S.F.Jatsun, the professor, the manager. Chair of theoretical mechanics and mechatronics, SWGU (an e-mail: teormeh@inbox.ru)

N.P. Uvarova, Associate Professor at the  Theoretical Mechanics and Mechatronics Department, SWGU (an e-mail: teormeh@inbox.ru)

A.N.Rukavitsyn, Associate Professor at the  Theoretical Mechanics and Mechatronics Department, SWGU (an e-mail: alruk75@mail.ru).




Mobile transport devices of jumping  type (jumping robots) are objects of research of many scientists as at movement on strong a cross-country terrain the spasmodic way of moving is more convenient than sliding or rotation. As the natural approach at creation of similar robots copying of movement of the small animals capable slowly to accumulate energy in muscles and then serves, during a jump, quickly it to liberate. Such devices are presented in works [1,2]. Jumping up of the similar robot is provided with the spring drive containing the mechanism of a platoon of springs. Flight begins when the potential energy saved up in a spring will be transformed to kinetic energy of the case.

Other approach is based on application of the mobile internal weights which are built in the case of the robot. Mechanisms of this type can move on a surface without a separation, features of their movement are shined in work [3], and also in work [4].

In [5] the mobile devices moving with a separation from a surface at the expense of periodic movement of internal weight are presented. Difference of such devices from robots with spring drives is that as a movement source potential energy of a spring is used not, and kinetic energy of moving weights which will be transformed to kinetic energy of the jumping case. It allows to carry out traffic control at the expense of change of one parameter – angular speed of rotation debalance.

At the same time methods of calculation of the systems using for movement kinetic energy of internal weights, are developed insufficiently. Therefore the purpose of the given work is working out of mathematical model of movement of the jumping robot of the new type containing one rotating weight, and studying of the basic laws of operated movement.

The considered jumping minirobot represents the mechanical system consisting of two firm bodies, one of which – the cylindrical case in weight m1 – periodically contacts to a rough surface, and the second – debalance in weight m2 – in regular intervals rotates concerning the case (fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Settlement scheme of movement of the jumping minirobot


On the scheme point Î1 – the case center of gravity; through point Î2 passes a rotation axis of debalance. The center of weights of the robot – a point C. As operating parameter in considered system frequency of debalance rotation ω, and operated – height, length of a jump and average speed of movement of the robot acts. The relation of weights of elements of system λ=m2/(m1+m2) is the varied parameter.

Let's consider movement in motionless system of coordinates Oxyz. We will rigidly connect with links of the robot two mobile systems of coordinates: one of which axes passes system O1x1y1z1 which axes are the main central axes of inertia of the case, and system O2x2y2z2, through a point modeling debalance.

Let's admit that all points of system move in parallel vertical planes. It is possible, if the plane of relative rotation debalance coincides with a plane of material symmetry of the case. Then, choosing an axis of abscisses of motionless system parallel to movement, it is enough to consider movement of a projection of the robot in plane Oxy. 

Relative movement of debalance is set, it occurs to constant angular speed , and it is possible to present an angle of rotation in the form φ2=ωt.

Let's enter into consideration radiuses-vectors  , , , coordinates of the centers of gravity of the case defining in absolute system and debalance, and also coordinates of the center of weights of all system of S. Obviously that

,                                                  (1)

where    – radius-vector of debalance concerning the case center (fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Scheme of definition of position of points of vibrating system in a movement plane

From definition of the center of weights of system, using the given vector equality, it is possible to receive expression

.                         (2)

Let's define vector coordinates  . From the scheme on fig. 2 it is visible that it is the sum of vectors and  which coordinates are convenient for setting in relative systems:   in case system,  – in system of debalance. Hereinafter the index «Ò» at a matrix-line means transposing. Distance Î1Î2 and length of debalance l are set.

In absolute system vectors will be defined by means of matrixes of turn Ò10 of system of coordinates O1x1y1z1 rather Oxyz and Ò21 systems O2x2y2z rather O1x1y1z1  [20]: , . The top index «0» at vectors (in brackets) specifies in absolute system of coordinates. The required radius-vector of dot weight concerning the center of weights of the case in absolute system of coordinates will be certain by equality:

.             (3)

To radius-vector of the center of weights of the case in absolute system there corresponds a matrix-column .

Movement of considered mechanical system is described by the vector equations expressing the theorems of dynamics about change of quantity of movement and the moment of quantity of movement of system:


,                               (5)

where -  quantity of movement;  - the moment of quantity of movement of system concerning its center of weights Ñ; ,  - the main vector and the main moment of the external forces enclosed to system.

Quantity of movement of system by definition to equally vector sum  in which, ,   - speeds of the center of gravity of the case of nyt robot and debalance, and its derivative on time .  Acceleration of the center of weights of the case is presented by a vector , and acceleration of debalance, according to (1), the sum .

Acceleration of debalance in its movement round point Î1 we will receive, differentiating the equation (3):


Substituting values of derivative matrixes and vectors in (4) and passing from the vector form to scalar, we will find the differential equations of movement of the center of weights of the case:



Derivatives of an angle of rotation of the case present at the received equations we will define by means of the theorem of change of the moment of quantity of movement of system (5).

Let's dwell upon procedure of a finding of the kinetic moments. The choice as the center of reduction of the center of weights of system isn't casual, as in that case in the total equation of rotation there are no accelerations of the center of weights of the case.

The center of weights of the robot is a mobile point. We will connect with it system of coordinates Ñξηζ, which axes move is forward, that is all time remain parallel to axes of motionless system. In this system of coordinates we will define the sizes entering into the theorem of the moments (5), and we will notice that angular characteristics of movement of the robot, considered in system of the center of weights and in motionless system, coincide.

The kinetic moment of system is the vector sum:

.                          (6)

The kinetic moment of the case develops of the kinetic moment of its rotation round own center of weights and the moment of quantity of movement of the center of weights of the case (as the material point which weight is equal to weight of the case) concerning the general center of weights:

.  (7)

 – the kinetic moment of the case concerning its center of gravity Î1, – a vector of angular speed of the robot, J – a tensor of inertia of the case in system of the axes parallel to axes of motionless system. 

It is known that the most simple kind accepts an inertia tensor in system of the main axes of inertia, that is system O1x1y1z1:


where elements of the main diagonal – the axial moments of inertia of the case – are set. From here through a matrix of turn Ò10 it is possible to pass in system of the axes parallel motionless, in which tensor of inertia becomes


The kinetic moment of debalance, modelled in our case as a material point, by definition is equal:


Generalizing (6) - (9), considering representation of speeds of points of a body and definition of the center of weights of system, the kinetic moment of system we will write down in a kind:

. (10)

Starting with (1) and (2), we will present radiuses-vectors of points of system concerning the center of weights in a kind:

. (11)

Differentiating (10) on time and considering (11), we will come to expression:


In view of that the main moment of external gravity concerning the center of weights is equal to zero, substituting the coordinates of vectors received in the course of transformations in (5) and passing to the scalar form, we will receive therequired differential equation of rotation:.


Thus, we come to system of the differential equations of movement of the robot:


Where constant factors are expressed through system parameters:


The system of three differential equations (12) describes robot movement in flight, that is when the center of symmetry of the case coincides with the center of weights the condition is satisfied y1> R, where R – case radius.

For a complete description of movement by means of jumps the system (12) it is necessary to add movements with the equations of movement of the robot on a basic surface, and also to define change of parameters of movement at landing and a separation. As an analytical condition of movement on a flat basic surface equality y1=R serves.

Let's notice that the movement equations on a surface can be received by means of already specified theorems (4), (5), considering that to gravity operating on system normal reaction , force dry Kulon’s  friction  and the resistance moment of rotation   (fig. 1) are added. If to admit absence rotation of cases the quantity of the equations will be reduced to two:


Force of a dry friction is defined according to analytical model:


where F0 – a projection equally effective all applied to a design of the robot of forces, except force of a dry friction;  f0 – factor of a dry friction;  N – normal reaction of a surface;  – speed of the robot along axis Ox.


At the moment of a landing speed of a point of a contact changes a direction, that is, the system has blow. Within the limits of the given research we will be limited to a case when kinetic energy of system, except for energy of own rotation of debalance, at blow is lost. It means that as a result of a landing of the robot speed of a point of a contact and angular speed of the case will receive zero values which we will accept as initial, by consideration of the following phase of movement.

Let's study influence of the operating parameter on characteristics of movement of the robot. We will address to the received system of the differential equations of movement of the robot in air. The first equation – the rotation equation – as the equation of the first order concerning speed has the obvious analytical decision which under zero entry conditions takes a form:

.             (14)

Thus, clearly that change of speed of rotation in time is presented by the periodic limited continuous function which frequency coincides with frequency of rotation of debalance. Besides, expression (14) doesn't change the sign. Really, for the least value of a denominator of the fraction which are in brackets, we have:


The denominator is positive. But, as A+B≥B+Acosωt>0, the sign on angular speed, obviously, will coincide on a sign with speed of rotation of debalance.

In that specific case, if the factor A is equal in system (12) of the equations to zero, angular speed of rotation remains to a constant. For the considered robot the similar case takes place, if centers O1 and Î2 coincide. It means that, coming off a surface with zero angular speed, the case in the further flight doesn't rotate, and it can be considered as a material point in weight Ì=m1+m2, moving under the influence of force F=m2ω2l which vector in regular intervals rotates with angular speed ω.

  Let's consider the flight of a point occurring at the expense of action of force F of a variable direction ( Fig. 3). Entry conditions of such movement are defined by a condition of a point at the moment of a separation from a surface, namely: in the zero speed and some nonzero corner α a force inclination.

Fig. 3 Scheme of the forces operating on a material point

In case of a separation normal reaction is equal 0, i.e., equality is carried out

.          (15)

It is obvious that, depending on parameters of system the equation (15) can not have decisions, have the unique decision or set of decisions. So, if values of parameters satisfy to an inequality , (15) has no decisions, the point doesn't come off a surface. In the second case when for values equality is carried out,  (15) has the unique decision. Nevertheless, the further lifting of a point in this case won't occur, as its acceleration will not reach necessary positive value. In the third case the area of values of parameters of system is defined by an unequal

.                  (16)

In this case reaction addresses in a zero at value of an angle of slope of force (hence, and an angle of rotation of balance)

Proceeding from definition of return trigonometrical functions, the separation corner lies in an interval .

Further we will consider vertical movement of the case, neglecting its rotation. If time reference mark to connect with the separation moment movement of the center of weights of the case will be described by the differential equation:


Let's show that there is a time interval in a start of motion, on which acceleration of point positively. Really, if to transform (17) to product:


that is obvious that on a time interval  acceleration is more than zero thanks to what the point after a separation will continue movement upwards. Having integrated twice the equation (17) taking into account zero entry conditions, we will receive that at it is possible to present coordinate in the form of the sum


where  – limited from above the value, square-law function of time monotonously decreasing on an interval  l,

  the limited periodic function.

It allows to assert that the coordinate is limited from above. Character of change of function y1(t) says that the point will by all means fall and will concern a surface.

Similarly from the differential equation


considering zero entry conditions, we receive the law of change of an absciss, which also can be presented in the form of the sum of infinitely decreasing linear function  and the limited periodic function. Therefore it is obvious that since some moment of time the coordinate will accept the values opposite on a sign of angular speed of rotation of debalance.

The analytical dependences received in given section for coordinates were investigated in addition, at numerical modeling of movement of the robot.

Let's consider behavior of system for various values of the operating parameter ω. We will result some results of numerical modeling of movement of the robot. At calculations following values of parameters of system have been accepted: m1=0.05 kg, m2=0.01 kg, l=0.01 m, Î1Î2=0 m. the Size of angular speed of rotation of debalance changed for reception of various trajectories. We will notice that from an inequality (16) follows that for a separation of the robot from a surface angular speed of debalance can't be low 80 radian in a second.

On fig. 4 trajectories of movement of the robot are resulted at three various values of speeds of rotation of debalance. Following laws are obvious. First, as well as the direction of movement of the robot opposite on a sign to a rotation direction of debalance was supposed earlier. Secondly, with growth of angular frequency of debalance the movement trajectory in air becomes complicated, on it there are the self-crossing points which quantity grows with frequency increase. Thirdly, together with frequency from a surface, length of a step – distance the maximum height of lifting of the robot increases by surfaces between points of a separation and the subsequent landing.

Fig. 4 Trajectory of the robot:

ω =100 s-1; b - ω =300 s-1; c - ω =600s-1.

Dependence of coordinate at from time is presented by the sum of two functions: square-law y1(t) and harmonious y2(t).

Let's consider top ordinate as function of parameters of system:

,        (18)

where the dimensionless parameter , , is equal to the weight relation of weight of debalance to all robot weight.

On the basis of (18) schedules of analytical dependences of the maximum height of lifting from angular frequency of debalance  (fig. 5à) and from the relation of weights  (fig. 5á) have been constructed. These schedules in both cases are designated by figure I. Triangles under figure II in drawing designate the maximum values of lifting for separate ω and λ, defined by numerical calculations.

Fig. 5 Dependence of the maximum height of lifting of the robot on angular speed of rotation äåáàëàíñà (a) and from the relation of weights (b)

Let's notice that increasing character y1max(λ) is obvious from (18) while y1max(ω) as function can have the maximum or minimum value. Really, the private derivative has two valid roots,  and, and one point of rupture ω=0. Investigating a derivative sign on set of the valid values ω, we receive that first two values correspond to local minima, and in a point of rupture of a derivative the local maximum on frequency takes place. On set of frequencies  function y1max(ω) isn't limited from above. From this that any value, obviously, satisfies to an inequality (16) which characterizes area of parameters at which the separation from a surface is possible, the conclusion about limitlessness of growth of the maximum height of lifting with increase in speed of rotation of debalance from here follows.

The Fig. 6 shows results of numerical definition of dependence of height of lifting from the frequency, the parities of weights received for three various sizes.

Apparently, the increase in a parity of weights leads to fast growth of the maximum height of lifting of the robot. To the same conclusion it is possible to come, analyzing properties of function (18). Similar communication of height of debalance l is here too obvious the resulted length.

Besides lifting height, dependences of length of a step of the robot – average distance between points of a separation both the subsequent landing – and average speed of moving – relations of total length of the calculated steps up the time of their passage from frequency have been numerically investigated. On fig. 6,7 corresponding schedules are presented.

Fig. 6 Dependence of height of lifting on frequency at various λ

Fig. 8 Dependence of length and average speed of a jump from frequency at various λ

The analysis of dependences leads to conclusions that the length of a jump, as well as height, monotonously increases with growth of parameters ω and λ. Average speed of moving also increases, but character of its change nonmonotonic that is connected with presence in movement of two making - flight and movement on a surface. On a surface the robot on a condition is motionless, duration of its stay in rest depends on a system condition (in particular, from a rotation phase of debalance) at the moment of landing.

Thus, in the given work the scheme of the mobile two-mass mechanical system, capable to move on a firm rough surface with a separation from it is considered. Developed the mathematical model and the differential equations, allow to describe robot movement in a phase of flight and in a finding phase on a basic surface. The analysis of the received equations has shown that the height and length of a jump are monotonously increasing functions of operating frequency of rotation. As a result of calculations it is established that the form of a trajectory of the center of the case depends on size of the operating parameter. Also dependence of a direction of movement of the robot on a rotation direction of debalance is revealed, and dependences of height and length of a jump from frequency of rotation and the relation of weights of system are defined.

Work is executed within the limits of realization of the Federal target program « Íàó÷íûå è íàó÷íî-ïåäàãîãè÷åñêèå êàäðû èííîâàöèîííîé Ðîññèè íà 2009-2013 ãîäû».



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