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Y., Firsova Y.
ãîñóäàðñòâåííûé óíèâåðñèòåò èì. Å.À. Áóêåòîâà, Êàçàõñòàí
About Realization of the Politics of
Polylingual Education implementation in the Republic of Kazakhstan
In recent years, the informational and cultural expanse
has been forming actively, the integral processes strengthen in the cultural,
political, and economical speaks and it gives absolutely new possibilities for
the modern system of Education.
First of all, it is a possibility to obtain the
information from the different sources, including scientific, cultural, and
informational center, which will permit to form our own, independent, but
argued opinion on different issues, and it will give the opportunity for its
detailed investigation.
Secondly, it is the formation of team-work skills to
work in collaboration during solving various problems with the help of the
definite communicative skills, including the opportunities for the
communication with other nationalities and in different languages.
Thirdly, today, after the introduction of new
possibilities for multicultural exchange, the education must fulfill a double
protection function of the cultural identity with the expansion of
international contacts.
It is obvious that the realization of polylinguality
must start from the state machine, which based on its politics and main
conceptions: linguistic ideology, linguistic policy, linguistic planning.
Linguistic ideology is a system of the views and ideas
in which social groups’ relationship to ward the language, language role in the
society, determination of the nation, nationality, and state, social problems and conflicts in the
religion, culture and science are accepted and it should include the goals of
preservation and change in the linguistic situation.
Linguistic policy is an element of the national,
social, and cultural policy; it is the sphere of the state activity which is
connected with regulation of the linguistic relationships in the society.
Linguistic planning a conscious concrete arrangement on
the influence of the definite subject on the native speaker’s linguistic
behavior. Its aims are: changing the languages’ functioning, controlling the
language structure, creating the conditions for language development and/or its
spreading abroad by means of the political, educational, and economical, social,
and linguistic institutes.
According to this the president of Republic of
Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbaev set as a task for our society of the polylingual
education which can serve as a firm base for developing of the competitive
state, including which will be a member of the 50 developed countries of the
world: “It will be a great advantage for us if we speak Kazak, Russian, and
English languages fluently. Probably it is necessary to increase the quantity
of hours of language studying in order to be literate and polylingual.
In the “Conception of the language development of the
Republic of Kazakhstan” the role and the place of polylingual education is
determined and objectified by the:
- Progressive adoption of Kazakhstan in the world civilization and
economical space;
- Republic orientation toward the scientific and the technical, and
industrial evolution;
- Annually rising flow of the foreign investments increasing number of
firms and demanding for highly qualified specialists with knowledge of foreign
language, with the technological skills, and business experience;
- Necessity of increasing state competitiveness on the worded market;
- Multicultural integration in the educational field, the possibility of getting
the qualitative education in the home country and abroad.
- Free moving right (mobility) and ubiquitous living in the countries of
the European Community;
- The man’s ability of the adoption to the modern living conditions in the
multilingual and multicultural society; his access to the experience and
knowledge. In the world, to the big informational field including the result of
the multimedia means development.
On the ground of the “the conception of the
educational development In the Republic of Kazakhstan” the plan of the
trilingual adoption in the schools was confirmed (further it will be “Plan”).
The plan provides the elaboration and publication of the educational and methodological
manuals, and recommendations by the polylingual education introduction, which,
in the first place, will be realized in the specialized schools for gifted
children. In the network of it the new educational project “Murager” was worked
up by the Ministry, according to which, the 31 specialized school of Kazakhstan
realizes education in 3 languages.
The interaction of the educational institutions of the
Republic of Kazakhstan with different multicultural organizations, such as:
Soros Fund, Corps of Peace and other’s assists in the task realization of the
giving world-class qualitative education services and the activation of the
teacher’s and pupil’s participation in the multicultural educational projects.
According to the order of the Ministry of the Education and Science from the
19.03.2004, ¹ 228 “About adoption of the trilingual teaching implementation in
the comprehensive school of the Republic of Kazakhstan” and according to the
agreement with the Corps of Peace from the 23rd of August till the
10th of November 2007 the English courses for the teachers of the
Taldikorgan region were hold.
On the 7th of December in the 2007 the
meeting was hold in the school ¹14 in Pavlodar on the theme “Polylingual
education and its respective development”, where the scholars of the language
and literature department of the RGKP PhD of the language and literature,
professor Beken Sigindikuli took a part; the dean of the RGPI PhD of the language and literature,
associate professor – Tekjanov K.H. and the teachers of the school ¹14 were the
members of the active creative group on the polylinguality.
The round-table discussion was about the main problems
of the polylingual education, and the perspectives of the further collaboration
of school with university.
On the 22nd of December in 2007at the
eastern part of Kazakhstan in Ust-Kamenogorsk regional theoretical and
practical center “Daryn” which was devoted to the theme “The usage of the innovative pedagogical
technologies for the development of the polylingual gifted person” was hold a
seminar on the basis of the regional specialized- school-lyceum for the gifted
The aim of the meeting was to improve of the level of
the teacher’s training in teaching pupils using the different languages through
Natural sciences, and the humanities. In the course of the seminar the
exhibition “The language is the support of national and intellectual wealth”
was organized. The public lessons of mathematics, physics, chemistry, Kazak and
English languages lessons and master classes were demonstrated for the
participants. The directors, deputy directors of the educational institutions,
the methodologists of the Ministry of Education, and subject teachers of the Ust-Kamenogorsk, Semey, Kurchatov,
Ridder, Abay, Kokpektinskiy, Glubokovskiy, Shemonaihinskiy, Urdjarskiy, Zaysanskiy regions took
a part in the seminar.
On the 11th of February in 2008 the
republican theoretical and practical seminar on the theme “polylingual
Education of the gifted children: condition and perspectives” was hold. Opening
the plenary meeting the Minister of the Department of Education and Science Janseit Tuymebaev mentioned :
“The education and science are prior directions and they are under the special
attention of the Head of the State, and
the president’s message to the people of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the
evidence of it”. The whole year passed since we began the realization of the
cultural project “the Trilinguality of the Languages”. The haggling work is
coming for the teachers of the country, and at the same time the reasonable,
balanced, and dynamic activity is required”, underscored Janseit Tuymebaev.
The representatives of the international academy of
Internet service of the USA, the fund “KATEV” of the institutes of higher
education, departments of education, of PNPC “Daryn” attended the comprehensive
Three schools of Shimkent inculcate polylingual
education, according to the decision of the Ministry of Education and Science, the
experimental area became the school gymnasium ¹8 named after Dulaty, “Darin-1”,
and boarding school ¹12.
The Ministry of Education and Science of the Easter part of Kazakhstan is
planning to invite 82 foreign specialists to work at schools.
E.A. Buketov Karaganda State University became the
initiator of the conceptual polylingual project educational which has already
been begun at several faculties of the university.
These procedures significantly extend the possibility
of socialization as far as the sphere of human interests frequently involves
brand-new, absolutely different stratums of culture.
It allows to assert polylingual education is an
effective mean for widening the educational possibilities and rising the
cultural level.
It is an undeniable fact that the considerable part of
parents will choose a polylingual school, i.e. innovative one, as far as the
quality is connected both with the ground knowledges and development of child’s
self-sufficiency, his ability and readiness to do conscious choice.
The achievement of these results is possible only with
changes of both the content and the organization of educational process.
Thus, the main reasons providing achievement of new
educational results and the demand for the polylingual schools are:
- The polylingual education allows to enhance the communicative skills and
to enrich child’s intellectual, spiritual, and social experience at the expense
of the other’s nation cultures.
- The comfort of the school’s atmosphere and the organization of the
educational process allow the child to be successful and his parents to realize
their participation in the school activity.
- The efficiency of the teaching appears in the educational results,
professional realization, and their mastery.
Thus, the investigation of urgent condition if the
educational system and prognostication of possible tendencies and their future
development cannot be realized out of the socio-economic aspect and without
taking into account the interests and necessities of all the social individual
in the educational sphere. At the same time, the analysis of the educational
institutions’ species diversity, the peculiarities of their educational process
organization can serve an indicator of the dynamics social structure of the
Ñóëåéìåíîâà Ý.Ä., Ñìàãóëîâà Æ.Ñ. ßçûêîâàÿ ñèòóàöèÿ è ÿçûêîâîå ïëàíèðîâàíèå â
Êàçàõñòàíå. – Àëìàòû: Қàçàқ óíèâåðñèòåò³, 2005. Ñ. 115
Îáíîâëåííîé ñòðàíå – êà÷åñòâåííîå îáðàçîâàíèå. Òåêñò âûñòóïëåíèÿ Ïðåçèäåíòà
Êàçàõñòàíà îò 12 îêòÿáðÿ 2004 ãîäà.
Êîíöåïöèÿ ðàçâèòèÿ îáðàçîâàíèÿ ÐÊ, 2004
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