the present research it is not obviously
The research
toolkit reflects not only about what asked and that researchers would like to
learn. In the thesaurus and the nomenclature of questions aprioristic
assumptions, and frequently – own installations of developers are reflected.
Besides, in formulations time – with its actual events and the staticized
senses of those or other concepts from a political lexicon is reflected also.
«Time of reforms»
has ended, and with approach of a new epoch former indicators have lost the explicating
force (in the same way as videorecorder presence has ceased to be the
well-being indicator), and former concepts – the nominative clearness. The
majority of operational schemes of social state of health were formed during
other time and in other circumstances. They are based on measurement of level
of adaptedness to changes, in subjective forecasts and substantially any more
do not reflect êîíöåïò social state of
In the decision of
this problem Fund «Public opinion» adhered to «direct» model, working with
typology from two hypothetically consistent variables. However our research
shows that today it is not enough of it, and, most likely, it is impossible to
do without more difficult indicative scheme. The concept of social state of
health it is too combined to reduce it to several elementary judgements. On the
other hand, the problem will not dare also – to ask other strategy generalizing
question, neglecting metaphoricalness of the core concept.
There are some more
important reasons, is faster than pessimistic property as show complexity of a
problem of measurement of social state of health.
1. Many operational
definitions contain the too general concepts with dim semantic borders. Not
clearly, whether it is possible to avoid danger of infinite recourse in
definition of concepts about which warned P. Bridgeman.
2. The format of
the standardized interview not only has no to frank confidential conversation,
but also does not give any chances to check up adequacy of the received answers
the concept «social state of health». Before us real danger to receive false or
situational data.
3. The social state
of health cannot be shown only to material welfare. In particular today, when
the shock perception of the validity has left in last and thematic filling
initial concept is real – upon people of words existing in reasoning and
concepts – has become complicated. Deliberately economic displacement of
question's tasks with evidence blocks other, not less important semantic areas
of social state of health.
4. At measurement
of subjective well-being it is important to consider, about whom there is a
speech: about the respondent or about its nearest environment, a family.
Certainly, at times happens difficultly consistently to spend such distinction.
On the other hand, mixture of two modalities can lead to serious displacement
among «I'm» - and «WE» are the focused respondents.
And the last. The
offered system of indicators and constructions does not guarantee reception of
qualitative biographical formulations. Each question even reused in other
researches, is subject to careful testing for a subject of its adequate
perception and interpretation.
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