Экономические науки/10.Экономика предприятия
Kushchak O. O.
Nikiforova L. O.
Vinnitsa National Technical University, Ukraine
Ukraine's transition to new market conditions
and economic transformation leads to review a number of processes, phenomena
and concepts of. Specifically radically new interpretation of the value
embedded in the content of motivation that is essential for effective
implementation of the decisions and tasks which are scheduled by employees of
of effective job of the workers is one
of the key for intracompany management system [1]. It complements managment of
the administration, that is the development and execution of planned tasks,
officers and other instructions, orders and directives, and is the indirect,
Mediated by the interests of employees with specific forms and methods of their
material and moral interest for the work in achievement of its high results.
as technology management, has a two subsystems: tangible and intangible
motivation [1]. Since the research flows that the intangible issue of
motivation of the company neglected by the leaders. As a rule, unexperienced
leader pays his attention to the financial motivation. So, according to experts
from PriceWaterhouseCoopers usually rewards the leaders for 40% dependent corporate
achievements, other 40% - from the functional results and only 20% - from
individual one [2]. In our opinion, the individual approach to recruitment of
various motivational methods is a fundamental motive in the formation of the
business policy of enterprice.
of all using internal motivation is based on the satisfaction of workers from
the performed work, their self-determination and self-competence. But to
achieve the best effect, of the internal motivation necessary to
"reinforce" by external stimulation [3].
main goal of modern motivation of work is to activate human consciousness in
the direction of deliberate selfcorrection of the worker his labour behavior results, for receiving
the employee and the employer are
interested [3]. At some point the result of labouraitivity of every employee in
his professional: improvement of material well-being to self. In recent years it
is noticed the strengthening of social and psychological interests, which are satisfied
through the implementation of employment. Tangible incentives of work, which
recently were considered a priority and were not able to unleash the whole
potential of employee. Modern enterprises increasingly use beside the material motivation the immaterial one.
important way to improve motivation is the motivation of free time or modular
system of compensation free time. The advantage of free time motivation is that
differences in staff workload, caused by work in different times of day and
week are compensated directly by providing free time, not as a gratuity as it
is used in traditional system. This form of intangible motivation does not
receive the widespread practice of
Ukrainian enterprises, but the experience of foreign firms shows the necessity
for the introduction of free time compensation. The usage of flexible forms of
employment (dunes, increasing vacation, compensatory time off provision)
provides a choice of the working population between working time and leisure
The use
of flexible forms of employment helps employers to manipulate the quantity and
quality of labor, based on the needs of enterprises and economic situation, not
creating social tension in layoffs. The use of flexible forms of employment admits
periodically update the knowledge, improve skills, and adjusting the mode of
working hours of employees of different age groups, so creats the conditions
for the formation of long-term labor.
Motivatio employment can
not be made whithout theoretical foundation and whithout understanding the
needs of workers. Increasing the value of labor, status and personal motives,
does not mean an absolute reduction of material incentive. He currently remains
the primary, to say the catalyst, which can increase labor activity, and
stimulate employment. But do not forget about other incentives, which every day
becomes more important
employee consciders that the desireble result of his labour activity in his
professional development is different on at certain stage. The gradual
improvement of material conditions of workers can anticipate the growth weight of intangible factors of motivation.
In modern motivational management company must use the material together with
intangible motivation methods to activate employee’s labor potential. To fully
utilizing the existing potential of employee it is not enough for enterprise
the traditional economic methods.He deep complex study of the problems issues
of motivation can work only whith the combined achievements of economy,
psychology, sociology and other sciences. Such combination opens new
perspectives in the application of modern technologies staff’s motivation.
А. М. Колот Мотивація персоналу: Підручник. – К.: КНЕУ, 2002. – 337с
13 annual survey of major companies:[Electronic resources] – mode
of access to resources: http://www.pwc.com
О.В. Тужилкіна Підвищення вагомості нематеріальних чинників мотивації праці
у формуванні людського капіталу сучасного підприємства України. [електронний ресурс] – режим доступу до
ресурсу: http://www.nbuv.gov.ua
Я.П. Пустовар
Мотиваційний аспект менеджменту персоналу. Вісник ХДУ.-Харків,2001.-314с.