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Kovalenko E.V., Adeyemo Q. E.

Luhansk state medical university, Luhansk, Ukraine

Statistical estimation of influence of visual methods of activating studying in a lesson by level of students knowledge’s

In the time when information arises and become outdated so fast the role of teachers was changed. He is stop to be a «source of knowledge» and «store of experience» of past generations, but start to be a “vector” in the great «numerical ocean» of information. It is impossible to imagine teacher who knows everything, but possible to imagine a person who lead students in they search, who can share  experiences with students and teach them how and where to find a information and how to use it for studying and also for professional needs.

In every high pedagogical school, a future teacher learns a methods of activating students attention, but not so many teachers include it in their teaching process, Forgot about them or not considered effective.

About 2000 years ago for studying  and getting new information about objects around, we used all possibilities such as: visual observation, hearing abilities, tasting, smelling, touching. But now, when World web sources are free, cheap and acceptable for everyone in any place of the Earth, people are accepting 80% of information through the eyes(reading and watching) and ears. In such monotonous process of guttering information, is very easy to lose a purpose and interest to study.

The purpose of this research is finding a dependence between using methods of «activation» and level of students knowledge. Among many methods we can select a method of visualization.

The experiment was prepared and carried out in a class of 1st year students of Luhansk medical university (Luhansk, Ukraine), course «Medical and biological physics».

Into Data 1 we are arrange a 19 students(2 academic groups) who learn materials as usually(Table 1) and into Data 2 - 20 students who watch a studying movies (animation movies) during the lesson(Table 2).

Table 1


Type of activity

5 min

Teachers preview about present topic and plan of lesson


Oral interrogation by the self-training questions


Explanation of the theoretical background.

5 min



Training a practical skills, solving tasks


Testing questions for checking a students knowledge


Extract of results and conclusion

Summary time – 95 minutes




Table 2


Type of activity

5 min

Teachers preview about present topic and plan of lesson


Oral interrogation by the self-training questions


Explanation of the theoretical background. Include 2 animation movies.

5 min



Training a practical skills, solving tasks. Include 1 animation movie.


Testing questions for checking a students knowledge


Extract of results and conclusion

Summary time – 95 minutes

The movies been created in the animation program, sounded in English, include a text explanation (in English too) during a sound track and showing 3 topics: Process of osmosis through  biomembrane,  Receptors linked to a channel protein, Work of sodium-potassium exchange pump. Summary time for presentations is 23 minutes which had been combined with usual scheme of explanation by this topic.

Data’s for analysis are include a students number(by order) and result of students testing by topic( 0-20 point);

Hypothesis - have no difference in the level of knowledge’s between students from the Data 1 and Data 2, hypothesis  - some difference is present.

Necessary to estimate numerical(serial) data’s, so better to use a nonparametric criterion of Wilkokson (Wilkokson–Mann–Whitney`s). Results been combine into 1 set, ranked, found 2 values of parameters  and  and used them for finding a parameter . It is bigger then critical  (from standard table of critical values for Wilkokson criterion), so hypothesis  has been rejected by significance level .

A difference between level of knowledge’s in the 1st and 2nd data’s was proved for choused size of data’s, so influence from the visual method of activation a students studying activity is present. The analysis for bigger data(by the expanded criterion of Wilkokson) in the process of estimation.

As result of our estimation we proof a proverb: «All new it is a forgotten old». Not important how useful and popular a electronic sources of information, but a teacher who enjoy his work, who try to make a cognitive process easy and interesting for students will be claimed at all time.