PhD. Fomin A

Moscow State University (Faculty of Philosophy)

The Ways of Understanding of Time in Philosophical Hermeneutics


Considerable history, which has a philosophical understanding of time, does not cancel the relevance and modernity of the problem. It indicates, on the one hand, that all solutions are unconvincing and we need new ones, and, on the other hand, that difficulties of philosophical understanding of time are convincing, and there are limited opportunities to overcome them. The traditionality of the problem of time suppresses any originality, and demonstrates a dizzying variety of philosophical concepts of time. Thus, in order to move forward in the development of the problem of time it is necessary to create a typology of approaches to solving this problem. Such classification of strategies of conceptualization of time would allow, firstly, to determine the degree of innovation, each of the following thought about time, secondly, to avoid the inherited difficulties, thirdly, to answer the question about the possibility of genuine alternatives.

 It was M. Heidegger who has at the first time posed such problem.

 If earlier all criticism was amounted to the criticism of concepts, then since edition of "Being and Time" criticism becomes the criticism of conceptualizations, criticism of approaches and strategies. It was Heidegger who has at first time demonstrated the power that has a vulgar concept of time throughout the history of philosophy from Aristotle to Bergson, and tried to overcome it. Symptomaticaly, that the project of overcoming of the vulgar concept of time took place in the framework of hermeneutic philosophy. Apparently, philosophical hermeneutics can pretend to the role of the thematic space of researching of different approaches of understanding of time. However, the priority of philosophical hermeneutics in solving the problem of time cannot be taken dogmatically. It should make sure, could the philosophical hermeneutic conceptualization of time be opposed to all the existing strategies of conceptualization of time? And for this, above all, we should focus on distinctions between hermeneutical strategies, identifying their specificity and detecting difficulties they have.


The explicit hermeneutic of time


One of the most famous difficulties which is associated with time, is the harmonization of intuitive and discursive intelligibility.

 On the one hand, time is one of the evidences of consciousness, which, at first glance, does not require a reflexive theming and meticulous research, but on the other hand, time demonstrates the inpermeability of its impenetrability evidence, resisting any descriptive study and the substantial of representation. Non-obvious evidence of time makes itself felt through a meaning shortage one of the main prerequisite of discursive cognition. Any cognition means a transition from ignorance to knowledge. The result of this process is the creation of the concept and the process of compensation of meaning shortage is considered in the theory of knowledge as a process of conceptualization. The appearence of the concept is the token of the transition from vagueness and ambiguity of the original intuitions to the clarity and distinctness of final presentation. However, the variety of existing concepts of time cannot talk about self-identity of process of compensate of meaning shortage. Under this section will be considered an explicit strategy of conceptualizing of time.

The Explication of implicit involves the formation of a particular mode of representation, which at first opens access to time for our thought.

 In other words, the result of the meaning shortage compensation process is the appearance of the notion (idea) of ​​time, which is expressed in explicit form by using different formulations and distinctions. In this case, explicit can be not only the hermeneutical strategies of conceptualization of time. Our immediate task now becomes to identify the specific of explicit hermeneutic conceptualization of time in comparison with the vulgar concept of time of traditional metaphysics and to estimate its heuristics.

One of the most important characteristics of hermeneutics in general and the hermeneutic conceptualization of time in particular, is the circular nature of understanding, which suggests that understanding can not be regarded as an existing off-line conscious act of fixing the transition from ignorance to knowledge. First, the understanding does not start from scratch, and always implies a certain pre/before-understanding (prefiguration), which, in turn, can be adjusted in the light of what have been understood. Second, since hermeneutics works first of all with texts, insofar understanding (configuration) is impossible without reading (refiguration), acting simultaneously as a source of modification of pre-understanding (prefiguration).

 Prefiguration, configuration and refiguration form a circular unity (the hermeneutic circle), in which a movement of understanding exists. The hermeneutic circle has no beginning and no end, so the researcher has to focus not on breaking (opening), but rather on the correct entering in this cycle. On what kind of penetration strategy researcher chooses will depend the motion of subsequent conceptualization.

The first variant of entering in the hermeneutic circle is a philosophical concept by Martin Heidegger.

 According to the German philosopher, to create a full sense of time is necessary to focus on the conceptual development of our pre-understanding, prefiguration of time. It is pre-understanding that eliminates hopelessness of human thought about the time, supplying it with a guiding light to exit from the endless jungle of doubt and speculation. Heidegger points out that it is impossible to start looking for something about which we have no idea. Moreover, pre-understanding plays a crucial role not only in the configuration of the concept of time, but also in the process of its (concept) refiguration. In the absence of such pre-understanding would become impossible any theming of time.

As a second variant of entering in the hermeneutic circle can be considered the concept of the French thinker - Paul Ricoeur.

 The subject of analysis here is the correlation between the configuration of time of text with the prefiguration of practical field and with the refiguration in perception of the product. In view of Ricoeur, each configuration has invariant temporal structures, which make conditions for understanding both of historical and fictional narrative. Such comparative hermeneutics will make our understanding of time richer, and therefore, it is the configuration of time requires urgent attention in the process of compensation of meanings shortage.

Finally, the last variant of entering in the hermeneutic circle is the project of another German thinker - Hans-Georg Gadamer.

 Unlike Heidegger, Gadamer is not inclined to give absolute priority in the conceptualization of time to prefiguration, because there is no single right criterion pre-understanding. Activitie-historical hermeneutics, which has been founded by Gadamer, has as its main premise refiguration. In the process of reading, one way or another, a certain image of time has been pronouncing. The explication of this image outside of refiguration is impossible. According to Gadamer, the hermeneutic conceptualization of time will be a permanent way of clarification of time, based on the refiguration of different meanings endless sea of texts.

The decisive factor in the process of hermeneutical conceptualization of time recives a way of penetration into the hermeneutic circle.

 Depending on what the bet will be (on the prefiguration, or on the configuration, or on the refiguration of time), we get one or another concept of time. Thus, the explicit hermeneutics of time does not resemble of any previous strategies of conceptualization of time, but talk about the absolute opposition would be premature. Actually the difference between them lies only in technique but not in the grounds. The understanding of conceptualization as the compensation of meaning shortage, in explicit strategy, clashes with the problem of referent of the meaning reality. In other words, the process of conceptualization is changed into a kind of intellectual game, in which we devote our time not for searching the truth, but to harmonizing of many parts of the concept. Some meanings are always explained with other meanings. The process of compensation of meaning shortage is never finished, because there is no recent references. Thus, the conceptualization of time is transformed into pseudo-conceptualization, because one evidence will be always sent to another and so on to infinity. This "marking time" does not imply an increment of knowledge: either we stay with a pre-prepared and dogmatically accepted notion of time, or lose his footing, replacing reality with meaning.


The implicit hermeneutic of time


If explicit hermeneutical conceptualization of time implied that the idea of ​​ time is a certain set of meanings, which appears as a result of discursive research, the implicit hermeneutical conceptualization of time focused on the temporality of meanings itself, and tried to look into the space that precedes all meaning. Thus, the implicit hermeneutic of time does not mean the construction of a clear definition of time and thus gets rid of the difficulties associated with further verification, making shortcomings of previous strategies in its conceptual qualities. Understanding and comprehension of time, according to the implicit hermeneutics, has nothing to do with the extensive increment of meanings. The answer of the question about time has to look at the process of beginnings of meanings, in the "intensity" of the original and clear experience of time. The main task is to fix this experience.

Implicit and explicit hermeneutic of time - two sides of same coin. The indissolubility of their connection suggests that one without the other is impossible and unnecessary. In this case, to clarify the specifics of the implicit hermeneutical strategy of conceptualization of time we need to concentrate on how by means of prefiguration, configuration and refiguration of time we come into contact with temporality of prefiguration, configuration and refiguration.

So the reflective research of prefiguration has nothing to do with the explication of some pre-determined meanings. The main presupposition here is time itself, which on the one hand, exists before any consciousness and any world (it is time which, according to Heidegger, is more subjective then any subject and is more objective then any object), and, on the other hand, is able to open our access to consciousness and world (any consciousness is a temporal consciousness, and any world is a temporal world). By concentrating on the elaboration of pre-understanding, we do not research our idea of time, but the way in which time implicitly asserting about itself in the implementation of this act.

According to Heidegger, the authentic experience of time is the experience of event. Resisting not only the subject of representation, but also the traditional metaphysicians procedure meaning of alienation (as compensation for the conceptualization of the meaning), The event points out the necessity of going out of frameworks of the traditional metaphysical systems of thought, by means of resisting not only the subject representation but also the traditional metaphysical procedure of alienation of meaning (conceptualization as compensation of the meanings shortage). This process of "conceptual destruction," gives us a new way of thinking which not only requires the construction of some definitions, but, strictly speaking, can not be viewed as a process of conceptualization. The question is: if it is possible to touch to the true time or to a true being, whether in this case, the concept has place? Could such a reflection of time become an surplus process, in which the concept appears only in order to begin the process of its own destruction, conceptualization?

The temporality of configuration become apparent in narrativity. But here also there is no explication of some image of time. Rather, if the configuration itself would not be temporary, the story in general would not take place. The configuration does not allow the events of the story to appear at the same time. Delaying some events and bringing closer others, the configuration for the first time creates a time sequence. But the temporality of configuration itself can not be understood within the framework of the scheme. The excess of meanings as the cause of the configuration, however, can not explain the idea of ​​a sequence and justify the analytic distinction between the time the narrative. Trying to coordinate time of narrative and narrated time, Ricoeur, in the end, clashes with the Heidegger's difficulty of fixation of direct experience of time.

Finally, as the last implicit hermeneutical conceptualization of time can be considered the interpretation of temporality of refiguration. It also is not based on reading some image of time or some meaning of time. Ass opposed to configuration, which is satiated wiht meanings, refiguration experience a constant shortage of them. The reason for this lack may not be some other meaning, the transcendental signified, which would once detected. Thus, trying to think the matter of resumption of the refiguration or the specific time, we have to abandon the construction of a concept.

The main obstacle to an implicit hermeneutical conceptualization of time is language that determine the impossibility of fixing nonpredicative (existential) experience of time. Eliminating linguistic intersubjectivity leads to a relativization of the experience, because it makes impossible creation a typology of the perceived and, accordingly, its subsequent identification.

Because different languages ​​ provide us with opportunities for understanding and comprehension of time in different ways, and such an understanding and comprehension outside the language is impossible, so far every concept of time, which pretend to universality, is untenable. Understanding of time is a necessary adjunct of linguistic competence, to the extent that the language includes an immanent temporality (grammatical system of the time, or different lexical items that represent or characterize the time), which is assimilated by when we integrate into a system of communicative interactions.




1.     Gadamer H.-G. Truth and Method. 2nd rev. edition. Trans. J. Weinsheimer and D. G. Marshall. New York: Crossroad, 2004.

2.     Heidegger M. Sein und Zeit, in Heidegger's Gesamtausgabe, volume 2, ed. F.-W. von Herrmann, 1977.

3.     Ricoeur P. Time and narerative. Vol. 1-3. The University of Chicago Press. 1990.