Laboratory testing of the method of
parameter identification of dynamic object by simulation
Bolovin, A.S. Glazyrin.
of Electric Drives and Equipment, National Research Tomsk Polytechnic
University, Tomsk, Russia
In this paper a laboratory testing of the method of
parameter identification of dynamic object is presented. The error of identification
of the parameters is analyzed using the developed method.
Key words: first-order dynamic object, identification of the parameters, difference
Testing consisted of two phases. The first step - getting the transients
based on numerical solutions of differential equations by Euler's method. The
second step - the identification of parameters based on the current values of
state variables of the object. The third step - the calculation of error
estimates of the parameters.
test procedure
Thus the mathematical model of the process parameter
identification RL-circuit in a matrix form is derived, giving the possibility
of obtaining solutions by the inverse matrix. MathCad to model the processes
occurring in the object of the first order - RL-circuit. Then test the
presented method of parameter identification.
Written in the MathCad parameters of the circuit. All
entries made in the program MathCad performed with the font Courier New. All used units owned by
SI system.
The resistance |
The inductance |
The angular
frequency |
The step time |
The index of the iteration process is defined
Will submit to the input sine wave impact
The function of the right side of equation is written
The zero initial conditions is defined
Calculate the current and current derivative during
the numerical solution of differential equations by Euler's method
The index of the iteration process is redefined
This redefinition is necessary for the performance of
the inverse of the matrix, otherwise the determinant of the output values equal
to zero.
The values of resistance rrj and inductance
llj are found by (8)
The average values of estimates of active resistance
RR and inductance LL are defined
The error of estimates of mean values of the
parameters RL circuit are defined
The difference between actual and estimated values are less
than 1 percent, respectively, the identification of parameters by the inverse of the matrix is effective.