UDC 154.3                                                            

Zhyvko Zinaida Bogdanivna, professor of                                                                                                                                                                            economic security department of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor

Zhyvko Michael Michaylovicz, adjukt of Lviv State University of Internal Affairs




Labour as a purposeful activity of people is a necessary condition of existence and development of society; it is directed to the satisfaction of their life necessities. One of the constituents of labour is its motivation at the level of participants of labour relations. The motivation system characterizes the totality of interconnected measures which stimulate either a separate worker or the whole staff concerning achievement of individual and collective aims of activity of the enterprise.

At this time, the problem of motivation of a personality has become of great importance, because the solution to the tasks of our society is possible only on condition of creation of the proper motivational basis which is able to induce the personnel to effective activity, i.e. to providing safety of staff as constituent part of economic security of the enterprise. The question is about application of such forms and methods of stimulation of a personality which would be instrumental in high effectiveness of his or her work and would be a basis of security in the enterprise.

Financial stimulation of the employees in enterprises has adopted the features peculiar to the previous command economy system. Because of absence of the direct dependence of a bonus size upon the concrete results of work of employees in the enterprise, it stopped carrying out its main stimulant function, and it grew into an ordinary salary increment, causing “equalizing” in the system of bonus plan. Taking into account the lack of scientifically grounded system of planning, organization, motivation and control of the activity in the enterprise, and the lack of working criteria of the employees, these factors result in the disappointment of the personnel, in loss of desire to do the work in a proper way and in the search of a place of employment where their labour will be valued.

Moreover, the absence of highly qualified employees who are able to provide the proper organization and functioning of the enterprise at market conditions, nullify all the attempts of the development and introduction of the high-efficiency system of venture management, in which a leading place belongs to the motivation system. Further reducing labour motivation of the personnel will unavoidably result in the worsening of the negative socio-economic processes which take place in our state.

So, there is an objective necessity to create scientifically grounded mechanism of the labour motivation of the personnel of enterprises that by means of effective stimuli would be able to promote the personal interest of employees in productive and high-quality work, to favour the increasing of their competitiveness, to provide qualitative update of labour mentality ensuring staff security in the enterprise. Choosing the means of motivational mechanism which is able to combine both purpose and the results of activity of the personnel into one complex is an important task of managing and administrative workers.

The papers of classical economists and Ukrainian scientists focus on the principles of action of motivation, methods and mechanisms of its realization, concerning the problem of the increase in the productivity of labour activity. Among the prominent scientists who dedicated their works to this problem are A.Smit, F.Gilbret, A.Maslou, F.Gertsberg, A.Afonin, R.Ouen, D.McGregora, O.Kuz'min, A.Vrum, O.S.Vikhanskiy, G.A.Dmitrienko, I.V.Mishurov, L.Lyubomudrova, G.Zakharchin, V.P.Sladkevich.

Our paper considers on the problems of manager motivation, i.e. of administration, which influence business management because the problem of motivation was first investigated in relation to the officials. Firstly, it is practically impossible to ration the work of administration. Secondly, the problem of independence and it means that it is important for the top officials to have freedom in the use of labour force. Thirdly, the effectiveness of top-managers is supposed to depend on their motivation efficiency. As for ordinary employees, their labour is regulated by different standards, beginning with the norm of production and finishing with the job description for specialists. Therefore, the level of the employee motivation is of relatively less importance. He or she knows what he or she must do and also knows how much he or she must be paid, i.e. the classical scheme "there is a norm of payment for the norm of labour" is activated [1]. And this norm of labour is easily counted up. It is impossible to regulate the labour of the officials, especially top officials. That is why they can be managed mainly through the motivation and stimulation.

The development of the payment system for the labour of managers and specialists is similar to the development of the payment system for all other employees. Primary purpose of this system is the same: to attract good workers, to support their devotion to the business and to provide staff security in the enterprise.

However, the estimation of labour of managers and specialists in such a way gives only partial answer to the question, how to provide staff security of the business, because their labour differs from the labour of employees and they are responsible for forming and analysing of data for making administrative decisions. Such assertions are possible on the basis of followings features: 1) such high-quality factors as ability to meditate and solve problems are of greater importance for the work of managers and specialists than for the work of employees; 2) there is a tendency to pay managers and specialists for their capabilities, on the basis of the results of their work or of their skills; 3) the systems of payment of the labour of managers and specialists are beginning to play a second-rate role, but bonuses, payments for the result, payment depending on the results of labour of all enterprise are beginning to increase.

With the help of the motivation it is possible to predispose a person to work, to favour the expression of certain feelings and thought activity. An important role is given to the nervous system which with the help of certain sense organs is able to get different types of information about the external environment in the form of feelings. Therefore, in this case it is important to take into consideration the factors of external environment [2, p.28].

Motivation can be caused by means of giving information to the employees, i.e. by a timely report about the future work and way of its stimulation.

At the same time, the qualified and skilled personnel stimulated to work favours the successful development of the company and provides certain competitive advantages at the domestic and external markets, provides a stable staff policy and staff security as a constituent of the economic security of the personnel.

During the crisis it is very difficult to motivate employees by fixing high wages, therefore it is important to pay special attention to immaterial stimulation of labour, making the flexible system of privileges, humanizing of labour and creating conditions to provide staff security of the enterprise. This stimulation includes acknowledgement of the value of the employee for the company and giving him or her creative freedom; no humiliation of the worker’s dignity by demonstrating scorn and own advantages; applying the programs of labour enriching and positive staff changes; applying flexible working hours with the possibility of the partial fulfilment of work at home; providing the workers with the discount on products of the company; solving the question of loans for the employees` special necessities.

In everyday life the employee wishes to express him or herself, that is why it is necessary to acknowledge the labour of every single employee to give possibility of self-realization, allowing him or her to make independent decision, within his or her competence, to give consultations to other workers. Thus, through the motivation of every worker it is important to form the single team which will provide economic security of the enterprise.



1. Çàõàð÷åíêî Â. Ñèñòåìà ìîòèâàö³¿ íà îñíîâ³ Êв / Æóðíàë «Ô³íàíñîâèé äèðåêòîð» ¹2, 2006 / http://www.management.com.ua

2. ×åðâ³íñüêà Ë.Ï. Ôàêòîðè ìîòèâàö³¿ ïåðñîíàëó â ìåíåäæìåíò³. - Ê.: ϳäïðèºìñòâî «Ïðàâäà ßðîñëàâè÷³â», 1998. - 254ñ.